Starting Forge

In order to start Forge, there is a script named forge.bat (or the equivalent Forge for Unix). Run the following script:


This will launch the Forge console, as shown in the following screenshot:

Starting Forge

The console accepts a large set of commands, such as commands to navigate and manipulate the filesystems, to create new projects, to operate on the Forge environment and UI generation, and scaffolding commands. It also offers the autocomplete feature.

In order to learn the following available commands in current context, press the Tab key twice:

alias                                   echo
unalias                                 edit
export                                  exit
about                                   git-clone
addon-build-and-install                 grep
addon-install                           less
addon-install-from-git                  ls
addon-list                              man
addon-remove                            mkdir
archetype-add                           more
archetype-list                          open
archetype-remove                        pl-cmil-forge-ecore-ui
cat                                     project-new
cd                                      pwd
clear                                   rm
command-list                            run
config-clear                            system-property-get
config-list                             system-property-set
config-set                              touch
connection-create-profile               track-changes
connection-remove-profile               transaction-start
cp                                      version
date                                    wait


Besides the standard commands, it is possible to enrich the syntax of the Forge command line with add-ons, which adds superior capabilities to your project creation. On, you can find a list of available plugins. For example, we are going to use the angular-js plugin in order to create a GUI for our application.

In the following section, we will demonstrate how to use some of the available commands in order to create a Java EE 7 application.

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