Chapter 1

The Problem with IT Service Delivery

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.

Benjamin Franklin

In the fast-moving hypercompetitive world of today, innovation is as crucial as it is hard. People want ever better solutions faster. This requires pushing the envelope, taking chances into the new and unknown. While such bets do not always succeed, playing it safe risks a slide into irrelevance.

Few industries face expectations for innovation as high as those the IT industry faces. From smartphones and the applications and services that bring new capabilities instantly to our fingertips, to the advanced analytics engines that help us understand ourselves and the universe around us ever faster and more accurately, we have grown to expect a continuous stream of revolutionary breakthroughs that both titillate and improve the quality of our lives.

But this increasingly rapid flow has hardly been cost free.

Each innovation brings with it additional layers of technology, increasing the level of complexity in the operating stack. With so many moving parts produced by an ever growing list of providers, it is difficult for any one person to definitively know everything there is to know about an IT stack they rely upon or are responsible for. Like a building with an unknown foundation, this complexity creates a level of uncertainty that makes innovation more difficult. It also threatens to add fragility that drives up the likelihood of failure.

At the same time that technical stacks have increased in complexity, customer patience for failure has eroded. As demands for using IT solutions to solve problems have grown, IT has become deeply embedded into nearly every aspect of our lives, large and small. Now everything from our household appliances and cars to banks and emergency services relies upon an increasingly intricate web of software and IT hosted services to function. Any one failure can cascade into something both crippling and costly for both the user community and the provider. What constitutes a failure has also expanded to include not just faults and broken functionality but also poor usability and missed expectations.

Solving for innovation speed, reliability, and expectations matching has kicked off a competition between two approaches: reducing delivery friction and managing service delivery risk. This competition is important as it affects how organizations approach DevOps, and ultimately its chances for success. However, while each approach does address some important factors, each also contains a number of serious flaws. These not only cause frustrating delivery problems themselves, but can actually hinder the organization from achieving the single most important aspect of service delivery: effectively helping customers reach their target outcomes.

Approach #1: Reduce Delivery Friction

Being perceived as too slow to respond to events, regardless of whether it is fixing a new bug or vulnerability or addressing some new customer demand or regulatory requirement, can be not only embarrassing but fatal to a business. It undermines trust and confidence in an organization’s competence.

What is worse, speed is not only a matter of how many minutes or hours are needed to respond, but also whether the organization responds more quickly than its competitors. With it becoming increasingly easier to find and change to a new supplier, such perceptions can lead to a rapid loss of market share.

This desire to increase speed and agility has, not surprisingly, kicked off a rush to optimize delivery response. The most obvious place for delivery teams to start has been to look for any sources of delivery friction in the environment that can be eliminated.

Delivery friction is anything that reduces delivery speed, throughput, or responsiveness. As there are real gains that can be achieved by eliminating delivery friction, the industry has been flooded with solutions.

For instance, Agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban target the traditionally long delivery cycles that make changing delivery priorities and getting solutions to market slow and cumbersome. Breaking work into small batches as these methodologies prescribe also has the added benefit of gaining feedback more quickly, which can help reduce the waste caused by misunderstood or misaligned requirements.

Likewise, the coding practices and release engineering tooling improvements that accompany DevOps’ continuous integration/continuous delivery initiatives often push developers toward more frequent code check-ins into less complicated code repository structures. These together with more rapid build, integration, and testing cycles increase the amount of feedback developers get during delivery. This allows problems to be spotted and addressed far more quickly while context is still fresh in people’s minds. Pair programming, unit tests, and code reviews also help developers write more elegant code while improving the knowledge of the code base across the team.

The move away from architectural monoliths to more self-contained modular services running on cloud instances that can be spun up and down nearly instantly makes the process of scaling and changing out aging and no longer suitable components potentially much faster and less daunting. Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and open source software solutions allow developers to share and borrow solutions to common problems, further speeding up the time it takes to get solutions to market. Configuration and orchestration automation tools like Puppet and Kubernetes allow thousands of service instances to be managed globally by a handful or tens of engineers.

All of these friction reduction improvements sound great. However, they can have a number of dark sides that few openly acknowledge, let alone fully understand. These not only create headaches for people in the delivery organization, they also get in the way of delivering the outcomes that customers care about.

The Downsides of Targeting Delivery Friction

The first challenge with fixating on eliminating delivery friction is that it is easy for delivery teams to focus on building as much as they can as quickly as they can rather than on trying to understand what the customer is trying to accomplish and how their solution might help them achieve it. Some believe that by simply delivering more you will eventually deliver something customers find useful. Others who have been influenced by traditional financial accounting often translate building more assets while expending the same number of man hours as a financial win regardless of their utility. Both are incredibly wasteful and count on success being little more than a matter of chance.

