Updating live containers

For the benefit of containers, we can easily publish new programs by executing the latest image, and reduce the headache of environment setup. But, what about publishing the program on running containers? While managing a container natively, we have to stop the running containers prior to booting up new ones with the latest images and the same configurations. There are some simple and efficient methods for updating your program in the Kubernetes system. One is called rolling-update, which means Deployment can update its Pods without downtime to clients. The other method is called recreate, which just terminates all Pods then create a new set. We will demonstrate how these solutions are applied in this recipe.

Rolling-update in Docker swarm
To achieve zero downtime application updating, there is a similar managing function in Docker swarm. In Docker swarm, you can leverage the command docker service update with the flag --update-delay, --update-parallelism and --update-failure-action. Check the official website for more details about Docker swarm's rolling-update: https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/swarm-tutorial/rolling-update/.
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