© The Author(s), under exclusive license to APress Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2021
B. SitnikovskiIntroducing Blockchain with Lisphttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6969-5_4

4. Extending the Blockchain

Boro Sitnikovski1  
Skopje, North Macedonia

Extensions, by D. Bozhinovski

In the previous chapter, we implemented blockchain’s basic components. In this chapter, we will extend the blockchain with smart contracts and peer-to-peer support.

4.1 Smart Contracts Implementation

Bitcoin’s blockchain is programmable, which means that the transaction conditions themselves can be programmed by users. For example, users can write scripts (short pieces of code) to add requirements that must be satisfied before making a transaction.

In Section 2.4, we created an executable that we can send to our friends, but they cannot change the executable because they don’t have the original code. And even if they did have the original code, not all users have programming skills.

The point of smart contracts is to allow non-programmers to adjust the behavior of the transactional process without having to change the original code.

4.1.1 The smart-contracts.rkt File

The idea is to implement a small language, which users can consume. Our implementation will depend on transactions:
1   (require "transaction.rkt")
We have to extend the original valid-transaction? so that it will also consider contracts when calculating validity:
1   (define (valid-transaction-contract? t c)
2     (and (eval-contract t c)
3          (valid-transaction? t)))
We will now implement a procedure that will accept a transaction, a contract, a scripting language (which is really just an S-expression), and return some value. The returned value can be true, false, a number, or a string.
 1   (define (eval-contract t c)
 2     (match c
 3       [(? number? x) x]
 4       [(? string? x) x]
 5       [`() #t]
 6       [`true #t]
 7       [`false #f]
 8       [`(if ,co ,tr ,fa) (if co tr fa)]
 9       [`(+ ,l ,r) (+ l r)]
10       [else #f]))

We used new syntax here, called match. It is similar to cond, except that it can directly compare the structure of an object. For example, ? <expr> <pat> matches when <expr> is true and stores the value in <pat>. In the previous code, if we pass a number, it will return that same number. Additionally, if we pass the value true (i.e., c matches true), then it will return #t. Another example is if c matches a structure of the form (if X Y Z) (quoted1), then it will return the evaluation of (if X Y Z).

Here are a few example uses:
 1   > (define test-transaction (transaction "BoroS" "Boro" "You" "a book"
 2     '() '()))
 3   > (eval-contract test-transaction 123)
 4   123
 5   > (eval-contract test-transaction "Hi")
 6   "Hi"
 7   > (eval-contract test-transaction '())
 8   #t
 9   > (eval-contract test-transaction 'true)
10   #t
11   > (eval-contract test-transaction 'false)
12   #f
13   > (eval-contract test-transaction '(if #t "Hi" "Hey"))
14   "Hi"
15   > (eval-contract test-transaction '(if #f "Hi" "Hey"))
16   "Hey"
17   > (eval-contract test-transaction '(+ 1 2))
18   3
However, we still haven’t used any of the transaction’s values in our language. Let’s extend it with a few more commands:
1   ...
2        [`from (transaction-from t)]
3        [`to (transaction-to t)]
4        [`value (transaction-value t)]
5   ...
Now we can do something like this:
1   > (eval-contract test-transaction 'from)
2   "Boro"
3   > (eval-contract test-transaction 'to)
4   "You"
5   > (eval-contract test-transaction 'value)
6   "a book"
We will implement a few more operators so that the scripting language becomes more expressive:
1   ...
2        [`(* ,l ,r) (* l r)]
3        [`(- ,l ,r) (- l r)]
4        [`(= ,l ,r) (equal? l r)]
5        [`(> ,l ,r) (> l r)]
6        [`(< ,l ,r) (< l r)]
7        [`(and ,l ,r) (and l r)]
8        [`(or ,l ,r) (or l r)]
9   ...
However, there is a problem in the language implementation. Consider the evaluations of (+ 1 2) and (+ (+ 1 2) 3):
1   > (eval-contract test-transaction '(+ 1 2))
2   3
3   > (eval-contract test-transaction '(+ (+ 1 2) 3))
4   . . +: contract violation

The problem happens in the matching clause [`(+ ,l ,r) (+ l r)]. When we match against '(+ (+ 1 2) 3)), we end up with (+ '(+ 1 2) 3), and Racket cannot sum a quoted list with a number. The solution to this problem is to recursively evaluate every subexpression. So the match turns from [`(+ ,l ,r) (+ l r)] to [`(+ ,l ,r) (+ (eval-contract t l) (eval-contract t r))].

