
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


!= operator, ==, with Statement
!== operator, ==
& and, ++ −−
&& operator, Expressions
+ operator, Expressions, parseInt, Labels
confusing pluses and minuses, Labels
++ increment operator, ++ −−, Semicolon, Labels, Labels
confusing pluses and minuses, Labels
+= operator, Expressions
- negation operator, Labels
- subtraction operator, Labels
-- decrement operator, ++ −−, Semicolon, Labels
-- operator, confusing pluses and minuses, Labels
/ operator, Expressions
/* */ form of block comments, Names
// comments, Names
<< left shift, ++ −−
= operator, Expressions, with Statement
== operator, Falsy Values, ==, with Statement
=== operator, Expressions, Falsy Values, ==
>> signed right shift, ++ −−
>>> unsigned right shift, ++ −−
? ternary operator, Expressions
[ ] postfix subscript operator, Length
escape character, Strings
^ xor, ++ −−
| or, ++ −−
|| operator, Literals, Retrieval
˜ not, ++ −−


adsafe option (JSLint), Options
Apply Invocation Pattern, The Apply Invocation Pattern
arguments, Arguments
arguments array, Falsy Values
array literals, Literals
array.concat( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
array.join( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
array.pop( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
Array.prototype, Methods
array.push( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
array.reverse( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
array.shift( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
array.slice( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
array.sort( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
array.splice( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
array.unshift( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
arrays, Arrays, Array Literals, Array Literals, Length, Delete, Delete, Delete, Enumeration, Confusion, Confusion, Methods, Dimensions, Dimensions, Dimensions, Dimensions, Dimensions, Phony Arrays
appending new elements, Delete
arrays of arrays, Dimensions
cells of an empty matrix, Dimensions
confusion, Confusion
delete operator, Delete
dimensions, Dimensions
elements of, Array Literals
enumeration, Enumeration
length property, Length
literals, Array Literals
methods, Methods
Object.beget method, Dimensions
splice method, Delete
typeof operator, Confusion
undefined value, Dimensions
assignment, =
assignment statement, with Statement
augmenting types, Exceptions


beautiful features, Regexp Quantifier
bitwise operators, Bitwise Operators, Bitwise Operators
bitwise option (JSLint), Options
block comments, Whitespace, Style
block scope, Scope, Beautiful Features
blockless statements, continue Statement
blocks, Statements, Required Blocks
booleans, Objects
braces, Style
break statement, Statements, Statements, Labels
browser option (JSLint), Options
built-in value, Expressions


callbacks, Callbacks
cap option (JSLint), Options
cascades, Cascade
case clause, Statements
casting, Inheritance
catch clause, Statements
character type, Strings
closure, Closure
comma operator, Comma
comments, Whitespace, Style
concatenation, parseInt
constructor functions, Pseudoclassical, Pseudoclassical, Constructors and new
hazards, Pseudoclassical
new prefix, forgetting to include, Pseudoclassical
Constructor Invocation Pattern, The Constructor Invocation Pattern
constructor property, Pseudoclassical
constructors, The Constructor Invocation Pattern, Pseudoclassical
defining, Pseudoclassical
continue statement, continue Statement, Labels
curly braces, Statements
curry method, Curry


debug option (JSLint), Options
deentityify method, Callbacks
delegation, Prototype
delete operator, Enumeration, Delete
differential inheritance, Prototypal
do statement, Statements, Statements
Document Object Model (DOM), Recursion
durable object, Functional


