

  1. Application programming interface (API) module

    1. annotations

    2. classes

    3. forName() methods

    4. isNamed() method

    5. load classes

    6. module layers

      1. configuration

      2. createLayer() method

      3. creation

      4. defineModulesWithManyLoaders() method

      5. defineModulesWithOneLoader() method

      6. defineModulesXxx() methods

      7. findModule() method

      8. LayerInfo class

      9. LayerTest class

      10. loadClass() method

      11. ModuleFinder interface

      12. ModuleReference class

      13. printInfo() method

      14. reading module contents

      15. testLayer() method

    7. ModuleDescriptor class

      1. exports statement

      2. getDescriptor() method

      3. getPackages() method

      4. isQualified() method

      5. modifiers() method

      6. ModuleBasicInfo Class

      7. open statement

      8. provides statements

      9. provides() method

      10. requires statement

      11. static read() methods

      12. targets() method

      13. version string

    8. overview

    9. queries

    10. representing modules

    11. resources

    12. UpdateModule class

      1. addExports() method

      2. addOpens() method

      3. addReads() method

      4. addUses() method

      5. com.jdojo.module.api.test

      6. findFirstService() method

  2. Automatic modules


  1. Behavioral changes

    1. Endorsed Standards Override Mechanism

    2. extension mechanism

  2. Breaking module encapsulation

    1. command-line options

      1. --add-exports option

      2. --add-opens option

      3. --add-reads option

      4. --module-path option

      5. --permit-illegal-access option

      6. com.jdojo.intruder module

      7. error message

      8. TestNonExported class

      9. TestNonOpen class

    2. manifest attributes, JAR

      1. Add-Opens attribute

      2. com.jdojo.intruder.jar

      3. TestManifestAttributes

    3. overview

  3. build sub-directory


  1. Collection API

    1. background

    2. emptySet() method

    3. of() method

    4. unmodifiable list

    5. unmodifiable maps

    6. unmodifiable sets

  2. Command prompt, modules

    1. code writing

    2. compilation

    3. directories

    4. execution

    5. packaging

  3. Custom runtime image

    1. add-modules option

    2. bin directory

    3. binding services

    4. creation

    5. jimage tool

    6. jlink tool

    7. module-path option

    8. overview

    9. plugins


  1. Deprecation

    1. API

    2. BoxTest class

    3. definition

    4. dynamic analysis

    5. FileCopier Utility Class

    6. ImportDeprecationWarning Class

    7. static analysis

    8. suppressing warnings

    9. updates in JDK 9

  2. dist sub-directory

E, F, G

  1. Edit-Compile-Execute loop (ECEL)

  2. Endorsed Standards Override Mechanism


  1. HTTP/2 Client API

    1. 3XX status code

    2. abstract classes and interface

    3. benefits

    4. HTTP clients

      1. authenticator

      2. cookie manager

      3. executor

      4. methods

      5. proxy selector

      6. redirect policy

      7. request priority

      8. SSL context

      9. SSL parameters

    5. HTTP requests

      1. body process

      2. creation

      3. HttpRequest.Builder class

      4. parameters

      5. POST and PUT methods

      6. setHeader() method

      7. status and headers

      8. timeout() method

      9. trailers

    6. overview

    7. web application creation

    8. WebSocket protocol

      1. build endpoint

      2. client endpoint

      3. exchange messages

      4. execution

      5. listener creation

      6. server endpoint

      7. troubleshooting


  1. Implicit readability

  2. Integrated development environment (IDE)

J, K, L

  1. Java Development Kit (JDK) 9

    1. -Xmodule option

    2. @SafeVarargs annotation

    3. access resources

      1. in runtime image

      2. named modules

    4. additional information

    5. APIs

    6. Applet API

    7. arrays

    8. AutoCloseable interface

    9. before access resources

    10. behavioral changes

      1. Endorsed Standards Override Mechanism

      2. extension mechanism

    11. build information

    12. class loaders

      1. application

      2. bootstrap

      3. extension

      4. modules list

    13. class object