In this case, the evaluation will happen as follows:
1   (eval-contract t '(+ (+ 1 2) 3))
2   = (eval-contract t (list '+ (eval-contract t '(+ 1 2))
3                               (eval-contract t 3)))
4   = (eval-contract t (list '+ (+ 1 2) 3))
5   = (eval-contract t (list '+ 3 3))
6   = (eval-contract t '(+ 3 3))
7   = (eval-contract t 6)
8   = 6

It is important to remember the distinction between a quoted list and a non-quoted one; the latter will attempt evaluation. In this case, we juggled the quotations to produce the desired results.

We will have to rewrite all of the operators:
 1   ...
 2        [`(+ ,l ,r) (+ (eval-contract t l) (eval-contract t r))]
 3        [`(* ,l ,r) (* (eval-contract t l) (eval-contract t r))]
 4        [`(- ,l ,r) (- (eval-contract t l) (eval-contract t r))]
 5        [`(= ,l ,r) (= (eval-contract t l) (eval-contract t r))]
 6        [`(> ,l ,r) (> (eval-contract t l) (eval-contract t r))]
 7        [`(< ,l ,r) (< (eval-contract t l) (eval-contract t r))]
 8        [`(and ,l ,r) (and (eval-contract t l) (eval-contract t r))]
 9        [`(or ,l ,r) (or (eval-contract t l) (eval-contract t r))]
10   ...
The if implementation in the language has the same problem. So we will also change it:
1   ...
2        [`(if ,co ,tr ,fa) (if (eval-contract t co)
3                           (eval-contract t tr)
4                           (eval-contract t fa))]
5   ...
Thus, the final procedure becomes:
 1   (define (eval-contract t c)
 2     (match c
 3       [(? number? x) x]
 4       [(? string? x) x]
 5       [`() #t]
 6       [`true #t]
 7       [`false #f]
 8       [`(if ,co ,tr ,fa) (if (eval-contract t co)
 9                              (eval-contract t tr)
10                              (eval-contract t fa))]
11       [`(+ ,l ,r) (+ (eval-contract t l) (eval-contract t r))]
12       [`from (transaction-from t)]
13       [`to (transaction-to t)]
14       [`value (transaction-value t)]
15       [`(+ ,l ,r) (+ (eval-contract t l) (eval-contract t r))]
16       [`(* ,l ,r) (* (eval-contract t l) (eval-contract t r))]
17       [`(- ,l ,r) (- (eval-contract t l) (eval-contract t r))]
18       [`(= ,l ,r) (= (eval-contract t l) (eval-contract t r))]
19       [`(> ,l ,r) (> (eval-contract t l) (eval-contract t r))]
20       [`(< ,l ,r) (< (eval-contract t l) (eval-contract t r))]
21       [`(and ,l ,r) (and (eval-contract t l) (eval-contract t r))]
22       [`(or ,l ,r) (or (eval-contract t l) (eval-contract t r))]
23       [else #f]))
Users can now supply scripting code, such as (if (= (+ 1 2) 3) from to):
1   > (eval-contract test-transaction '(if (= (+ 1 2) 3) from to))
2   "Boro"
3   > (eval-contract test-transaction '(if (= (+ 1 2) 4) from to))
4   "You"
Finally, we provide the output, which is just the transaction validity check:
1   (provide valid-transaction-contract?)

4.1.2 Updating Existing Code

Now that we have implemented the logic for smart contracts, the next thing we need to address is the front-end—how users can use its functionality. For that matter, we will update the implementation to support contracts by reading from a file. If a file named contract.script exists, we will read and parse it (with read) and then run the code.

