© The Author(s), under exclusive license to APress Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2021
B. SitnikovskiIntroducing Blockchain with Lisphttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6969-5_1

1. Introduction to Blockchain

Boro Sitnikovski1  
Skopje, North Macedonia

The blockchain bazaar, by D. Bozhinovski

This chapter introduces some important blockchain definitions and examples. We will see what properties a blockchain has, what it allows us to do, and what it is good for.

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Blockchain is a system in which a record of transactions is maintained across several computers that are linked in a peer-to-peer network.1

We will give an example that will serve as a motivation, as well as define what encryption and hashing techniques are and how can they help us with our system.

Note that we will hand-wave some of the technical bits in this chapter, as it serves as introductory material. The technical bits will be uncovered later when we start building the blockchain.

1.1 Motivation and Basic Definitions

Let’s assume that you and your friends exchange money often, for example, when paying for dinner or drinks. It can be inconvenient to exchange cash all the time.

One possible solution is to keep records of all the bills that you and your friends have. This is called a ledger and is depicted in Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1

A ledger and a set of connected friends (peers)

../images/510363_1_En_1_Chapter/510363_1_En_1_Figc_HTML.gif Definition 1-2

A ledger is a book that contains a record of transactions.

Further, at the end of every day, you all sit together and refer to the ledger to do the calculations to settle up. Let’s imagine that there is a pot, which is the place where all of the money is kept. If you spent more than you received, you put money into the pot; otherwise, you take money out.

We want to design a system that functions similarly to a regular bank account. A holder of a wallet (the bank account) should only be able to send money from their wallet to other wallets. Thus, every person in the system will have a wallet of a kind, which can also be used to determine their balance. Note that with the current setup using a ledger, we have to go through all existing records to determine the balance of a specific wallet.

If we want to avoid going through all existing records, there is a way we can optimize this, using unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs) , as we will see in Section 3.5.

A problem that may arise is the so-called double-spending problem, where Bob can try to send all of his money to Alice and you at the same time. This would effectively double the money he sends in relation to what he has. There are several ways this can be resolved, and the solution that we will provide will be a simple check of the sum of the inputs and the sum of the outputs (UTXO).

Another problem that might appear with this kind of system is that anyone can add a transaction. For example, Bob can add a transaction in which Alice pays him a few dollars without Alice’s approval. We need to rethink our system so that each transaction will be verified/signed.

../images/510363_1_En_1_Chapter/510363_1_En_1_Figd_HTML.gif Definition 1-3

A digital signature is a way to verify the authenticity of digital messages and documents.

To sign and verify transactions, we will rely on digital signatures (Figure 1-2). For now, let’s assume that anyone who adds information to the ledger also adds a signature with each record, and others have no way to modify the signature, but can only verify it. We will cover the technical details in Section 1.2.
Figure 1-2

Our ledger now contains signatures

Now let’s assume that Bob is keeping the ledger to himself, and everybody agrees to this. The ledger is now stored in what is called a centralized place . If Bob is unavailable at the end of the day when everybody gathers to settle up, nobody will be able to refer to the ledger.

We need to find a way to decentralize the ledger, so that at any given time, anyone can make a transaction. For this, every person involved will keep a copy of the ledger to themselves, and when they meet at the end of the day, they will sync their ledgers.

You are connected to your friends, and so are they to you. Informally, this makes it a peer-to-peer network.

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A peer-to-peer network is formed when two or more computers are connected to each other.

For example, when you are accessing a web page on the Internet using a browser, your browser is the “client” and the web page you’re accessing is hosted by a “server.” This represents a centralized system since every user is getting the information from a single place—the “server.”

In contrast, in a peer-to-peer network—which represents a decentralized system—the distinction between a “client” and a “server” is blurred. Every peer is both a “client” and a “server” at the same time.
Figure 1-3

A decentralized ledger

With a decentralized system (see Figure 1-3), as the list of peers (persons) grows, we might run into a problem of trust . When everybody meets at the end of the day to sync their ledgers, how can they believe that the transactions listed in other people’s ledgers are true? Even if everybody trusts everybody else’s ledger, what if a new person wants to join this network? It’s natural for existing users to ask this newcomer to prove that they can be trusted. We need to modify our system to support this kind of trust. One way to achieve that is through a proof of work, which we introduce next.