This cycle of producing as much as you can as fast as possible is often reinforced by delivery teams being evaluated on how much they can deliver in a period of time. At first glance this might not seem like much of a problem, but if you feel that your throughput is falling below expectations, it can be extremely tempting to push friction elimination to the extreme by cutting corners and take on unnecessary risks for the benefit of speed.

This push to release faster has also been far from inclusive. The development-centric nature means that most improvements have focused on making the lives of developers easier, often to the exclusion of others. QA, and especially operational teams, often find themselves being pushed or worked around for the sake of increasing delivery speed. As these groups are usually measured by metrics such as service uptime and the frequency and severity of production problems, they feel that this rushing is against their best interests, jeopardizing their ability to perform their jobs effectively. It also doesn’t help that many developers only have limited awareness of, and often little interest in, the technology stack they are deploying into. This increases the odds of something going wrong.

Operationally focused teams have pushed back. While they are not opposed to reducing friction, they favor actions that minimize problems arising in the first place. This has given birth to our second approach, managing service delivery risk.

Approach #2: Managing Service Delivery Risk

Being able to respond quickly to failure is great. But service support and IT Operations teams know that failure can be costly, often in ways that others fail to understand until it is too late. It not only consumes massive amounts of support resources to respond and deal with production problems, it also damages trust with the customer. It is better to try to avoid failure in the first place.

Teams that feel this way instead favor trying to manage service delivery risk directly. Anything that is unknown, poorly documented, or insufficiently understood is an unmanaged danger that puts the organization at risk of failure.

To mitigate such dangers, teams that prioritize risk management attempt to make all risks knowable up-front. Because undocumented variation is considered the largest source of unmanaged danger, such organizations typically begin by mandating that all delivery activities follow standardized “best practices.” These practices are heavily documented and include most day-to-day activities spanning from maintenance and troubleshooting to making infrastructure and service changes. The idea is that the danger of undocumented variation can be minimized by forcing everything to follow a heavily documented standard.

Knowing that not all needed changes can be completely standardized, nonstandard changes are put through a process that attempts to make them known enough that the risks they might create can be captured and assessed. This is done by documenting details about the changes, how they will be performed, and their potential impact, and then submitting them through a governance review and controls process where they can be reviewed by responsible parties to determine whether any potential risks from the proposed changes are acceptable. If they are not, the party wanting to make the change needs to abandon the change or make modifications to it to make it acceptable.

Documenting every possible standard practice is both tedious and time consuming. Rather than coming up with all of these processes themselves, most organizations adopt them from one of the many popular IT service management frameworks such as ITIL2. These frameworks have the benefit of being known as industry best practices full of lots of easy-to-use templates and procedures that many IT organizations are familiar with. They are also widely recognized by auditors for legal and regulatory compliance.

2. “What is ITIL,”

The Downsides of Targeting Service Delivery Risk

Implementing an industry best practice to minimize unknown variation and enable responsible parties to review nonstandard changes before they are pushed live sounds like a good idea. While all the extra processing might introduce additional delivery friction, it seems like the sort that might help the organization deliver more effectively. Isn’t having a service that performs as expected a critical part of what a customer needs?

The problem with this approach begins with the fact that it makes four flawed assumptions:

  • Work will be predictable.

  • People will correctly follow a documented process.

  • People in authority are capable of making effective decisions.

  • Industry-certified frameworks are less risky than noncertified or lesser-known approaches.

The first assumption is that the vast majority of work needing to be performed in production will necessarily be predictable enough that all necessary steps to get to a satisfactory result can be documented beforehand without any need for variation.

This leads us to the second assumption, which is the belief that everyone will follow all documented processes exactly without any variation. Even though service management frameworks demand an audit trail, the vast majority accept the change script and checklist that engineers follow as sufficient evidence without any real programmatic means to ensure that someone hasn’t miskeyed an action, done something out of order, or taken shortcuts along the way.

There is also the reliance on “responsible parties” chosen to sit on a Change Advisory Board (CAB) to review changes to determine whether the risks they pose are acceptable. The members of these CABs are usually selected from managers, heads of functions, and key stakeholders of areas affected by the change. While CABs usually can catch such problems as scheduling conflicts and communication gaps, they are usually far enough away from the day-to-day details that it is difficult for them to have enough awareness and understanding of the potential risks the changes pose to the ecosystem and the dangers they might have for the customer.

The final problem with this approach is that it silently makes the assumption that the current state is by default somehow less risky than any nonstandard one. Not only is that not necessarily true, inaction can actually increase the risk to the organization. I have personally seen organizations get caught in this trap a number of times. Sometimes it is a critical customer threatening to leave, or demands from some regulatory body under the threat of major fines and legal action, if a particular change they absolutely had to have was not made by a certain date. Other times a dangerous defect has been found in a critical service, usually one involving some commercial third party, that requires an extended downtime window to fix. In such cases it can be extremely difficult to push through a change quickly, even when not doing so can jeopardize the future existence of the organization.