We will rewrite the money sending procedure in blockchain.rkt to accept contracts. It’s the same procedure except that we use valid-transaction-contract? instead of valid-transaction?.
 1   (define (send-money-blockchain b from to value c)
 2     (letrec ([my-ts
 3               (filter (lambda (t) (equal? from (transaction-io-owner t)))
 4                       (blockchain-utxo b))]
 5               [t (make-transaction from to value my-ts)])
 6       (if (transaction? t)
 7           (let ([processed-transaction (process-transaction t)])
 8             (if (and
 9                  (>= (balance-wallet-blockchain b from) value)
10                  (valid-transaction-contract? processed-transaction c))
11                  (add-transaction-to-blockchain b processed-transaction)
12                  b))
13           (add-transaction-to-blockchain b '()))))
Next, we will update utils.rkt to add this helper procedure for reading contracts:
1   (define (file->contract file)
2     (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (exn) '())])
3       (read (open-input-file file))))

Here, we used with-handlers, which accepts a procedure that handles the case when something may fail—in this case, read or open-input-file.

Finally, make sure to add file->contract to the list of provides in utils.rkt. Additionally, in main.rkt update every use of send-money-blockchain to additionally send (file->contract "contract.script") as an argument so that the contract processed is the one read from contract.script.

We will also need to update blockchain.rkt and main.rkt because they now rely on a procedure implemented in the smart contracts package. We will add (require "smart-contracts.rkt") to them.

../images/510363_1_En_4_Chapter/510363_1_En_4_Figb_HTML.gifExercise 4-1

Come up with a few valid expressions and evaluate them using eval-contract.

../images/510363_1_En_4_Chapter/510363_1_En_4_Figc_HTML.gifExercise 4-2

Repeat the previous exercise, but use the contract.script file.

Hint: This exercise might require you to create an executable.

4.2 Peer-to-Peer Implementation

In Section 3.6.2, we used DrRacket to execute the blockchain implementation. That’s okay for testing purposes. However, if we wanted to share that implementation with other users and ask them to execute it, it will be kind of inconvenient because there’s no way to share data between different users.

In this section, we will implement peer-to-peer support so that users who are interested in our implementation can join the system/community.

Before we dive into the implementation, Figure 4-1 shows a high overview of the architecture that we will build.
Figure 4-1

Peer-to-peer architecture

Every peer node (user connected to the system) list will consist of the following:
  • Peer context data : Information such as relations with other peers, list of connected peers, and so on.

  • Generic handler: Transforms the peer context data.

Further, there will be two ways to establish communication with other peers:
  • A peer will accept new connections from other peers.

  • A peer will try to connect/make new connections to other peers.

Whenever a connection is established, peers will communicate with each other through the generic handler, parsing and evaluating commands such as syncing/updating the blockchain, updating the list of peers, and so on.

Consider this example scenario: Assume there are three peers—Peer 1, Peer 2, and Peer 3. Peer 1 and Peer 2 are online, and Peer 3 is offline at the moment. Peer 1 has the following list of valid peers: (Peer 1, Peer 2, Peer 3). Peer 2’s list of peers is empty. According to the diagram, Peer 1 will accept new connections and try to connect to peers. So, Peer 1 will try to connect to Peer 2. This connection will be successful, and the next step is for Peer 1 to send some data to Peer 2 (e.g., the list of valid peers).

Peer 2’s list of peers was empty, but now it will be merged with Peer 1, so it will become (Peer 1, Peer 2, Peer 3). Peer 1 and Peer 2 are connected to each other, and they will keep trying to connect to Peer 3. Once Peer 3 becomes available, the same algorithm will be executed and Peer 3 will join the network.

With this approach, the goal is to build a system similar to the high-level description shown in Figures 1-1 and 1-3 (Chapter 1).

Building communication systems of this type is naturally complex. It is suggested you consult the Racket manuals (by pressing the F1 key) for every procedure that you will be using.

