Chapter 3. Authentication

If you’ve been using public cloud offerings such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform, you might have come across the term identity and access management (IAM), which allows you to define access to resources for users and services. In this chapter and in Chapter 4, we discuss how this is realized in Kubernetes.

All components, such as a kubelet running on a node, as well as users issuing kubectl commands, need to communicate with the API server. To process the request, the API server first has to verify who (or what, in the case of machines) is issuing the request; the server has to establish the identity of the caller, or in other words, to authenticate the caller. This chapter covers how authentication in Kubernetes works and the options you have at hand as a cluster operator.


For the API server to authenticate a request, the request issuer needs to possess an identity. At the time of writing, Kubernetes doesn’t have a first-class notion of a human user, but rather assumes that users are managed outside Kubernetes via a directory service such as Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) or single sign-on (SSO) login standards like Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) or Kerberos. This is the standard approach in production, but if you’re not using such a system, other authentication strategies are available.

User accounts are considered cluster-wide, so make sure that the usernames are unique across namespaces.


A namespace in Kubernetes is a way to logically divide the cluster into smaller units of management. You can have any number of namespaces; for example, you might have one per application, or one per client, or one per project. Resources in Kubernetes are either namespaced (services, deployments, etc.) or cluster-wide (nodes, persistent volumes, etc.) and you can consider a namespace as one of the built-in security boundaries. “Security Boundaries” provides more information on this topic.

It’s not just humans who interact with Kubernetes. We often want a programmatic way for applications to communicate with the Kubernetes API; for example, to query, create, or update resources such as pods, services, or deployments. To that end, Kubernetes has a top-level resource to represent the identity of an application: the service account. A service account is a namespaced resource that you can use if your application needs to communicate with the API server. Many business applications don’t need to manipulate Kubernetes resources in this way, so (following the principle of least privilege) they can have service accounts with limited permissions.

By default, Kubernetes makes the credentials of the service account available via a secret that is mounted into the pod (note that all files shown here are owned by root):

$ kubectl run -it --rm jumpod 
              --image=alpine -- sh
~ $ ls /var/run/secrets/
ca.crt          namespace       service-ca.crt  token

Most important here is the token file provided, which is a JSON Web Token as per RFC7519:

~ $ cat /var/run/secrets/

You can use the debugger provided by to see what exactly the payload of that token is; so, for example, copying content from the preceding token file gives the output shown in Figure 3-1.

Example of a JSON Web Token provided by a service account
Figure 3-1. A JSON Web Token provided by a service account

If you don’t explicitly specify a service account in the pod spec, the default service account for the namespace is used.

The general form of a service account is as follows:


In Figure 3-2, you can see a more complex example setup.

Service accounts
Figure 3-2. Service accounts

Here we have two pods, simplepod and podwithsa. The former doesn’t specify the service account and hence ends up using the default service account of the namespace. On the other hand, podwithsa uses a dedicated service account called mysa that you can create, for example, using the following command:

$ kubectl create serviceaccount mysa
serviceaccount "mysa" created

$ kubectl describe serviceaccount mysa
Name:                mysa
Namespace:           default
Labels:              <none>
Annotations:         <none>
Image pull secrets:  <none>
Mountable secrets:   mysa-token-prb4r
Tokens:              mysa-token-prb4r
Events:              <none>

$ kubectl get secrets
NAME                TYPE                                DATA AGE
default-token-dbcfn 3    26m
mysa-token-prb4r 3    9m

What you can learn from the preceding output (also shown in Figure 3-2) is that the creation of a service account triggers the creation of a secret, attached to and managed by the service account. This secret contains the JSON Web Token discussed earlier.

Now that we have created the service account, we want to use it in a pod. How can you do that? Simply by using the serviceAccountName field in the pod spec to select the service account, in our case, mysa. Let’s store a pod spec in a file called podwithsa.yaml with the following content:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: podwithsa
  serviceAccountName: mysa
  - name: shell
    image: alpine:3.7
      - "sh"
      - "-c"
      - "sleep 10000"

You can launch the pod and inspect its properties as follows (the output has been edited for better readability):

$ kubectl apply -f podwithsa.yaml
pod "podwithsa" created

$ kubectl describe po/podwithsa
Name:         podwithsa
Namespace:    default
    Type:        Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
    SecretName:  mysa-token-prb4r
    Optional:    false

And indeed, here you see that our podwithsa pod uses its own service account with the token mysa-token-prb4r (allowing it to communicate with the API server) available at the usual file location /var/run/secrets/ mounted into the pod.

At this point, you might be wondering why you would bother at all messing around with service accounts and not always use the default service account. This will make more sense when you learn how service accounts are used with RBAC to define permissions for users and applications in Chapter 4. For now, just remember that service accounts allow applications to communicate with the API servers (if they have to at all).

Now that we’ve covered the basics of identity in Kubernetes, let’s move on to how authentication works.

Authentication Concepts

In Figure 3-3, you can see how the API server conceptually performs authentication by using one of the available strategies represented by the authentication plug-ins (learn more about the supported strategies in the next section).