    14. ClassLoader class

    15. CompletableFutureT class

    16. deprecation updates

    17. desktop features

    18. diamond operator

    19. discard process

    20. formatting options

      1. modified Julian day

      2. time zones

    21. I/O API

    22. install NetBeans IDE

    23. interface methods

    24. Javadoc

    25. Jigsaw, 1

    26. Jshell

    27. layout changes

    28. lookupResource() methods

    29. matcher class

    30. migration path

    31. non-reifiable type

    32. object deserialization filters

      1. arrayLength() method

      2. checkInput() method

      3. createFilter() method

      4. depth() method

      5. getSerialFilter() method

      6. ObjectFilterTest Class

      7. references() method

      8. serialClass() method

      9. setSerialFilter() method

      10. streamBytes() method

    33. objects class

    34. OptionalT class

    35. parsing strings

    36. patching module

    37. prerelease information

    38. reactive streams

      1. ProcessorTest class

      2. publisher creation

      3. publisher-subscriber session

      4. publishing items

      5. SubmissionPublisher class

      6. subscriber creation

      7. using processors

    39. reifiable type

    40. resource name

    41. ResourceTest Class

    42. rules to find resources

    43. Runtime.Version class

    44. ScannerTest Class

    45. source code

    46. spin-wait hints

    47. stack walking

      1. caller’s class

      2. current thread

      3. permissions


      5. SHOW_HIDDEN_FRAMES option

      6. SHOW_REFLECT_FRAMES option

      7. stack frame representation

      8. StackWalker instance

      9. to traverse stack frames

      10. walk() method

    48. StrictMath class

    49. system properties

    50. system requirements

    51. time API

      1. clock class

      2. duration class

      3. epoch seconds

      4. LocalDate class

      5. ofInstant() Factory method

    52. try-with-resources block

    53. underscore (_) keyword

    54. unsafe() method

    55. version number

    56. version string

  2. Java Shell (JShell)

    1. API

      1. creation

      2. snippet

      3. snippet events

      4. SourceCodeAnalysis instance

      5. use-case diagram

      6. working principles

    2. architecture

    3. auto-completion feature

    4. configuration

      1. snippet editor

    5. documentation

    6. ECEL

    7. evaluate expression

    8. execution environment

    9. feedback mode

      1. concise mode

      2. custom creation

      3. normal mode

      4. silent mode

      5. verbose mode

    10. import statements

    11. method declaration

    12. no checked exceptions

    13. overview

    14. REPL

    15. snippets

      1. commands history

      2. edit

      3. list command

      4. reload command

      5. rerun previous

      6. reset command

      7. reuse session

      8. stack trace

      9. startup

    16. to exit

    17. tool

    18. type declaration

    19. variable declaration

  3. jimage tool

  4. JMOD Format

    1. contents list

    2. creation

    3. describe sub-command

    4. extraction

    5. hash sub-command

    6. tools

  5. JRE

    1. behavioral changes

    2. class loaders

    3. layout changes

  6. JVM logs

    1. -Xlog syntax

    2. description

    3. message levels

    4. message output destination

    5. message tags


  1. Module dependency

    1. accessibility types

    2. declaration

    3. implicit readability

    4. optional dependency

    5. qualified export

    6. restrictions

    7. splitting packages

    8. trouble shooting

    9. using reflection

  1. Module system

    1. aggregator module

    2. application development

    3. automatic modules

    4. claim module

    5. code arrangement in JAR file

    6. module

    7. configuration

    8. declare modules

    9. dependencies

    10. dissemble class files

    11. exports statement

    12. graph module

    13. module descriptor

    14. module name

    15. module path

    16. module version

    17. normal modules

    18. observable modules

    19. open modules

    20. packaging module

      1. in directory

      2. in JAR

      3. in JMOD

    21. platform modules

    22. policy module

    23. qualified identifier

    24. reliable configuration

    25. requires statement