4.2.1 The peer-to-peer.rkt File

To start, we will add dependencies for the block implementation and rely on serialization to send data to other peers:
1   (require "blockchain.rkt")
2   (require "block.rkt")
3   (require racket/serialize) Peer Context Structure

We will implement structures that hold information about the peers so that we have a reference to send data to the correct destinations. The peer-info structure contains an IP address and a port of a peer. Think of an IP address and a port similar to a street address and a number, respectively.
1   (struct peer-info
2     (ip port)
3     #:prefab)
The peer-info-io structure additionally contains IO ports (think communication channels) for sending and receiving data between peers:
1   (struct peer-info-io
2     (peer-info input-port output-port)
3     #:prefab)

The reason we separate peer-info and peer-info-io is that later in main-p2p.rkt, we won’t have the context of input/output ports (before a connection to a peer is established), so it gives us a nice way to reuse the structure.

Finally, peer-context-data contains all the information needed for a single peer, that is:
  • List of valid peers

  • List of connected peers

  • A reference to the blockchain

1   (struct peer-context-data
2     (name
3      port
4      [valid-peers #:mutable]
5      [connected-peers #:mutable]
6      [blockchain #:mutable])
7     #:prefab)

The list2 of valid peers will be updated depending on the information retrieved from the connected peers. The list of connected peers will be a (not necessarily strict) subset of valid-peers. The blockchain will be updated with the data combined from all peers. We make them mutable because it provides an easy way to update the data. Generic Handler

The generic handler will be a handler procedure that will be used both by the server (the “accepting new connections” part of the diagram) and the client (the “connecting to new peers” part of the diagram). It will be a procedure that accepts commands (commands similar in nature to the smart contracts’ eval-contract implementation) and then does something depending on the command.

Here’s a list of commands that peers will send to each other:






A peer may request a list of valid peers. The response will be X – valid peers. Note that this response should automatically trigger the valid-peers command.



A peer may request the latest blockchain from another peer. The response will be X - the latest version of the blockchain. This should trigger the latest-blockchain command.



When a peer gets this request, it will update the blockchain, given it is valid.



When a peer gets this request, it will update the list of valid peers.

The commands in this table will allow the peers to sync data with each other. We will now provide the handler implementation. It accepts a peer-context and input/output ports. Given these, it will read the input (command) and send the appropriate output (evaluated command) back to the peer:
 1   (define (handler peer-context in out)
 2     (flush-output out)
 3     (define line (read-line in))
 4     (when (string? line) ; it can be eof
 5       (cond [(string-prefix? line "get-valid-peers")
 6              (fprintf out "valid-peers:~a "
 7                       (serialize
 8                        (set->list
 9                         (peer-context-data-valid-peers peer-context))))
10              (handler peer-context in out)]
11             [(string-prefix? line "get-latest-blockchain")
12              (fprintf out "latest-blockchain:")
13              (write
14               (serialize (peer-context-data-blockchain peer-context)) out)
15              (handler peer-context in out)]
16             [(string-prefix? line "latest-blockchain:")
17              (begin (maybe-update-blockchain peer-context line)
18                     (handler peer-context in out))]
19             [(string-prefix? line "valid-peers:")
20              (begin (maybe-update-valid-peers peer-context line)
21                     (handler peer-context in out))]
22             [(string-prefix? line "exit")
23              (fprintf out "bye ")]
24             [else (handler peer-context in out)])))
We used some new procedures here:
  • An output buffer (output communication channel with a peer) is usually filled with bytes. We need to flush (empty) this buffer every time we want to send a message, to avoid resending the previous messages. We achieve this using `flush-output`.

  • read-line is similar to read except that it will stop reading once a newline is reached.

  • string-prefix? checks to see if a string starts with some other string.

  • fprintf is similar to printf except that we can also supply the first argument to specify where this message should be sent.

  • set->list converts a set to a list.

There’s a little trick involved in the latest-blockchain case—we used write instead of (fprintf out "latest-blockchain:a "). The reason for that is that print (and thus printf and fprintf) cannot be relied on for output that needs to be formatted in a specific way. For example , print prints strings with quotation marks (to make the printed data more legible to the user), and this will be messed up when we try to deserialize the data we received, so we want to send the data in its “raw” format.