../images/510363_1_En_1_Chapter/510363_1_En_1_Figf_HTML.gif Definition 1-5

A proof of work is data that is time-consuming to calculate, and easy for others to verify.

For each record we will also include a special number (or a hash) that will represent proof of work, in that it will provide proof that the transaction is valid. We will cover the technical details in Section 1.3.

At the end of the day, we agree that we will trust the ledger of the person who has put most of the work in it. If Bob has some errands to run, he can catch up the next day by trusting the rest of the peers in the network.

In addition to all this, we want the transactions to have an order, so every record will also contain a link to the previous record. This represents the actual blockchain, as depicted in Figure 1-4.
Figure 1-4

A chain of blocks, aptly called a blockchain

If everybody agreed to use this ledger as a source of truth, there would be no need to exchange physical money at all. Everybody can just use the ledger to put money in or retrieve it.

To understand the technical bits of digital signatures and proof of work, we will be looking at encryption and hashing, respectively. Fortunately for us, the programming language that we will be using has built-in functionalities for encryption and hashing. We don’t have to dig too deep into how hashing and encryption and decryption work, because a basic understanding will be sufficient.

Observe how we started with a simple definition of a ledger and gradually built up to a complex system. We will use the same approach in programming.

1.2 Encryption

We will start by defining encryption and decryption.

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Encryption is a method of encoding values so that only authorized persons can view the original content. Decryption is a method of decoding encrypted values.

Note that in this section we will mostly talk about numbers, but characters and letters can also be encrypted/decrypted using the same methods, by using the ASCII2 values for the characters.

Before we talk about encryption, we first have to recall what functions are, since encoding/decoding values is achieved by using functions.

1.2.1 Functions

Figure 1-5 shows a visual representation of a function . An input goes in the function and an output is produced.
Figure 1-5

A function

../images/510363_1_En_1_Chapter/510363_1_En_1_Figh_HTML.gif Definition 1-7

Functions are mathematical entities that assign unique outputs to given inputs.

For example, you might have a function that accepts as input a person and then returns the person’s age or name as the output. Another example is the function f(x) = x + 1. There are many inputs this function can accept: 1, 2, and 3.14. For example, when we input 2 it gives us an output of 3, since f(2) = 2 + 1 = 3.

One simple way to think of functions is in the form of tables. For a function f(x) accepting a single argument x, we have a two-column table where the first column is the input and the second column is the output . For a function f(x, y) that’s accepting two arguments x and y, we have a three-column table where the first and second columns represent the input, and the third column is the output. Thus, to display the function discussed above in the form of a table, it would look like this:







1.2.2 Symmetric-Key Algorithm

We can assume that there exist functions E(x) and D(x) for encryption and decryption, respectively. We want these functions to have the following properties:
  • E(x) ≠ x, meaning that the encrypted value should not be the same as the original value.

  • E(x) ≠ D(x), meaning that the encryption and decryption functions produce different values.

  • D(E(x)) = x, meaning that the decryption of an encrypted value should return the original value.

For example, let’s assume there’s some kind of an encryption scheme, say E(“Boro”) = 426f726f. We can “safely” communicate the value 426f726f without actually exposing our original value, and only those who know the decryption scheme D(x) will be able to see that D(426f726f) = “Boro”.

Another example of an encryption scheme is for E(x) to shift every character in x forward, and for D(x) to shift every character in x backward. This scheme is known as the Caesar cipher. To encrypt the text “abc” we have E(“abc”) = “bcd”, and to decrypt it, we have D(“bcd”) = “abc”.

