Getting the Input

Besides the reasons already mentioned for not going into how a processor works, there is an even better reason not to spend time on the issue: the inputs and outputs of the processor are far more interesting! You have seen how to parse a document incrementally with the SAX interfaces and classes. You can easily make decisions within the process about what to do with the elements encountered, how to handle particular attributes, and what actions error conditions should result in. However, there are some problems with using that model in various situations, and providing input to an XSLT processor is one of them.

SAX Is Sequential

The sequential model that SAX provides does not allow for random access to an XML document. In other words, in SAX you get information about the XML document as the parser does, and lose that information when the parser does. When element 2 comes along, it cannot access information in element 4, because element 4 hasn’t been parsed yet. When element 4 comes along, it can’t “look back” on element 2. Certainly, you have every right to save the information encountered as the process moves along; coding all these special cases can be very tricky, though. The other more extreme option is to build an in-memory representation of the XML document. We will see in a moment that a Document Object Model parser does exactly that for us, so performing the same task in SAX would be pointless, and probably slower and more difficult.

SAX Siblings

Another difficult task to achieve with the SAX model is moving laterally between elements. The access provided in SAX is largely hierarchical, as well as sequential. You are going to reach leaf nodes of the first element, then move back up the tree, then down again to leaf nodes of the second element, and so on. At no point is there any clear relation of what “level” of the hierarchy you are at. Although this can be implemented with some clever counters, it is not what SAX is designed for. There is no concept of a sibling element; no concept of the next element at the same level, or of which elements are nested within which other elements.

The problem with this lack of information is that an XSLT processor must be able to determine the siblings of an element, and more importantly, the children of an element. Consider the following code snippet in an XSL template:

<xsl:template match="myParentElement" >
  <!-- Add content to the output tree -->
    <xsl:apply-templates select="myChildElement1|myChildElement2" />
  <!-- Add more content to the output tree -->

Here, templates are being applied via the xsl:apply-templates construct, but they are being applied to a specific node set that matches the given XPath expression. In this example, the template should be applied only to the elements myChildElement1 or myChildElement2 (separated by the XPath OR operator, the pipe). In addition, because a relative path is used, these must be direct children of the element myParentElement. Determining and locating these nodes with a SAX representation of an XML document would be extremely difficult. With an in-memory, hierarchical representation of the XML document, locating these nodes is trivial, another reason why the DOM approach is heavily used for input into XSLT processors.

Why Use SAX At All?

All these discussions about the “shortcomings” of SAX may have you wondering why one would ever choose to use SAX at all. If you are thinking along these lines, remind yourself that these shortcomings are all in regard to a specific application of XML data, in this case processing it through XSL. In fact, all of these “problems” with using SAX are the exact reason you would choose to use SAX. Confusing? Maybe not as much as you think.

Imagine parsing a table of contents represented in XML for an issue of National Geographic. This document could easily be 500 lines in length, more if there is a lot of content within the issue. Imagine an XML index for an O’Reilly book. Hundreds of words, with page numbers, cross-references, and more. And these are all fairly small, concise applications of XML. As an XML document grows in size, so does the in-memory representation when represented by a DOM tree. Imagine an XML document so large and with so many nestings that the representation of it using the DOM begins to affect the performance of your application. And now imagine that the same results could be obtained by parsing the same input document sequentially using SAX, and only need one-tenth, or one-hundredth, of your system’s resources to accomplish the task.

The point of this example is that just as in Java there are many ways to do the same job, there are many ways to obtain the data in an XML document. In various scenarios, SAX is easily the better choice for quick, less-intensive parsing and processing. In other cases, the DOM provides an easy-to-use, clean interface to data in a desirable format. You, the developer, must always analyze your application and its purpose to make the correct decision as to which method to use, or how to use both in concert. As always, the power to make good or bad decisions lies in your knowledge of the alternatives. Keeping that in mind, let’s look at this new alternative in more detail.

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