The next step is to implement procedures for updating the blockchain and the list of valid peers, under the conditions that the blockchain is valid and it has higher effort than ours.
 1   (define (maybe-update-blockchain peer-context line)
 2     (let ([latest-blockchain
 3            (trim-helper line #rx"(latest-blockchain:|[ ]+)")]
 4           [current-blockchain
 5            (peer-context-data-blockchain peer-context)])
 6       (when (and (valid-blockchain? latest-blockchain)
 7                   (> (get-blockchain-effort latest-blockchain)
 8                      (get-blockchain-effort current-blockchain)))
 9         (printf "Blockchain updated for peer ~a "
10                 (peer-context-data-name peer-context))
11         (set-peer-context-data-blockchain! peer-context
12                                            latest-blockchain))))

We used #rx"..." for the first time—this specifies a regular expression. Think of it as a way to define a search pattern in some string.

For example, #rx"(latest-blockchain:|[ ]+)" matches the following strings:
  • latest-blockchain:a

  • latest-blockchain:b

  • In general, latest-blockchain:...

The previous procedure will update the blockchain only when it is valid and the effort is higher than the current one. We define the effort as the sum of all blocks’ nonces:
1   (define (get-blockchain-effort b)
2     (foldl + 0 (map block-nonce (blockchain-blocks b))))
To update the list of valid peers is to merge the current list of valid peers with the newly received list, thus mutating the peer-context structure :
1   (define (maybe-update-valid-peers peer-context line)
2     (let ([valid-peers (list->set
3                         (trim-helper line #rx"(valid-peers:|[ ]+)"))]
4           [current-valid-peers (peer-context-data-valid-peers
5                                 peer-context)])
6       (set-peer-context-data-valid-peers!
7        peer-context
8        (set-union current-valid-peers valid-peers))))
We also used this procedure, which is just a helper one that will remove a command (prefix) from a string, allowing us to focus on the input. For example, when we receive valid-peers:X, it will remove valid-peers:, allowing us to retrieve X easily.
1   (define (trim-helper line x)
2     (deserialize
3      (read
4       (open-input-string
5        (string-replace line x "")))))

This concludes the handler implementation. Now there is a procedure that can be used by peers to accept commands and update the list of peers and the blockchain. In the next section, we will implement the communication between the peers—they should communicate with each other using these commands that we implemented . Server Implementation

When a peer connects to another peer (a server), here’s what should happen:
  1. 1.

    The server should wait for the incoming peer to send some command.

  2. 2.

    The server should use the handler procedure to handle the necessary data.

  3. 3.

    The server should send the transformed data back to the incoming peer.


However, if more than one peer connects, then the procedure will “block,” in the sense that the second peer will have to wait for the first one to be served, the third will have to wait for the second, and so on.

To resolve this issue, we turn to threads. accept-and-handle is the main procedure that will serve the incoming peers. The procedure accepts a connection (listener object) and a peer context and launches handler in a thread for every incoming connection:
1   (define (accept-and-handle listener peer-context)
2     (define-values (in out) (tcp-accept listener))
3     (thread
4      (lambda ()
5        (handler peer-context in out)
6        (close-input-port in)
7        (close-output-port out))))

We used a new procedure called tcp-accept that accepts a connection and returns the input (to read data) and the output ports (to send data). Using the define-values syntax, we store both of these values.

peers/serve is the main server listener. This is straight copy-pasted from the Racket documentation, and the curious reader can navigate to the documentation and read more about the implementation details. In short, a custodian is a kind of container that ensures there are no bogus threads or input/output ports in the memory and takes care of this for us.
 1   (define (peers/serve peer-context)
 2     (define main-cust (make-custodian))
 3     (parameterize ([current-custodian main-cust])
 4       (define listener
 5         (tcp-listen (peer-context-data-port peer-context) 5 #t))
 6       (define (loop)
 7         (accept-and-handle listener peer-context)
 8         (loop))
 9       (thread loop))
10     (lambda ()
11       (custodian-shutdown-all main-cust)))

The tcp-listen procedure keeps listening to a specific port for new incoming connections. Client Implementation

