
I want to thank the reviewers who pointed out my many egregious errors. There are few things better in life than having really smart people point out your blunders. It is even better when they do it before you go public. Thank you, Steve Souders, Bill Scott, Julien Lecomte, Stoyan Stefanov, Eric Miraglia, and Elliotte Rusty Harold.

I want to thank the people I worked with at Electric Communities and State Software who helped me discover that deep down there was goodness in this language, especially Chip Morningstar, Randy Farmer, John La, Mark Miller, Scott Shattuck, and Bill Edney.

I want to thank Yahoo! Inc. for giving me time to work on this project and for being such a great place to work, and thanks to all members of the Ajax Strike Force, past and present. I also want to thank O'Reilly Media, Inc., particularly Mary Treseler, Simon St.Laurent, and Sumita Mukherji for making things go so smoothly.

Special thanks to Professor Lisa Drake for all those things she does. And I want to thank the guys in ECMA TC39 who are struggling to make ECMAScript a better language.

Finally, thanks to Brendan Eich, the world's most misunderstood programming language designer, without whom this book would not have been necessary.

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