ECMAScript Language Specification, JSLint
empty string, Statements
enumeration, Enumeration
eqeqeq option (JSLint), Options
equality operators, ==
escape character, Strings
escape sequences, Strings
eval function, with Statement, Labels, Using JSON Securely
security problems, Using JSON Securely
evil option (JSLint), Options
exceptions, Exceptions
executable statements, Statements
expression statements, Expression Statements
expressions, Statements, Expressions, Expressions, Expressions, Expressions, Expressions, Expressions, Expressions, Expressions, Expressions, Expressions, Expressions
? ternary operator, Expressions
built-in value, Expressions
infix operator, Expressions
invocation, Expressions
literal value, Expressions
operator precedence, Expressions
preceded by prefix operator, Expressions
refinement, Expressions
refinement expression preceded by delete, Expressions
variables, Statements
wrapped in parentheses, Expressions


factorial, Scope, Memoization
Fibonacci numbers, Memoization
floating-point numbers, Floating Point
for in statement, Statements, Delete, Expression Statements
objects, Delete
for statements, Statements, Statements, Comma
forin option (JSLint), Options
fragment option (JSLint), Options
Function constructor, Pseudoclassical, continue Statement
function invocation, Style
Function Invocation Pattern, The Function Invocation Pattern
function object, when object is created, Pseudoclassical
function statement versus function expression, The function Statement Versus the function Expression
function.apply( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
functional pattern (inheritance), Functional
functions, Statements, Functions, Functions, Functions, Function Literal, Invocation, Invocation, The Method Invocation Pattern, The Function Invocation Pattern, The Constructor Invocation Pattern, The Constructor Invocation Pattern, The Apply Invocation Pattern, Arguments, Arguments, Exceptions, Exceptions, Recursion, Recursion, Recursion, Recursion, Scope, Closure, Callbacks, Module, Module, Cascade, Curry, Memoization, Memoization, Pseudoclassical, Functional, Undefined Variables and Functions
arguments, Arguments
augmenting types, Exceptions
callbacks, Callbacks
cascades, Cascade
closure, Closure
curry method, Curry
exceptions, Exceptions
general pattern of a module, Module
invocation, Invocation, The Method Invocation Pattern, The Function Invocation Pattern, The Constructor Invocation Pattern, The Constructor Invocation Pattern, The Apply Invocation Pattern
Apply Invocation Pattern, The Apply Invocation Pattern
Constructor Invocation Pattern, The Constructor Invocation Pattern
Function Invocation Pattern, The Function Invocation Pattern
Method Invocation Pattern, The Method Invocation Pattern
new prefix, The Constructor Invocation Pattern
invocation operator, Invocation
invoked with constructor invocation, Pseudoclassical
literals, Function Literal
memoization, Memoization
modules, Module
objects, Functions
recursive, Recursion, Recursion, Recursion, Recursion, Memoization
Document Object Model (DOM), Recursion
Fibonacci numbers, Memoization
tail recursion optimization, Recursion
Towers of Hanoi puzzle, Recursion
return statement, Arguments
scope, Scope
that produce objects, Functional
var statements, Statements


global declarations, Undefined Variables and Functions
global object, Using JSON Securely
global variables, Global Abatement, Style, Global Variables, Undefined Variables and Functions
glovar option (JSLint), Options
good style, Style
grammar, Grammar, Grammar, Whitespace, Names, Numbers, Numbers, Strings, Strings, Strings, Strings, Literals, Literals, Functions
functions, Functions
literals, Literals
names, Names
numbers, Numbers, Numbers, Strings
methods, Numbers
negative, Strings
object literals, Literals
rules for interpreting diagrams, Whitespace
strings, Strings, Strings, Strings
immutability, Strings
length property, Strings
whitespace, Grammar


hasOwnProperty method, Reflection, hasOwnProperty, Object
HTML, HTML, JSON Syntax, A JSON Parser
<script> tags (JSON), JSON Syntax
innerHTML property, A JSON Parser


if statements, Statements, Comma
implied global, Global Variables
Infinity, Names, Numbers, Expressions
inheritance, Analyzing JavaScript, Inheritance, Pseudoclassical, Object Specifiers, Object Specifiers, Prototypal, Functional, Functional, Parts
differential, Prototypal
functional pattern, Functional
object specifiers, Object Specifiers
parts, Parts
prototypal pattern (inheritance), Object Specifiers
pseudoclassical pattern, Pseudoclassical, Functional
inherits method, Pseudoclassical
innerHTML property, A JSON Parser
instances, creating, Pseudoclassical
invocation operator, Expressions, Invocation
invocations, Style


