Part 3. Transactional data processing

In part 3, you’ll load and store data with Hibernate and Java Persistence. You’ll introduce the programming interfaces, how to write transactional applications, and how Hibernate can load data from the database most efficiently.

Starting with chapter 10, you’ll learn the most important strategies for interacting with entity instances in a JPA application. You’ll see the life cycle of entity instances: how they become persistent, detached, and removed. This chapter is where you’ll get to know the most important interface in JPA: the Entity-Manager. Next, chapter 11 defines database and system transaction essentials and how to control concurrent access with Hibernate and JPA. You’ll also see nontransactional data access. In chapter 12, we’ll go through lazy and eager loading, fetch plans, strategies, and profiles, and wrap up with optimizing SQL execution. Finally, chapter 13 covers cascading state transitions, listening to and intercepting events, auditing and versioning with Hibernate Envers, and filtering data dynamically.

After reading this part, you’ll know how to work with Hibernate and Java Persistence programming interfaces and how to load, modify, and store objects efficiently. You’ll understand how transactions work and why conversational processing can open up new approaches for application design. You’ll be ready to optimize any object-modification scenario and apply the best fetching and caching strategy to increase performance and scalability.

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