Exposing the port for external access

We might also want to create an external IP address for the nginx deployment. On cloud providers that support an external load balancer (such as Google compute engine), using the LoadBalancer type will provision a load balancer for external access. On the other hand, you can still expose the port by creating a Kubernetes service as follows, even though you're not running on platforms that support an external load balancer. We'll describe how to access this externally later:

// expose port 80 for replication controller named my-first-nginx
$ kubectl expose deployment my-first-nginx --port=80 --type=LoadBalancer
service "my-first-nginx" exposed

We can see the service status we just created:

// get all services
$ kubectl get service
kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 2h
my-first-nginx LoadBalancer <pending> 80:31620/TCP 3m

You may find an additional service named kubernetes if the service daemon run as a container (for example, using kubeadm as a management tool). It is for exposing the REST API of the Kubernetes API server internally. The pending state of my-first-nginx service's external IP indicates that it is waiting for a specific public IP from cloud provider. Take a look at Chapter 6, Building Kubernetes on AWS, and Chapter 7, Building Kubernetes on GCP, for more details.

Congratulations! You just ran your first container with a Kubernetes pod and exposed port 80 with the Kubernetes service.

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