Authentication concepts
Figure 3-3. Authentication concepts

The flow Kubernetes uses to authenticate a client’s request is as follows:

  1. The client presents its credentials to the API server.

  2. The API server uses one of the configured authentication plug-ins (you can enable multiple) to establish the identity with an identity provider.

  3. The identity provider verifies the request information, including username and group membership.

  4. If the credentials are in order, the API server moves on to check permissions as described in Chapter 4. Otherwise, it returns an HTTP 401 Unauthorized client error status response code, and with that the request fails.


The identity provider and its behavior depend on the authentication plug-in used. For example, it could simply be a file with usernames and passwords that you provide to the API server or an external system like Active Directory. Kubernetes is not opinionated concerning how you verify the credentials; it just provides the interface and enforces a certain flow to make sure requests come from well-known clients.

Kubernetes also supports user impersonation; that is, a user can act as another user. For example, as a cluster admin, you could use impersonation to debug any authorization issues.

Authentication Strategies

A couple of authentication strategies are available in Kubernetes, represented by authentication plug-ins. Depending on the size of the deployment, the target users (human versus processes), and organizational policies, you as a cluster admin can choose one or more of the following:

Static password or token file

This strategy uses the Basic HTTP authentication scheme as per RFC7617. Essentially, the API server requires the client to provide the identify via an HTTP header named Authorization and the value of Basic base64($USER:$PASSWORD) in case of a static password file or Bearer $TOKEN in case of a static token file. Since it’s inflexible to maintain a static file with the users and their passwords and requires direct access to the API server, this method is not recommended in production.

X.509 certificates

With this strategy, every user has their own X.509 client certificate. The API server then validates the client certificate via a configured certificate authority (CA). If the client certificate is verified successfully, the common name of the subject is used as the username for the request, and any organizations defined for the subject are used as groups. As an admin, you need to manage access to the CA as well as issue the client certificates, and reissue them as they approach expiry. Kubernetes does not, at the time of writing, support certificate revocation, and this is considered a good reason to use an SSO approach where possible.

OpenID Connect (OIDC)

OIDC is an identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0. With this strategy, you use OIDC to provide the API server with an id-token in the form of a JSON Web Token after using your provider’s login page, such as Google or Azure Active Directory.

Bootstrap tokens

These are an experimental feature targeting the cluster setup phase and can be used with installers such as kubeadm.

If you want to integrate with other authentication protocols such as LDAP, SAML, and Kerberos, you can use one of the following methods:

Authenticating proxy

The API server can be configured to identify users from request header values, such as X-Remote-User. You need to take care of setting up and running the proxy; see, for example, Haoran Wang’s post of an authentication example.

Webhook token authentication

Essentially, a hook for verifying bearer tokens.

With that, we move on to some good practices and tooling around authentication.

Tooling and Good Practices

The majority of the effort in the context of authentication is with the Kubernetes cluster administrator. You would start off with existing infrastructure that you need to integrate with, such as an LDAP server your organization already uses to capture team members and group-related information. You also want to take into account the environment the cluster is running in, like a public cloud provider, a managed service (Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes, Azure Kubernetes Service, Google Kubernetes Engine, OpenShift Online, etc.), or an on-premises deployment. The latter is important, as you may have different options depending on the environment and may end up having more or less work with the authentication bits, based on what authentication strategy you go for.

Several tools are available to help with this (you may wish to check the latest list on the website accompanying this book):


An open source IAM solution with built-in support to connect to existing LDAP servers. Keycloak can authenticate users with existing OIDC or SAML 2.0 identity providers. A Helm chart is also available to deploy it in Kubernetes.


An identity service that uses OIDC to drive authentication for other applications. Dex acts as a portal to other identity providers, allowing you to defer authentication to LDAP servers, SAML providers, or established identity providers like GitHub, Google, and Active Directory.

AWS IAM Authenticator for Kubernetes

A tool to use AWS IAM credentials to authenticate to a Kubernetes cluster maintained by Heptio and Amazon.


A Kubernetes webhook authentication server by AppsCode, allowing you to log into your Kubernetes cluster by using various identity providers, from GitHub to Google to LDAP.

In the last section of this chapter, we look at good practices in the context of authentication. Note that because a new Kubernetes release comes out every couple of months, some tips might be more relevant than others (as defaults change or new features are introduced):

Use third-party providers

Unless you have to roll your own thing, integrate Kubernetes with third-party identity providers such as Azure, Google, or GitHub.

Don’t use static files

If you can’t use third-party providers, prefer X.509 certificates over static password or token files.

Life cycle

Ensure that when people leave the organization, their credentials are invalidated. With third-party providers, this task is typically easier compared to when you roll your own solution. In any case, regular audits help here as well to uncover holes.

To learn more about authentication options and gotchas, check out the resources on the accompanying website, in the “Authentication” section.

With this, we have reached the end of the discussion of authentication in Kubernetes, and you are ready to learn where and how the authentication information eventually is used: giving users and applications permissions and enforcing those, through a process known as authorization.

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