How to do it...

Your starter project will have some pre-built classes. We will create two other classes to provide the health check endpoints for your newly-created microservice:

  1. First, we'll create a class named LivenessHealthCheck. It's pretty simple, so its full source code is here:
public class LivenessHealthCheck implements HealthCheck{
public HealthCheckResponse call() {
return HealthCheckResponse.up("I'm up!");
  1. Then, let's build and run the project. Start by building and packaging it:
mvn package
  1. Then, execute this command to run it:
java -jar target/ch08-mphealthcheck.jar

If everything went fine, you should see something like this in your Terminal:

  1. Open a browser and navigate to this URL:

If it's working, you will see something close to this:

If this is the case, your liveness health check is working! Now, let's create the readiness one:

  1. Create a class named ReadinessHealthCheck and code it like this:
public class ReadinessHealthCheck implements HealthCheck {
public HealthCheckResponse call() {
if (isAcessible()){
return HealthCheckResponse.up("I'm up and ready!");
} else{
return HealthCheckResponse.down("I'm up, but not ready...");

private boolean isAcessible(){
return new Random().nextBoolean();
  1. Again, let's build and run it:
mvn package
java -jar target/ch08-mphealthcheck.jar
  1. Now, you have a new URL to check another kind of health state:

If it's working, you will see something like this:

Note that as it's just a simulation, your service will randomly return UP or DOWN each time that you call the URL:

  1. You can also just call the root health check endpoint:

It will show you both endpoints (/ready and /live) in the same result:

If you got here successfully, congratulations! You are now able to manage the state of this microservice through the Eclipse MicroProfile Health Check API.

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