However, this scheme makes a symmetric algorithm, as shown in Figure 1-6, meaning that we have to share the functions E and D with the parties involved. That makes it open to attacks.
Figure 1-6

Symmetric-key algorithm

1.2.3 Asymmetric-Key Algorithm

To solve the problems that arise with symmetric-key algorithms, we will use what is called an asymmetric algorithm or public-key cryptography (Figure 1-7). In this scheme, we have two kinds of keys: public and private. We share the public key with the world and keep the private one to ourselves.

This algorithm scheme has a neat property in which only the private key can decode a message, and only the public key can encode a message.

We have two functions that should have the same properties as those for the symmetric-key algorithm:
  • E(x, p) encrypts a message x given a public key p

  • D(x′, s) decrypts an encrypted message x′ given a private (secret) key s

Figure 1-7

Asymmetric-key algorithm

In our example, we will rely on the modulo operation. Recall, from high school, that a mod b represents the remainder when a is divided by b. For example, 4 mod 2 = 0 because there is no remainder when dividing 4 by 2, however, 5 mod 2 = 1.

Here’s one example of a basic encryption algorithm based on addition and modulo operations:
  1. 1.

    Pick one random number, for example 100. This will represent a common, publicly available key.

  2. 2.

    Pick another random number in the range (1, 100), for example, 97. This will represent the private key s.

  3. 3.

    The public key p is obtained by subtracting the common key from the private one: 100 − 97 = 3.

  4. 4.

    To encrypt data, add it to the public key and the take modulo 100. E(x, p) = (x + p) mod 100.

  5. 5.

    To decrypt data, we use the same logic but with our private key, so D(x′, s) = (x′ + s) mod 100.


For example, suppose we want to encrypt 5. Then E(5, 3) = (5 + 3) mod 100 = 8. To decrypt 8, we have D(8, 97) = (8 + 97) mod 100 = 105 mod 100 = 5.

This example uses a very simple generation pair: (x + y) mod c. But, in practice, the pair-generation algorithm is much more complex and harder for attackers to break. After all, the complexity of the algorithm’s computation is what makes it hard to break.

We can use a similar algorithm for digital signatures:
  • S(x, s) signs a message x given a private key s (encryption).

  • V(x′, sig, p) verifies a signed message x′, given signature sig and public key p (decryption).

As we said earlier, each record will also include a special number (or a hash). This hash will be what is produced by S(x, s) (encryption), and it can be verified by using the verify function to confirm a record’s ownership (decryption).

The wallet will contain a pair of public and private keys. These keys will be used to receive or send money. With the private key, it is possible to write new blocks (or transactions) to the blockchain, effectively spending money. With the public key, others can use it to send money to the wallet and verify signatures.

../images/510363_1_En_1_Chapter/510363_1_En_1_Figi_HTML.gif Exercise 1-1

Come up with a table of functions such that:

  1. 1.

    The input is a number and the output is a number.

  2. 2.

    The input is a number and the output is the name of an employee in a company given that number.


../images/510363_1_En_1_Chapter/510363_1_En_1_Figj_HTML.gifExercise 1-2

Check the three properties for a symmetric-key algorithm to ensure that the Caesar cipher is compatible with them.

../images/510363_1_En_1_Chapter/510363_1_En_1_Figk_HTML.gifExercise 1-3

Come up with an encryption scheme, based on mathematical substitution.

../images/510363_1_En_1_Chapter/510363_1_En_1_Figl_HTML.gifExercise 1-4

Use the asymmetric-key algorithm we defined to sign a message and verify it.

Hint: This is similar to the encryption/decryption example that we showed.

1.3 Hashing


Definition 1-8

Hashing is a one-way function in that it encodes text without a way to retrieve the original value.

Hashing is simpler than the previously described encryption schemes. One example of a hashing function is to return the length of characters - H(“abc”) = 3, but also H(“bcd”) = 3. This means that we don’t have a way to retrieve the original value other than by using the return value 3.

As we mentioned earlier, the reason to use such a technique is that it has some interesting properties, such as providing us with proof of work.

../images/510363_1_En_1_Chapter/510363_1_En_1_Fign_HTML.gif Definition 1-9

Mining is the process of validating transactions. For this effort, successful miners obtain money as a reward.

