Extending Kubernetes Clients

Kubernetes client applications and libraries are the main entry points for accessing the Kubernetes API. With these applications and libraries, it is possible to automate and extend Kubernetes operations.

For the official Kubernetes client applications, kubectl can be extended by writing plugin applications. Some of the most popular plugins enhance the capabilities of kubectl:

  • It switches the Kubernetes cluster context automatically
  • It calculates and displays the uptime information of pods
  • It connects via SSH into a container with a specific user

Official Kubernetes code generators can generate official Kubernetes client libraries and Kubernetes server codes. These generators create the required source code for internal versioned types, clients informers, and protobuf codecs.

With the extension points on client applications and libraries, it is possible to enhance operations that interact with Kubernetes. If your custom requirements need more than the capabilities of kubectl or client libraries, Kubernetes provides extension points for customization.

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