JavaScript, Why JavaScript?, Analyzing JavaScript, Analyzing JavaScript
analyzing, Analyzing JavaScript
standard, Analyzing JavaScript
why use, Why JavaScript?
JSLint, Analyzing JavaScript, void, JSLint, Undefined Variables and Functions, Undefined Variables and Functions, Undefined Variables and Functions, Undefined Variables and Functions, Members, Options, Semicolon, Semicolon, Comma, Comma, Comma, Required Blocks, Expression Statements, Expression Statements, Expression Statements, Expression Statements, with Statement, with Statement, with Statement, with Statement, with Statement, Labels, Labels, Labels, Labels, Labels, Labels, Labels, Labels, Labels, Labels, Labels, Labels, Bitwise Operators, void, void, void, Constructors and new, HTML, JSON, Report
!= operator, with Statement
+ operator, confusing pluses and minuses, Labels
++ increment operator, Labels, Labels
confusing pluses and minuses, Labels
- operator, confusing pluses and minuses, Labels
-- decrement operator, Labels, Labels
confusing pluses and minuses, Labels
= operator, with Statement
== operator, with Statement
assignment statement, with Statement
bitwise operators, Bitwise Operators
blocks, Required Blocks
break statement, Labels
comma operator, Comma
constructor functions, Constructors and new
continue statement, Labels
eval function, Labels
expression statements, Expression Statements
for in statement, Expression Statements
for statements, Comma
function report, Report
functions, Undefined Variables and Functions
global declarations, Undefined Variables and Functions
global variables, Undefined Variables and Functions
if statements, Comma
labels, Labels
line breaking, Semicolon
members, Members
new prefix, void
options, Options
regular expressions, void
return statement, Labels
semicolons, Semicolon
switch statements, Expression Statements
throw statement, Labels
var statements, Expression Statements
variables, Undefined Variables and Functions
void, void
where to find, void
with statement, with Statement
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), Analyzing JavaScript, HTML, JSON, JSON Syntax, JSON Syntax, JSON Syntax, JSON Syntax, JSON Syntax, JSON Syntax, JSON Syntax, JSON Syntax, Using JSON Securely, Using JSON Securely, A JSON Parser
/ character, JSON Syntax
array, JSON Syntax
eval function, Using JSON Securely
HTML <script> tags, JSON Syntax
innerHTML property, A JSON Parser
numbers, JSON Syntax
object, JSON
string, JSON Syntax
syntax, JSON Syntax
text example, JSON Syntax
using securely, Using JSON Securely
JSON.parse method, Using JSON Securely


K&R style, Style
Kleene, Stephen, Dimensions


labeled statement, Statements
labels, Labels
laxbreak option (JSLint), Options
length property (arrays), Length
line breaking, Semicolon
line comments, Style
line-ending comments, Whitespace
looping statement, Statements, Statements
loosely typed language, Inheritance