The Essence of Delivery

The customer inevitably finds themselves stuck in the middle of this conflict between those who try to optimize for delivery speed and attempt to manage risk. Naturally, customers want both quick delivery and no faults. They simply do not understand why they cannot have both. Meanwhile, each team thinks their approach is right and their goals should be prioritized. Do the IT Operations staff not understand the time and innovation pressures in the market? Is the work of the delivery team as risky as is being implied? They both seem to care deeply about the success of the company. How can these two technical teams have such opposing views?

Can DevOps be a solution?

Before answering those questions, it is worthwhile to first consider the purpose for why we are doing IT delivery in the first place.

At the most basic level, delivery is nothing more than a chain of interrelated decisions. Like any decision, they are made to reach some sort of preferred, or at least less bad, state than the current trajectory. In the context of service delivery, they are made for the purpose of helping customers achieve their target outcome.

A target outcome is a set of desirable or otherwise important conditions that the customer wants to reach. Delivering to achieve a target outcome is more than simply delivering an output or meeting a promise of a service reliability level. Reaching a target outcome means functionally satisfying a need, whether it is to solve an existing problem, minimize or prevent one from occurring, exploit an opportunity, or to otherwise improve the current condition.

The connection between an outcome and the tool or service attempting to deliver it can be straightforward (“I want to stay informed about today’s weather so that I know if I need to alter what I wear”), complex with many solutions (“I want better global weather and market information so that I can choose the best crop to farm”), nested (“I want better climate information to design buildings that have a lower carbon footprint but stay comfortable for its inhabitants”), or even part of an aspirational journey (“I want to reduce man’s impact on the environment worldwide”). The target outcome provides us with a direction or purpose to deliver toward.

In order to reach an outcome, you need to have some idea of current conditions. What is the size of the gap between the current state and the desired state? What are the means available that can be used to attempt to close that gap, what obstacles might get in the way that need to be avoided or overcome along the way, and how can we tell if we are making material progress toward the target outcome? The answers together are what we call our situational awareness, the idea that we know what is going on around us to make better decisions more rapidly.

Any good decision maker reflects on the impact of the decisions they make. Did they result in the changes we were expecting, and did those changes result in progress toward the target outcome? Understanding what did and did not go well and why helps us learn and improve our decision making, and thereby our ability to deliver more effectively, in the future.

Beginning the DevOps Journey

Unfortunately, in emphasizing outputs and uptime we assume but do not check that we are actually delivering solutions that help customers get to their target outcomes. The reason for this comes back to how we have become accustomed to working. It would seem odd to most people working in delivery to be expected to figure out themselves what the customer is trying to achieve and how to deliver it to them. We instead expect to be told what features or requirements need to be delivered. This removes a lot of ambiguity and eliminates the need for any direct customer contact.

Having trackable lists of requirements also makes it far clearer how we will be evaluated. Managers can simply measure delivery outputs like how much work was done and how well it aligns to what was asked for.

While unambiguous and easy to manage, measuring the delivery of outputs provides little incentive for workers to check that customers are able to use what was delivered to reach their target outcomes. The fact that managers tend to be measured on their ability to deliver requirements on time and on budget only compounds this problem. It is as if any gap between what was asked for and what the customer needs is the customer’s problem. This is far from a sustainable strategy for any business.

Being disconnected from target outcomes also changes what factors are considered when making delivery decisions. With evaluation metrics taking center stage, focus turns to any actions that can turn them favorable. Teams soon learn how to quickly game measures such as velocity (by breaking up jobs into many small tasks), bug counts (closing, deprioritizing, or reclassifying them as “features”), and code coverage (creating poorly constructed unit tests that do little to test the underlying code), undercutting their intended value.

So what does all this have to do with DevOps?

To be truly successful, a DevOps implementation has to remove all the barriers and disincentives that prevent the delivery organization from helping customers reach their target outcomes. This takes systematically moving away from traditional beliefs, habits, and approaches about IT service delivery and establishing a more situationally aware, outcome-based, and continually learning and improving approach.

As you will see, this transition is incredibly difficult to do. Habits and beliefs are hard to break with. This takes a lot of convincing, especially when it challenges traditional systems used to assess people and work product performance.

The best way to take people on this journey is to begin with making the dysfunction visible. The best approach is to strip the delivery process back to its core, the decision.

One person, a US Air Force pilot and military strategist named John Boyd, pursued such a search in order to understand what is necessary to optimize the decision-making process. As you will see, his journey provides a useful lens to better understand the decision-making process itself and how improving your decision making can help you deliver the target outcomes that matter.


IT service delivery organizations commonly feel that they must choose between optimizing for output and speed by targeting delivery friction, and managing risk by minimizing unknown variation through defined practices and review processes. Not only are such approaches flawed, they cause teams to lose sight of the fact that service delivery is about delivering solutions that help customers achieve their target outcomes.

To deliver more effectively, teams should instead think of service delivery as a decision-making process. By understanding how decisions are made, decision-making can be improved to deliver the target outcomes that matter.

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