
First, I would like to recognize you, the reader of this book. Thank you for your interest to learn and to become leaders and innovators within your organization. I am contributing the proceeds to worthy causes that focus on technology and science to improve the world, from fighting hunger to advocating education to innovating social change.

There are many people who deserve heartfelt credit for assisting me in writing this book. This book would have not happened without the ultimate support and guidance from my esteemed colleagues and devoted customers from around the world. A sincere appreciation to my friends at Teradata and SAS, who encouraged me to write this book and helped me to validate with the technical details and to keep it simple for nontechnical readers to understand.

I owe a huge amount of gratitude to the people who reviewed and provided input word by word, chapter by chapter—specifically, Shelley Sessoms, Bob Matsey, and Paul Segal. Reading pages of technical jargons, trying to follow my thoughts, and translating my words in draft form can be a daunting challenge, but you did it with grace, patience, and swiftness. Thank you for the fantastic input that helped me to fine-tune the message.

A sincere appreciation goes to all marketing professionals, IT professionals, and business professionals who I have interacted with over the years. You have welcomed me, helped me to learn, allowed me to contribute, and provided insights in this book. Finally, to all my family (the Nguyen and Dang crew), the St. Francis Episcopalian sponsors, the Rotary Club (the Jones Family, the Veale Family)—they all have contributed to my success, and I would not be where I am today without them. To my wife and daughter, thank you for being the love of my life and the light of my day.

Tho H. Nguyen

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