Chapter 12. Summing Up

After he becoming chairman of GE, Welch continued to grow and evolve, which many people say was his greatest strength. Wrote Noel Tichy: "Having started out as the man with the bullhorn, in effect yelling at subordinates who couldn't keep pace, he evolved into a coach, willing to pause (for a nanosecond or two) to help others along."[515]

What does Welch think of his life at GE?

"I've been in a series of lucky places. It takes a lot of experiences, a lot of luck. Luck is at least 60 percent."[516]

Welch sees himself as part of a continuing story:

"I didn't fix GE. I'm often described as 'fixing' GE. All I did was take GE and get it ready for the next period of time. But GE didn't need a lot of fixing. It was well done by my predecessor."[517]

What would Welch tell a young person who aspires to become chief executive officer at a company like General Electric?

"I would never tell anyone how to become CEO of GE because I don't know how it happens. But I would say the things I talk about when I teach [the Crotonville leadership] course . . . all about energy, energize, and edge—E cubed, I call it. You've got to have incredible energy to lead any organization. You've got to be on fire, if you will. It's a part of it. You've got to be able to energize people. You've got to care about them; they have to believe you care about them. You can have all the energy in the world; but if you don't get other people energized, nothing happens. The ability to energize, excite, bring in, share—it is the most exciting thing."[518]

Welch takes pride in how GE, through such devices as the employee stock option plan, helps people make their dreams come true:

"Think about it! Their kids can go to school; they can build a second home—every dream. So we've changed the game of this bureaucracy so that more people are participating."[519]

There is no question that Welch left his mark on the business world when he retired from GE. Paolo Fresco, the second in command at GE, said Welch already is the most imitated business leader anywhere: "If Jack decided to start walking on his head one morning, everyone would do likewise."[520]

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