Math object, Strings
memoization, Memoization
message property, Statements
Method Invocation Pattern, The Method Invocation Pattern
method method, Pseudoclassical
methods, Methods, Dimensions, Dimensions, Dimensions, Dimensions, Dimensions, Dimensions, Regular Expressions, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Regexp Quantifier, Methods
array.concat( ), Regexp Quantifier
array.join( ), Regexp Quantifier
array.pop( ), Regexp Quantifier
array.push( ), Regexp Quantifier
array.reverse( ), Regexp Quantifier
array.shift( ), Regexp Quantifier
array.slice( ), Regexp Quantifier
array.sort( ), Regexp Quantifier
array.splice( ), Regexp Quantifier
array.unshift ( ), Regexp Quantifier
arrays, Methods
function.apply( ), Regexp Quantifier
number.toExponential( ), Regexp Quantifier
number.toFixed( ), Regexp Quantifier
number.toPrecision( ), Regexp Quantifier
number.toString( ), Regexp Quantifier
object.hasOwnProperty( ), Regexp Quantifier
regexp.exec( ), Dimensions, Regexp Quantifier
regexp.test( ), Dimensions, Regexp Quantifier
string.charAt( ), Regexp Quantifier
string.charCodeAt( ), Regexp Quantifier
string.concat( ), Regexp Quantifier
String.fromCharCode( ), Regexp Quantifier
string.indexOf( ), Regexp Quantifier
string.lastIndexOf( ), Regexp Quantifier
string.localeCompare( ), Regexp Quantifier
string.match( ), Dimensions, Regexp Quantifier
string.replace( ), Dimensions, Regexp Quantifier ), Dimensions, Regexp Quantifier
string.slice( ), Regexp Quantifier
string.split( ), Dimensions, Regexp Quantifier
string.substring( ), Regexp Quantifier
string.toLocaleLowerCase( ), Regexp Quantifier
string.toLocaleUpperCase( ), Regexp Quantifier
string.toLowerCase( ), Regexp Quantifier
string.toUpperCase( ), Regexp Quantifier
that work with regular expressions, Regular Expressions
modules, Module, Module
general pattern, Module
multiple statements, Regexp Quantifier
my object, Functional


name property, Statements
names, Names
NaN (not a number), Numbers, Strings, Statements, Expressions, NaN
negative numbers, Strings
new operator, Expressions, The Constructor Invocation Pattern, Pseudoclassical, Pseudoclassical, Typed Wrappers, void
forgetting to include, Pseudoclassical
functions, The Constructor Invocation Pattern
newline, Regexp Escape
nomen option (JSLint), Options
null, Statements, Expressions, Objects, Falsy Values
number literal, Numbers
number.toExponential( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
number.toFixed( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
number.toPrecision( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
number.toString( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
numbers, Numbers, Numbers, Strings, Objects
methods, Numbers
negative, Strings
numbers object, Length


object literals, Literals, Length
object specifiers, Object Specifiers
Object.beget method, Functional, Dimensions
object.hasOwnProperty( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
Object.prototype, Methods
objects, Objects, Object Literals, Object Literals, Retrieval, Retrieval, Retrieval, Retrieval, Update, Update, Reference, Prototype, Prototype, Prototype, Prototype, Reflection, Reflection, Reflection, Enumeration, Enumeration, Enumeration, Global Abatement, Functions, Functional, hasOwnProperty
creating new, Update
defined, Object Literals
delegation, Prototype
delete operator, Enumeration
durable, Functional
enumeration, Enumeration
for in statement, Enumeration
functions, Functions
global variables, Global Abatement
hasOwnProperty method, Reflection
literals, Object Literals
properties, Retrieval
property on prototype chain, Reflection
prototype, Prototype, Prototype
link, Prototype
reference, Reference
reflection, Reflection
retrieving values, Retrieval
undefined, Retrieval, Prototype
updating values, Update
|| operator, Retrieval
on option (JSLint), Options
operator precedence, Expressions


