1.3. Why Study Assembly Language?

The convenience and greater portability of high-level languages raise the very real question of why anyone should study assembly language. Is it some arcane rite of initiation for the truly computer-savvy? Or is the primary motivation to see how a computer really works?

In a purely intellectual sense, an in-depth appreciation of at least one computer architecture is incredibly helpful in trying to comprehend its most basic strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, in a pragmatic sense, assembly language may make it possible to accomplish the following:

  • the fastest attainable execution speed;

  • the least memory usage;

  • very specialized data manipulation, thereby compensating for features lacking in a particular high-level programming language; and

  • specialized device control, such as a device driver not regularly furnished with the operating system.

Hardware improvements over time certainly bring ever-faster program execution speeds. While the ever-greater densities of memory technology would seem to reduce most concerns about program size, occasions do still arise where the tightest, fastest code has significant value. Good software engineering teams know when to utilize assembly language, even when they primarily use 3GL and 4GL tools. Many compilers for the C programming language explicitly provide a means to embed brief sequences of assembly language into a program using the asm keyword or _Asm intrinsic functions.

To be sure, assembly language is relatively difficult to code, debug, and maintain. Most severely, assembly language lacks portability from one architecture to another and thus, in long-term value, suffers significantly in comparison to high-level languages. Hyde has discussed these and other objections to assembly language, but has offered further reasons why learning assembly language deserves the attention of aspiring and practicing computer scientists. In particular, good assembly language programmers make better high-level language programmers “because they understand the limitations of the compiler and they know what it's doing with their code.” We will return to this concept in later chapters.

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