Next , we will implement connect-and-handle—a procedure that tries to connect to other peers, whereas previously we constructed a procedure that was supposed to serve incoming peers. This procedure will be similar to accept-and-handle, but kind of dual, in that it does not accept new connections. Rather, it tries to make a new connection:
 1   (define (connect-and-handle peer-context peer)
 2     (begin
 3       (define-values (in out)
 4         (tcp-connect (peer-info-ip peer)
 5                      (peer-info-port peer)))
 7       (define current-peer-io (peer-info-io peer in out))
 9       (set-peer-context-data-connected-peers!
10        peer-context
11        (cons current-peer-io
12              (peer-context-data-connected-peers peer-context)))
14        (thread
15         (lambda ()
16           (handler peer-context in out)
17           (close-input-port in)
18           (close-output-port out)
20           (set-peer-context-data-connected-peers!
21            peer-context
22            (set-remove
23             (peer-context-data-connected-peers peer-context)
24             current-peer-io))))))
This procedure is quite long so it deserves some unpacking:
  1. 1.

    The tcp-connect procedure tries to make a connection to a specific IP address and port (values that we extract from the peer-info structure).

  2. 2.

    When the connection is successful, tcp-connect will return the input and output ports, which we can use to read data from and write data to, respectively.

  3. 3.

    Next, the specific list of connected peers for the current context will be updated.

  4. 4.

    Finally, we launch a thread, using handler to handle the communication. When the connection is finished, we do a cleanup and remove the peer from the list of peers.

The next procedure is to make sure we’re connected with all known peers. We use threads, again, for the same reason as in the server—we do not want this procedure to block the program from connecting to other clients while it tries to connect to one. This procedure is dual to peers/serve, and tcp-connect is dual to tcp-accept. We use sleep to wait for a few seconds before processing again in order to make the process more performant.
 1   (define (peers/connect peer-context)
 2     (define main-cust (make-custodian))
 3     (parameterize ([current-custodian main-cust])
 4       (define (loop)
 5         (let ([potential-peers (get-potential-peers peer-context)])
 6           (for ([peer potential-peers])
 7             (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (x) #t)])
 8               (connect-and-handle peer-context peer))))
 9         (sleep 10)
10         (loop))
11       (thread loop))
12     (lambda ()
13       (custodian-shutdown-all main-cust)))
To implement get-potential-peers, we first get the list of connected and valid peers from the peer context. The valid peers that are not in the list of connected peers are potential peers we can make new connections with.
1   (define (get-potential-peers peer-context)
2     (let ([current-connected-peers
3            (list->set
4             (map peer-info-io-peer-info
5                  (peer-context-data-connected-peers peer-context)))]
6           [valid-peers (peer-context-data-valid-peers peer-context)])
7       (set-subtract valid-peers current-connected-peers))) Integrating Parts Together

The next procedure will ping all peers (that have connected to us or that we have connected to) in an attempt to sync blockchain data and update other stuff, such as the list of valid peers:
 1   (define (peers/sync-data peer-context)
 2     (define (loop)
 3       (sleep 10)
 4       (for [(p (peer-context-data-connected-peers peer-context))]
 5         (let ([in (peer-info-io-input-port p)]
 6               [out (peer-info-io-output-port p)])
 7           (fprintf out "get-latest-blockchain get-valid-peers ")
 8           (flush-output out)))
 9       (printf "Peer ~a reports ~a valid and ~a connected peers. "
10               (peer-context-data-name peer-context)
11               (set-count
12                (peer-context-data-valid-peers peer-context))
13               (set-count
14                (peer-context-data-connected-peers peer-context)))
15       (loop))
16     (define t (thread loop))
17     (lambda ()
18       (kill-thread t)))
The following procedure is the entry point, where everything is launched together:
1   (define (run-peer peer-context)
2     (begin
3       (peers/serve peer-context)
4       (peers/connect peer-context)
5       (peers/sync-data peer-context)))
Finally, we export the necessary objects:
1   (provide (struct-out peer-context-data)
2             (struct-out peer-info)
3             run-peer)

4.2.2 Updating Existing Code

We need to modify main-helper.rkt to include the peer-to-peer implementation:
1   ; ...
2   (require "peer-to-peer.rkt")
3   ; ...
5   (provide (all-from-out "blockchain.rkt")
6             (all-from-out "utils.rkt")
7             (all-from-out "peer-to-peer.rkt")
8             format-transaction print-block print-blockchain print-wallets)

4.2.3 The main-p2p.rkt File

This is where we will put all the components together and use them. We want this implementation to accept some input arguments, such as the blockchain database file and the IP and port addresses of each peer.