parseInt function, parseInt
passfail option (JSLint), Options
pi as simple constant, Regexp Quantifier
plusplus option (JSLint), Options
Pratt, Vaughn, Regexp Quantifier
private methods, Functional
privileged methods, Functional
problematic features of JavaScript, Awful Parts, Global Variables, Scope, Semicolon Insertion, Reserved Words, Reserved Words, Unicode, parseInt, parseInt, Floating Point, NaN, Phony Arrays, Falsy Values, hasOwnProperty, hasOwnProperty, ==, with Statement, with Statement, eval, continue Statement, continue Statement, continue Statement, Block-less Statements, ++ −−, Bitwise Operators, The function Statement Versus the function Expression, Typed Wrappers, Typed Wrappers, void
+ operator, parseInt
arrays, Phony Arrays
bitwise operators, Bitwise Operators
blockless statements, continue Statement
continue statement, continue Statement
equality operators, ==
eval function, with Statement
falsy values, Falsy Values
floating-point numbers, Floating Point
function statement versus function expression, The function Statement Versus the function Expression
global variables, Global Variables
hasOwnProperty method, hasOwnProperty
increment and decrement operators, ++ −−
NaN (not a number), NaN
new operator, Typed Wrappers
objects, hasOwnProperty
parseInt function, parseInt
reserved words, Reserved Words
scope, Scope
semicolons, Semicolon Insertion
single statement form, Block-less Statements
string argument form, eval
switch statement, continue Statement
typed wrappers, Typed Wrappers
typeof operator, Reserved Words
Unicode, Unicode
void, void
with statement, with Statement
prototypal inheritance, Analyzing JavaScript
prototypal inheritance language, The Constructor Invocation Pattern
prototypal pattern, Prototypal
prototype property, Pseudoclassical
prototypes of basic types, Augmenting Types
pseudoclass, creating, Pseudoclassical
pseudoclassical pattern (inheritance), Pseudoclassical, Functional
punctuation characters or operators, Line Breaking


railroad diagrams, An Example
recursion, Recursion, Recursion, Recursion, Recursion, Memoization
Document Object Model (DOM), Recursion
Fibonacci numbers, Memoization
tail recursion optimization, Recursion
Towers of Hanoi puzzle, Recursion
reflection, Reflection
RegExp objects, properties, Elements
regexp.exec( ) method, Dimensions, Regexp Quantifier
regexp.test( ) method, Dimensions, Regexp Quantifier
regular expressions, Regular Expressions, Regular Expressions, An Example, An Example, An Example, An Example, An Example, An Example, An Example, An Example, An Example, An Example, An Example, An Example, An Example, An Example, An Example, Construction, Construction, Construction, Construction, Elements, Regexp Choice, Regexp Sequence, Regexp Factor, Regexp Factor, Regexp Factor, Regexp Factor, Regexp Factor, Regexp Factor, Regexp Factor, Regexp Factor, Regexp Factor, Regexp Factor, Regexp Factor, Regexp Factor, Regexp Factor, Regexp Factor, Regexp Factor, Regexp Factor, Regexp Escape, Regexp Escape, Regexp Escape, Regexp Escape, Regexp Escape, Regexp Group, Regexp Group, Regexp Group, Regexp Group, Regexp Group, Regexp Group, Regexp Group, Regexp Class, Regexp Class, Regexp Class, Regexp Class, Regexp Class Escape, Regexp Class Escape, Regexp Quantifier, void
$ character, An Example
(...), An Example
(?! prefix, Regexp Class
(?: prefix, Regexp Class
(?:...)?, Construction
(?= prefix, Regexp Class
/ character, An Example
? character, An Example
backslash character, Regexp Escape
capturing group, An Example, Regexp Group
carriage return character, Regexp Escape
construction, Construction
elements, Elements, Regexp Choice, Regexp Sequence, Regexp Factor, Regexp Factor, Regexp Group, Regexp Class, Regexp Class Escape, Regexp Class Escape, Regexp Quantifier
regexp choice, Regexp Choice
regexp class, Regexp Class
regexp class escape, Regexp Class Escape
regexp escape, Regexp Factor
regexp factor, Regexp Factor, Regexp Class Escape
regexp group, Regexp Group
regexp quantifier, Regexp Quantifier
regexp sequence, Regexp Sequence
flags, Construction
formfeed character, Regexp Escape
matching digits, Construction
matching URLs, An Example
methods that work with, Regular Expressions
negative lookahead group, Regexp Group
newline character, Regexp Factor
noncapturing group, An Example, Regexp Group
optional group, An Example
optional noncapturing group, An Example
positive lookahead group, Regexp Group
railroad diagrams, An Example
repeat zero or one time, An Example
simple letter class, Regexp Escape
sloppy, An Example
tab character, Regexp Escape
Unicode characters, Regexp Factor
1 character, Regexp Group
 character, Regexp Factor, Regexp Group
d, An Example
d character, Regexp Factor
D character, Regexp Factor
f character, Regexp Factor
character, Regexp Factor
character, Regexp Factor
s character, Regexp Factor
S character, Regexp Factor
character, Regexp Factor
u character, Regexp Factor
w character, Regexp Factor
W character, Regexp Factor
^ character, An Example, An Example
reserved words, Names, Reserved Words
return statement, Statements, Arguments, Labels
rhino option (JSLint), Options


