Being a startup executive is challenging on many levels. From getting your first role to performing, to managing your team to dealing with your own psychology, it's a lot, even on a good day.

Even if we succeed at our roles, growing our companies and providing tangible value, few of us will see those multi‐million dollar exits we dream of. We may, but these outsized outcomes are something to aspire to, not expect.

Given this, I invite us all to be motivated by the journey. The joy of meeting a delighted customer. The power of building a team that's focused on accomplishing a shared mission to disrupt a market. The fist‐bumping (or covid‐friendly Zoom wave) ecstasy after closing a deal many teams worked hard on across different teams.

Then there is the heartbreak when something doesn't go your way or a market shifts out of your favor. And everything in between. The startup world is a wild ride filled with twists and turns. Plus, the regular old world is more complicated than ever, with uncertainties and challenges for so many. Attuned, authentic, and compassionate leadership is more sought after than ever in today's post‐pandemic climate.

If you want to be a startup leader, you can do it. I'll be rooting for you. See you along the journey upwards!

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