The author would like to thank the editors and publishers of the Journal of Knowledge Management Practice and the Journal of Knowledge Management for permission to include in this book some of the material that has appeared in articles written by the author (or as lead author, in one instance). This is specific to:

  • Crane, L. (2013). A new taxonomy of knowledge management theory and the turn to knowledge as constituted in social action. Journal of Knowledge Management Practice, 14, (1): (accessed June 11, 2015).
  • Crane, L. (2012b). Trust me, I’m an expert: identity construction and knowledge sharing. Journal of Knowledge Management, 16, (3): 448–460.
  • Crane, L. and Bontis, N. (2014). Trouble with tacit: developing a new perspective and approach. Journal of Knowledge Management, 18, (6): 1127–1140.

The author would also like to thank Dr David Longbottom and Richard Self, both of the University of Derby, England, for their encouragement and critical assessment of the source thesis work on which this book is based. Finally, the author thanks Professors David Snowden and Nick Bontis for their support and encouragement over the years in the making of this book.

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