
Let's see what the major takeaways of this chapter are:

  • We started the project by building the robot from the different components, such as the robot base, the DC motors, the ultrasonic sensor, and the different Arduino boards.
  • Then, we built a simple sketch to test the DC motors and the ultrasonic distance sensor.
  • The next step was to build two Arduino sketches to control the robot remotely: one for the Arduino Uno board and one for the Yún board.
  • At the end of the project, we built a simple web interface to control the robot remotely. The interface is composed of several buttons to make the robot move around, and one field that continuously displays the measurement that comes from the ultrasonic sensor mounted in front of the robot.

Let's now see what else you can do to improve this project. You can, for example, use the ultrasonic sensor data to make the robot act accordingly, for instance, to avoid hitting into walls.

Finally, you can also add many hardware components to the robot. The first thing you can do is add more ultrasonic sensors around the robot so you can detect obstacles to the sides of the robot as well. You can also imagine adding an accelerometer and/or a gyroscope to the robot so you will know exactly where it is going and at what speed.

You can even imagine combining the project with the one from the Chapter 3, Making Your Own Cloud-connected Camera, and plug a USB camera to the robot. This way, you can live stream what the robot is seeing while you control it with the web interface!

I hope this book gave you a good overview of what the Arduino Yún can add to your Arduino projects. Through the four projects in the book, we used the three main features of the Arduino Yún: the powerful embedded Linux machine, the onboard Wi-Fi connection, and the Temboo libraries to interface the board with web services. You can now use what you learned in this book to build your own applications based on the Arduino Yún!

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