Configuring grid lines

Cartesian grids support several properties that change their appearance on the screen. You can change colors, line widths, line styles, tick size, spacing for the grid lines, and different styles for the zero line. You can also show and hide grid lines, ticks, and borders, reducing the amount of unnecessary chart junk and making your chart more efficient.

These properties are configured in the gridLines object inside each object of the xAxes or yAxes arrays and are listed here:





true (default) or false

Shows or hides the grid lines for this axis.


A CSS color or array of colors; default is ‘rgba(0,0,0,.1)’

The color of the grid lines. If an array is used, sets a color for each line.


Number; default is 1

The width of the grid lines.



A dash array for the grid lines.



The dash offset for the grid lines.


true (default) or false

Draws/hides the axis line.


true (default) or false

Draws/hides grid lines inside the chart for the axis.


true (default) or false

Draws/hides the tick marks.



The size of the tick mark.



The width of the zero line.


CSS color

The color of the zero line.



A dash array for the zero line.



The dash offset for the zero line.


true or false

Moves the grid lines between labels (default in bar charts).

Configuration of gridlines in Cartesian scales. These properties are used in any axis.gridLines object

Some grid-line configuration examples are shown here. This code applies different colors to the vertical grid lines and a dash array for the horizontal lines. The axis lines are hidden because axis.gridLines.drawBorder is false. A different width and color was applied to the zero lines on both axes:

scales: {
xAxes: [{
gridLines: {
color: ['#fff','#d30','#b33',...,'#09b','#09e'],
lineWidth: 2,
zeroLineColor: 'black',
zeroLineWidth: 5,
drawBorder: false
ticks: {
padding: 10,
callback: function(d) {return d != 200 ? d : undefined;}
yAxes: [{
gridLines: {
zeroLineColor: 'black',
zeroLineWidth: 5,
lineWidth: 2,
borderDash: [5, 5],
drawBorder: false
ticks: { padding: 10 }

The result is shown in the following screenshot. The full code is in Cartesian/Cartesian-6-grid-styles.html:

Vertical grid lines with different colors and horizontal lines with dash arrays. Both axis lines are hidden with axis.gridLines drawBorder: false
Code: Cartesian/Cartesian-6-grid-styles.html

Tick marks are lines that cross outside of the chart area. You can hide them with axis.gridLines.drawTicks:false or make them longer or shorter with axis.gridLines.tickMarkLength. You can hide gridLines inside the chart area with axis.gridLines.drawOnChartArea:false and the axis line with axis.gridLines.drawBorder:false. These properties were used to configure the following chart (Cartesian/Cartesian-7-grid-styles.html):

Vertical grid with an axis.gridLines.tickMarkLength of 15 pixels and axis.gridLines drawOnChartArea: false. Horizontal grid hides axis with axis.gridLines drawBorder: false
Code: Cartesian/Cartesian-7-grid-styles.html

This configuration hides ticks and gridLines to produce a minimalistic chart with a single centered axis:

options: {
scales: {
xAxes: [{
ticks: { display: false },
gridLines: { display: false }
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
mirror: true,
padding: -(canvas.width/2)
gridLines: {
drawBorder: false,
drawOnChartArea: false,
drawTicks: false,
offsetGridLines: true

The result applied to a line chart is shown here. See the full code in Cartesian/Cartesian-8-grid-minimal.html:

A chart with minimal grid markings Code: Cartesian/Cartesian-8-grid-minimal.html
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