Once we create an executable, we have a way to pass input to it by using the command-line arguments . For example, if our executable is named blockchain, we can pass additional data to it by running ./blockchain <param1> <param2> <...>. Racket provides a built-in procedure called current-command-line-arguments , which will read these arguments into a vector (similar to a list), and we then use vector->list to convert it to a list for further processing.
1   (require "main-helper.rkt")
3   (define args (vector->list  (current-command-line-arguments)))
5   (when (not (= 3 (length args)))
6     (begin
7       (printf "Usage: main-p2p.rkt db.data port ip1:port1,ip2:port2...")
8       (newline)
9       (exit)))
string-to-peer-info is a helper procedure that does additional parsing for the peers’ information:
1   (define (string-to-peer-info s)
2     (let ([s (string-split s ":")])
3       (peer-info (car s) (string->number (cadr s)))))
We proceed by parsing the arguments:
1   (define db-filename (car args))
2   (define port (string->number (cadr args)))
3   (define valid-peers
4     (map string-to-peer-info (string-split (caddr args) ",")))
We then proceed with checking if the database file exists using file-exists?. This file will contain contents from a previous blockchain if it exists. If the file doesn’t exist, we will proceed to create one.
1   (define db-blockchain
2     (if (file-exists? db-filename)
3         (file->struct db-filename)
4         (initialize-new-blockchain)))
We provide the functionality for creating a new blockchain:
 1   (define wallet-a (make-wallet))
 3   (define (initialize-new-blockchain)
 4     (begin
 5       (define coin-base (make-wallet))
 7       (printf "Making genesis transaction... ")
 8       (define genesis-t (make-transaction coin-base wallet-a 100 '()))
10       (define utxo (list
11                      (make-transaction-io 100 wallet-a)))
13       (printf "Mining genesis block... ")
14       (define b (init-blockchain genesis-t "1337cafe" utxo))
15       b))
Next is the code for initialization of the current peer—it is named Test peer, and it contains data from the parsed command-line arguments (the port, valid peers, etc.).
1   (define peer-context
2     (peer-context-data "Test peer"
3                        port
4                        (list->set valid-peers)
5                        '()
6                        db-blockchain))
7   (define (get-blockchain) (peer-context-data-blockchain peer-context))
9   (run-peer peer-context)
We keep exporting the database to have up-to-date information whenever a user quits the app.
1   (define (export-loop)
2     (begin
3       (sleep 10)
4       (struct->file (get-blockchain) db-filename)
5       (printf "Exported blockchain to '~a'... " db-filename)
6       (export-loop)))
8   (thread export-loop)
Finally, we create a procedure to keep mining empty blocks. Note that the peer-to-peer implementation runs in threaded mode, so there will be no blocking if we keep running this procedure.
 1   (define (mine-loop)
 2     (let ([newer-blockchain
 3            (send-money-blockchain (get-blockchain)
 4                                   wallet-a
 5                                   wallet-a
 6                                   1
 7                                   (file->contract "contract.script"))])
 8       (set-peer-context-data-blockchain! peer-context newer-blockchain)
 9       (printf "Mined a block!")
10       (sleep 5)
11       (mine-loop)))
13   (mine-loop)

We can proceed by creating an executable and share it with our friends. If we know their IP addresses (or they know ours), we can make a connection and thus form a system.

4.3 Summary

Congratulations! As part of this chapter, we added two new important features to the blockchain implementation: smart contracts and peer-to-peer support. This concludes the blockchain implementation of this book.

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