Hashcash is one kind of a proof of work system.3 We will use it to implement mining. We will see how this algorithm works in detail in the later chapters, when we implement it.

Hashing functions have another useful property that allows us to connect two or more distinct blocks by having the information about the current block’s hash (current-hash) and the previous block’s hash (previous-hash) in each block. For example, block-1 may have a hash such as 123456 and block-2 may have a hash such as 345678. Now, block-2’s previous-hash will be block-1’s current-hash, that is, 123456. Here, we linked these two blocks, effectively creating a linked list of blocks containing ledgers with transactions. This linking is depicted in Figure 1-4.

The hash of the block is based on the block’s data itself, so to verify a hash, we can just hash the block’s data and compare it to current-hash.

Two or more blocks (or transactions) that are connected form a blockchain. The validity of the blockchain will depend on the validity of each transaction.

../images/510363_1_En_1_Chapter/510363_1_En_1_Figo_HTML.gif Exercise 1-5

Come up with your own hashing function.

../images/510363_1_En_1_Chapter/510363_1_En_1_Figp_HTML.gif Exercise 1-6

How can the linked list depicted in Figure 1-4 be traversed? What are the implications of this property?

1.4 Smart Contracts

../images/510363_1_En_1_Chapter/510363_1_En_1_Figq_HTML.gif Definition 1-10

A smart contract is a self-executing contract in which the conditions of an agreement between a buyer and a seller are directly expressed by lines of code.

A blockchain is programmable if the transaction conditions themselves can be programmed by users. For example, users (not necessarily programmers) can write a script to add requirements that must be satisfied before sending money. It could look something like this:
1   if (user has more than 10 money)
2      then approve transaction
3      else reject transaction

Smart contracts are implemented as a computation that takes place on the blockchain. We will implement a very basic functionality of smart contracts in the later chapters.

1.5 Bitcoin

Bitcoin was the world’s first implementation of a blockchain. In November 2008, a paper authored by Satoshi Nakamoto, entitled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System,” was published on a cryptography mailing list. Bitcoin’s whitepaper is nine pages, however, it is a mostly theoretical explanation of the design, and as such may be a bit overwhelming to newcomers.

The Bitcoin software is open-source code and was released in January 2009 on SourceForge. The design of a Bitcoin includes a decentralized network (peer-to-peer network), block (mining), blockchain, transactions, and wallets, each of which we will look at in detail in this book.

Although there are many blockchain models and each differs in implementation details, the blockchain we will be building upon in this book will look pretty similar to Bitcoin, with some parts simplified.

1.6 Example Workflows

We will list a few important workflows that our system will use, among others.

Mining a block creates a new block, using Hashcash to calculate the current-hash of the block. It also contains previous-hash, which is a link to the previous block in the blockchain.

Checking a wallet balance for person A will first filter all blocks in the blockchain (sender = A or receiver = A) and then sum them to calculate the balance. The more our blockchain grows, the longer this operation will take. For that purpose, we will use the unspent transaction outputs (UTXO) model. This model is a list of transactions containing information about the owner and the amount of money. Thus, every transaction will consume elements from this list.

Adding a block to a blockchain consists of sending money from A to B. One prerequisite is that A has enough money. We check this using the wallet balance workflow. We proceed by creating a transaction (sender = A, receiver = B) and signing it. Then we mine a block using this transaction and update the UTXO with the rewards.

1.7 Summary

The point of this chapter is to provide a vague idea of how the system that we will implement looks. Things will become much clearer in the implementation chapter (Chapter 3), where we have to be explicit about the definitions of every component.

Here’s briefly what we learned in this chapter:
  • The core component of the system is a block.

  • A block contains (among other data) transactions.

  • We have a ledger that is an ordered list of all valid blocks (a blockchain).

  • Every peer involved with the ledger has a wallet.

  • Every record in the ledger is signed by the owner and can be verified by the public (digital signatures).

  • The ledger is in a decentralized location, that is, everybody has a copy of it.

  • Trust is based on proof of work (mining).

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