    26. strong encapsulation

    27. unnamed modules

    28. using command prompt

      1. code writing

      2. compilation

      3. directories

      4. execution

      5. packaging

    29. utility module

  2. Multi-release JAR (MRJAR)

    1. attribute

    2. boot loader

    3. creation

    4. definition

    5. encapsulation

    6. module declaration

    7. module descriptor

    8. resource/class file

    9. same versioned files

    10. TimeUtil Class

    11. update option

    12. URL

    13. verbose option


  1. NetBeans IDE

    1. code writing

    2. compilation

    3. Configuration

    4. execution

    5. graph tab

    6. Java project creation

    7. module declaration

    8. packaging

    9. project properties

  2. Normal to unnamed modules


  1. Open modules

  2. Optional dependency

P, Q

  1. Packaging module

    1. JAR format

SeeMulti-release JAR (MJAR)
  1. JMOD Format

    1. contents list

    2. creation

    3. describe sub-command

    4. extraction

    5. hash sub-command

    6. tools

  1. Platform logging API

    1. future aspects

    2. Log4j configuration file

    3. Log4j library

    4. logger finder

    5. module

    6. NetBeans project

    7. overview

    8. system logger

    9. testing

  2. Prime checker service

    1. checkPrimes() method

    2. module

    3. module

    4. discovered and loaded

    5. faster service

    6. getName() method

    7. import statements

    8. in legacy mode

    9. isPrime() method

    10. newInstance() method

    11. provides statement

    12. requires statement

    13. service consumers/clients

    14. service interface

    15. service providers

    16. ServiceLoader class

  3. Process API

    1. children() method

    2. command() method

    3. compare process

    4. creation

    5. current process

    6. descendants() method

    7. destroyForcibly() method

    8. isAlive() method

    9. managing process

    10. onExit() method

    11. overview

    12. printInfo() method

    13. ProcessBuilder class

    14. ProcessHandle interface

    15. ProcessHandle.current() method

    16. query process

    17. startProcess() method

    18. StartProcessTest Class

    19. supportsNormalTermination() method

    20. terminate process


  1. Reactive streams

    1. definition

    2. Java API

    3. onComplete() method

    4. onError() method

    5. onNext() method

    6. processor

    7. ProcessorTest class

    8. publisher

    9. publisher creation

    10. publisher-subscriber session

    11. publishing items

    12. SubmissionPublisher class

    13. subscriber

    14. subscriber creation

    15. subscription

    16. using processors

  2. Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL)

  3. Reflection

    1. com.jdojo.reflect module

    2. deep reflection

    3. encapsulation theme

    4. four static variables

    5. module declaration

    6. module graph

    7. open modules

    8. open packages

    9. ReflectTest Class

    10. setAccessible method


  1. Service implementation

    1. arrangement of a service

    2. GenericPrimeChecker class

    3. in legacy mode

    4. iterator() method

    5. select and filter providers

    6. stream() method

    7. testing

    8. type() method

  2. Snippets

    1. commands history

    2. defintion

    3. edit

    4. list command

    5. reload command

    6. rerun previous

    7. reset command

    8. reuse session

    9. snippetEventHandler() method

    10. stack trace

    11. startup

  3. Splitting packages

  4. src sub-directory

  5. Stack

  6. Stack walking

    1. caller’s class

    2. current thread

    3. definition

    4. drawbacks

    5. in JDK 8

    6. permissions


    8. SHOW_HIDDEN_FRAMES option


    10. stack frame representation

    11. StackWalker instance

    12. to traverse stack frames

    13. walk() method

  7. Stream

  8. Stream interface

    1. collectors

    2. dropWhile() method

    3. filter() method

    4. flatMapping() method

    5. iterate() method

    6. ofNullable() method

    7. StreamTest Class

    8. takeWhile() method


  1. Troubleshooting

    1. empty package error

    2. not found error

    3. package does not exist error

    4. resolution exception

U, V, W, X, Y, Z

  1. Unnamed to normal modules

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