
// StandardBlack jack hand header
// Brandon Goldfedder


#include "bjhand.h"
#include <deque>

class Displayer; // Forward reference to avoid circular
                 // references'

class StandardBlackJackHand: public BlackJackHand {
   StandardBlackJackHand(Displayer* displayer);
   virtual ~StandardBlackJackHand();
   unsigned int LowCount() const;   // Count the Ace as lower
   unsigned int HighCount() const;  // Count the Ace as high
   bool IsBlackJack() const;        // Is there a blackjack
   bool IsSplitable() const;        // Is there a blackjack
   unsigned int NumCards() const;   // How many cards have been
   const Card& GetCard(unsigned int which) const; // Get a
       card user must ensure which <= NumCards
   void AddCard(const Card& card);  // Deal a card
   void Reset();                             // Clear the hand
   bool IsAceShowing() const;                // Test if an ace is showing as the top card
   inline Displayer* GetDisplayer() const;   // Allow access
      to the underlying displayer
   unsigned int TotalCardCount(bool highCount) const;
       // Count one card
   unsigned int SingleCardCount(const Card& card, bool highCount)
       const;   // Count all the cards in the hand
   Displayer* displayer;
   std::deque<Card> hand;

inline Displayer* StandardBlackJackHand::GetDisplayer() const
   return displayer;


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