Potential Extension: Adding Attributes to the Template

Big applications can always be made bigger. This section is devoted to showing you how to add attributes to the image template, giving you greater control over the generated code. For the sake of simplicity, I’ll show you how to add the IMG attributes HSPACE and VSPACE. The procedure involves these six steps:

  1. Add the new fields in the default template.

  2. Create an array for its values in setArrays().

  3. Capture the new default values.

  4. Add text fields in the image template in generateEntryForm().

  5. Reference and assign the new attribute values in genJavaScript().

  6. Generate the HTML required to display the attributes in genJavaScript().

Step 1: Adding the Fields

<FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=2>
<FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=2>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">
genSelect("hspace", 25, 0, 0);
<FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=2>
<FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=2>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">
genSelect("vspace", 25, 0, 0);

Step 2: Creating Arrays in setArrays( )

function setArrays() {
  imgPrim = new Array();
  imgRoll = new Array();
  imgDown = new Array();
  imgLink = new Array();
  imgText = new Array();
  imgWdh  = new Array();
  imgHgt  = new Array();
  imgBdr  = new Array();
  imgHSpace  = new Array();  // For the HSPACE
  imgVSpace  = new Array();  // For the VSPACE

That makes room to store the new default values. That brings us to the next step—filling those new arrays.

Step 3: Capturing the New Default Values

In captureDefaultProfile(), we will add two local variables named imgHspace and imgVspace, then assign their values to the values chosen in the default template. Now captureDefaultProfile() looks like this:

function captureDefaultProfile(formObj) {
  imgDefaults    = formObj;
  var imgQty      = (imgDefaults.imgnumber.selectedIndex + 1);
  var imgHeight   = (imgDefaults.pxlheight.selectedIndex);
  var imgWidth    = (imgDefaults.pxlwidth.selectedIndex);
  var imgBorder   = (imgDefaults.defbdr.selectedIndex);
  var imgHspace   = (imgDefaults.hspace.selectedIndex);
  var imgVspace   = (imgDefaults.vspace.selectedIndex);
  for (var i = 0; i < imgQty; i++) {
    imgPrim[i] = "";
    imgRoll[i] = "";
    imgDown[i] = "";
    imgLink[i] = "";
    imgText[i] = "";
    imgWdh[i]  = imgWidth;
    imgHgt[i]  = imgHeight;
    imgBdr[i]  = imgBorder;
    imgHSpace[i] = imgHspace;  // For HSPACE
    imgVSpace[i] = imgVspace;  // For VSPACE

ImageMachine will now be able to include the default values for HSPACE and VSPACE in the image template.

Step 4: Adding Text Fields in generateEntryForm( )

Now you can add the strings of HTML in generateEntryForm() to accommodate the two new text fields. Let’s put them in their own TR under all the others. You can adjust it later to make it look better. Lines 103-106 currently look like this:

(!imgDefaults.mousedown.checked ? "3" : "4") +
"><BR><HR NOSHADE><BR></TD></TR>");

Adding the two text fields to the end looks like this:

"' VALUE='" + imgVspace[i] + "' SIZE=3> VSPACE </TD></TR>" +
(!imgDefaults.mousedown.checked ? "3" : "4") + ">" +
"<BR><HR NOSHADE><BR></TD></TR>");

This code adds two extra text fields for every image group and displays the default value in each. The user can change this later, just like the others.

Step 5: Referencing and Assigning the New Values in genJavaScript( )

Once the user chooses to generate the code, ImageMachine needs to grab the information from the new text fields in the image template. Just add the code in lines 158-169, which now looks like this:

for (var i = 0; i < (imgDefaults.imgnumber.selectedIndex + 1); i++) {
  imgPrim[i] = purify(imgTemplate['prim' + i].value);
  imgRoll[i] = purify(imgTemplate['seci' + i].value);
  if (imgDefaults.mousedown.checked) {
    imgDown[i] = purify(imgTemplate['down' + i].value);
  imgLink[i] = purify(imgTemplate['href' + i].value);
  imgText[i] = purify(imgTemplate['stat' + i].value);
  imgWdh[i]  = purify(imgTemplate['wdh' + i].value);
  imgHgt[i]  = purify(imgTemplate['hgt' + i].value);
  imgBdr[i]  = purify(imgTemplate['bdr' + i].value);
  imgHSpace[i]  = purify(imgTemplate['hsp' + i].value);
  imgVSpace[i]  = purify(imgTemplate['vsp' + i].value);

The last two lines in the block show ImageMachine assigning the form values from the image template to elements in imgHSpaceand imgVSpace. We’re almost there. The only thing left is to make sure the new attributes are included in the code generation, printed or interpreted.

Step 6: Generating the Additional HTML in genJavaScript( )

The new code will be added to the variable imageLinks. The last few lines of the string are as follows:

(HTML ? fontClose : "") + br + nbsp + "HEIGHT=" +
(HTML ? fontOpen : "") + imgHgt[j] +
(HTML ? fontClose : "") + br + nbsp + "BORDER=" +
(HTML ? fontOpen : "") + imgBdr[j] +
(HTML ? fontClose : "") +
gt + "" + lt + "/A" + gt + br + br + br;

All you need to do is copy a few lines, and change HEIGHT to HSPACE , imgHgt to imgHSpace , BORDER to VSPACE , and imgBdr to imgVSpace . Here is the new version:

(HTML ? fontClose : "") + br + nbsp + "HEIGHT=" +
(HTML ? fontOpen : "") + imgHgt[j] +
(HTML ? fontClose : "") + br + nbsp + "BORDER=" +
(HTML ? fontOpen : "") + imgBdr[j] +
(HTML ? fontClose : "") + br + nbsp + "HSPACE=" +
(HTML ? fontOpen : "") + imgHSpace[j] +
(HTML ? fontClose : "") + br + nbsp + "VSPACE=" +
(HTML ? fontOpen : "") + imgVSpace[j] +
(HTML ? fontClose : "") + 
gt + "" + lt + "/A" + gt + br + br + br;

That adds two new attributes for your images. You might also consider adding an ALT tag for image content. There’s no need to limit this type of modification to the IMG tag. There is plenty to do in the <A> tag; you can customize it for image maps, and so on.

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