Maintaining the Ansible inventory

In order to perform the Ansible playbook, you need to maintain your own inventory file, which contains target machine IP addresses:

  1. There is a sample inventory file under the inventory directory, so you can copy it by using the following:
//copy sample to mycluster
ansible_machine$ cp -rfp inventory/sample inventory/mycluster

//edit hosts.ini
ansible_machine$ vi inventory/mycluster/hosts.ini
  1. In this cookbook, we are using target machines that have the following IP addresses:
    • Kubernetes master :
    • Kubernetes node :
  2. In this case, hosts.ini should be in the following format:
  1. Please change the IP address to match your environment.

Note that hostname (my-master-1 and my-node-1) will be set by the kubespray playbook based on this hosts.ini, so feel free to assign a meaningful hostname.

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