Kubernetes Design Patterns

The evolution of microservices and container technologies has changed the way software applications are designed, developed, and deployed. Nowadays, modern cloud-native applications focus on scalability, flexibility, and reliability in order to meet business requirements. For instance, the scalability of an application with thousands of instances running in a reliable manner was not a concern 10 years ago. Similarly, self-awareness and self-healing features were out of scope when there was no orchestrator for these issues, such as Kubernetes.

New requirements and cloud-native characteristics unveil their own best practices and design patterns. Extensive use and the adoption of Kubernetes by all sorts of companies, including start-ups and large enterprises, made it possible to formalize and collect best practices. In this section, widely known and essential design patterns and deployment strategies in Kubernetes will be described. With the help of these patterns, you'll be able to make use of the best practices that have been formalized by Kubernetes itself.

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