Part 5. Building applications

In part 5, the last part of this book, we’ll discuss the design and implementation of layered and conversation-aware Java database applications. We’ll discuss the most common design patterns used with Hibernate, such as the Data Access Object (DAO). You’ll see how you can test your Hibernate application easily and what other best practices are relevant if you work with ORM software in web and client/server applications in general.

Chapter 18 is all about designing client/server applications. You’ll learn patterns for client/server architecture, write and test a persistence layer, and integrate EJBs with JPA. In chapter 19, we’ll look at building web applications and integrating JPA with CDI and JSF. We’ll cover browsing data in tables, implementing long-running conversations, and customizing entity serialization. Finally, in chapter 20, we’ll look at scaling Hibernate by performing bulk and batch data operations, and improving scalability with the shared cache.

After reading this part, you’ll have gathered the architectural-level knowledge to put together an application and let it scale as it succeeds.

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