Part 1. Getting started with ORM

In part 1, we’ll show you why object persistence is such a complex topic and what solutions you can apply in practice. Chapter 1 introduces the object/relational paradigm mismatch and several strategies to deal with it, foremost object/relational mapping (ORM). In chapter 2, we’ll guide you step by step through a tutorial with Hibernate and Java Persistence—you’ll implement and test a “Hello World” example. Thus prepared, in chapter 3 you’ll be ready to learn how to design and implement complex business domain models in Java, and which mapping metadata options you have available.

After reading this part of the book, you’ll understand why you need ORM and how Hibernate and Java Persistence work in practice. You’ll have written your first small project, and you’ll be ready to take on more complex problems. You’ll also understand how real-world business entities can be implemented as a Java domain model and in what format you prefer to work with ORM metadata.

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