6.8. BACKWARD: Using Byte Manipulations

We now develop a somewhat more complex program that uses the capability just illustrated to obtain and print characters. The BACKWARD program (Figure 6-8) obtains and stores a line of text. It then accesses the stored bytes in such a way as to reverse their order completely. Input such as evil will be printed as live.

Figure 6-8. BACKWARD: An illustration of accessing bytes
// BACKWARD     Print a string backwards
// This program pauses for the user to enter a line
// of text, and prints that text backwards.

         NL      = 0xa            // Newline character
         LEN     = 96             // Line length allowed
         .global chrget,chrput    // External references
         .type   chrget,@function //  and their
         .type   chrput,@function //   types
         .data                    // Declare storage
         .align  8                // Desired alignment
text:    .skip   LEN              // Storage size (<=2^^13)
         .text                    // Section for code
         .align  32               // Desired alignment
         .global main             // These three lines
         .proc   main             //  mark the mandatory
main:                             //   'main' program entry
         .prologue 12,r33         // rp, ar.pfs @r33+
         .save   ar.pfs,r34       // Previous function state
         alloc   r34 = ar.pfs,0,6,1,0  // 6 locals, 1 out
         .save   rp,r33           // Say where we store
         mov     r33 = b0         //  the return address
         .body                    // End of prologue
first:                            // Now we really begin...
         addl    r35 = @gprel(text),gp;;  // r35 -> 1st byte
         add     r37 = (LEN-1),r35// r37 -> last byte
         mov     r36 = r35        // r36 = moving pointer
iloop:   mov     r32 = r1         // Save gp across calls
         br.call.sptk.many b0=chrget  // Get one character
         mov     r1 = r32         // Restore gp
        cmp.ne  p6,p0 = NL,r8;;   // Store unless NL char
   (p6)  cmp.leu.unc p7,p0 = r36,r37;; // Space remaining?
   (p7)  st1     [r36] = r8,1     // Store; bump pointer
   (p7)  br.cond.sptk.few iloop;; // Go get next character
         add     r36 = -1,r36;;   // Decrement the pointer
         br.cond.sptk.few otest   // First-time test
oloop:   ld1     r38 = [r36],-1   // r38 = character to send
         br.call.sptk.many b0=chrput;;  // Put one character
         mov     r1 = r32         // Restore gp
otest:   cmp.geu p6,p0 = r36,r35  // If more chars remain,
   (p6)  br.cond.sptk.few oloop   //  go get next character
         mov     r38 = NL         // r39 = newline to send
         br.call.sptk.many b0=chrput  // Put one character
         mov     r1 = r32         // Restore gp
done:    mov     r8 = 0           // Signal all is normal
         mov     ar.pfs = r34     // Restore previous state
         mov     b0 = r33         // Restore exit address
         br.ret.sptk.many b0;;    // Back to command line
         .endp   main             // Mark end of procedure

Command lines for assembling, linking, and running this program are the same as those for the IO_C program (Section 6.7). BACKWARD must be linked with the encapsulated single-character I/O routines in getput.c.

Unlike the simple sequential IO_C program, BACKWARD contains an input loop (starting at iloop) and an output loop (starting at oloop). More complex programs might include additional processing between the loops. BACKWARD simply passes from input directly to output.

The alloc instruction arranges for the use of seven general registers, Gr32–Gr38, from the register stack whose contents will be preserved across the external function calls. Chapter 7 will explain how using Gr38 for the outbound character passed to chrput from the caller BACKWARD, instead of Gr35 from IO_C, makes sense from the viewpoint of the called function chrput.

The algorithm in this program is quite simple. In the input loop, register r36 acts as the storage pointer, each step increasing the address. Register r36 in the output loop is the retrieval pointer, decrementing the address with each step.

This example explains why the word for computer in the French language is ordinateur, a device capable of arranging information, not just performing numerical calculations. Moreover, it shows that a rearrangement can be logical instead of physical. The BACKWARD program does not move a string such as evil into the reversed order of letters for live; rather, it accesses the stored string from the other end with a suitable pointer strategy.

The input loop terminates on the newline character passed from the operating system through chrget. Then predicate register p6 will be false and the subsequent unconditional compare instruction will set predicate register p7 false. The newline character will not be stored, the branch at the bottom of the input loop will not execute, and program flow continues to the output loop. Such predication avoids introducing another branch instruction.

Good programs never expect valid input data and thus implement appropriate “sanity checks.” The BACKWARD program avoids overrunning its data storage by using the unconditional compare instruction inside the input loop. Predicate register p6 will be true for any input character except a newline. If the latest character will not fit in the allocation of LEN bytes at label text, that unconditional compare instruction sets predicate register p7 false. The unwanted character is not stored, and the branch back to iloop cannot occur. Program flow passes to the output loop, where we might consider issuing an error message in a production environment.

We should draw attention to another aspect of this program: We decided to control the output loop using an address limit (unsigned cmp instruction). The output loop might instead have been implemented using a down-counter, since the total number of characters would then be calculable (how?). Nevertheless, using similar address comparisons in the two loops makes the program internally consistent.

People have long had a certain fascination with optical mirroring (for example, the notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci) and with letter and word reversals. Test examples for BACKWARDS could include:

Erewhon (Samuel Butler, 1872)
Emit no star spin mood
Sore spots lived on

Perhaps you can devise additional illustrations as a pastime.

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