
If you consider why computers exist at all, it is to translate our human experience in the physical world to a virtual experience in the digital one. If computer vision algorithms are akin to making a computer "see," then BLE provides a way to both speak and feel between devices. Look around you at the inanimate objects in your home. Let your imagination run wild. "What would that object say to me if it could speak?" A houseplant might tell you its soil is dry. The dog food bowl might tell you it's empty. As the author of this book, I hope I've done my part to get you started and show you some possibilities. The rest is up to you.

This brings us to the conclusion of the final chapter of this book. We started this journey with a formal introduction to Bluetooth Low Energy in the light of IoT, continuing by designing BLE plus IoT apps for various sensors, Beacons, and fitness trackers. In this chapter, we tried to introduce various practical applications and examples to make you aware of the impact that Bluetooth Low Energy has on the world of IoT. This chapter would have given you a fair idea of the tip of the iceberg, which we tried to touch via this book. There is a lot more to explore out there and we hope that by now you would have a solid footing in Bluetooth Low Energy, both in theoretical and practical aspects.

We are really excited and cannot wait to see you applying this knowledge to real-world scenarios and we wish you all the best for your future projects and endeavors. If you build something cool, do drop us a line.

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