says method, Functional
scope, Statements, Scope, Scope
semicolons, Semicolon Insertion, Semicolon
seqer object, Cascade
setInterval function, continue Statement
setTimeout function, continue Statement
Simplified JavaScript, Beautiful Features
single statement form, Block-less Statements
spec object, Functional, Functional
splice method (arrays), Delete
statements, Statements, Statements, Statements, Statements, Statements, Statements, Statements, Statements, Statements, Statements, Statements, Statements, Statements, Statements, Statements, Statements, Statements, Statements, Statements, Statements, Statements, Statements, Statements, Statements, Statements, Statements, Statements
blocks, Statements
break, Statements, Statements
case clause, Statements
catch clause, Statements
do, Statements, Statements
executable, Statements
execution order, Statements
for, Statements, Statements
for in, Statements
if, Statements
labeled, Statements
loop, Statements
looping, Statements
return, Statements
switch, Statements, Statements, Statements
then block, Statements
throw, Statements
try, Statements
var, functions, Statements
while, Statements, Statements
string argument form, eval
string literal, Strings
String, augmenting with deentityify method, Callbacks
string.charAt( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
string.charCodeAt( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
string.concat( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
String.fromCharCode( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
string.indexOf( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
string.lastIndexOf( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
string.localeCompare( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
string.match( ) method, Dimensions, Regexp Quantifier
string.replace( ) method, Dimensions, Regexp Quantifier ) method, Dimensions, Regexp Quantifier
string.slice( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
string.split( ) method, Dimensions, Regexp Quantifier
string.substring( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
string.toLocaleLowerCase( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
string.toLocaleUpperCase( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
string.toLowerCase( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
string.toUpperCase( ) method, Regexp Quantifier
strings, Strings, Strings, Strings, Statements, Objects
empty, Statements
immutability, Strings
length property, Strings
structured statements, Style
style, Regexp Quantifier, Style, Style, Style, Style, Style, Style, Style, Style, Style, Style, Style
block comments, Style
braces, Style
comments, Style
global variables, Style
good, Style
invocations, Style
K&R, Style
line comments, Style
multiple statements, Regexp Quantifier
structured statements, Style
switch cases, Style
super methods, Pseudoclassical
superior method, Functional
switch statement, Statements, Statements, Statements, Regexp Quantifier, continue Statement, Expression Statements
syntax diagrams, Report


tail recursion optimization, Recursion
testing environment, A Simple Testing Ground
then block, Statements
this keyword, Pseudoclassical
Thompson, Ken, Dimensions
throw statement, Statements, Labels
Top Down Operator Precedence parser, Beautiful Features
Towers of Hanoi puzzle, Recursion
trim method, Augmenting Types
try statement, Statements
typed wrappers, Typed Wrappers
TypeError exception, Retrieval
typeof operator, Expressions, Confusion, Reserved Words, Falsy Values
types, Objects, Augmenting Types
prototypes of, Augmenting Types


while statement, Statements, Statements
white option (JSLint), Options
whitespace, Grammar
widget option (JSLint), Options
Wilson, Greg, Regexp Quantifier
with statement, with Statement, with Statement
wrappers, typed, Typed Wrappers
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