
As exciting as the web storage API might seem so far, there are cases when our needs might be such that serializing and unserializing data, as we use local or session storage, might not be quite sufficient. For example, imagine we have a few hundred (or perhaps, several thousand) similar records stored in local storage (say we're storing enemy description cards that are part of an RPG game). Think about how you would do the following using local storage:

  • Retrieve, in alphabetical order, the first five records stored
  • Delete all records stored that contain a particular characteristic (such as an enemy that doesn't survive in water, for example)
  • Retrieve up to three records stored that contain a particular characteristic (for example, the enemy has a Hit Point score of 42,000 or more)

The point is this: any querying that we may want to make against the data stored in local storage or session storage, must be handled by our own code. In other words, we'd be spending a lot of time and effort writing code just to help us get to some data. Let alone the fact that any complex data stored in local or session storage is converted to literal objects, and any and all functions that were once part of those objects are now gone, unless we write even more code to handle some sort of custom unserializing.

In case you have not guessed it by now, IndexedDB solves these and other problems very beautifully. At its heart, IndexedDB is a NoSQL database engine that allows us to store whole objects and index them for fast insertions, deletions, and retrievals. The database system also provides us with a powerful querying engine, so that we can perform very advanced computations on the data that we have persisted.

The following figure shows some of the similarities between IndexedDB and a traditional relational database. In relational databases, data is stored as a group of rows within a specific table structure. In IndexedDB, on the other hand, data is grouped in broadly-defined buckets known as data stores.


The architecture of IndexedDB is somewhat similar to the popular relational database systems used in most web development projects today. One core difference is that, whereas relational databases store data in a database, which is a collection of related tables, an IndexedDB system groups data in databases, which is a collection of data stores. While conceptually similar, in practice these two architectures are actually quite different.


If you come from a relational database background, and the concept of databases, tables, columns, and rows makes sense to you, then you're well on your way to becoming an IndexedDB expert. As you'll see, there are some significant distinctions between both systems and methodologies. While you might be tempted to simply replace the words data store with tables, know that the difference between the two concepts extends beyond a name difference.

One key feature of data stores is that they don't have any specific schema associated with them. In relational databases, a table is defined by its very particular structure. Each column is specified ahead of time, when the table is first created. Then, every record saved in such a table follows the exact same format. In NoSQL databases (which IndexedDB is a type of), a data store can hold any object, with whatever format they may have. Essentially, this concept would be the same as having a relational database table that has a different schema for each record in it.


To get started with IndexedDB, we first need to create a database. This is done through an implementation of IDBFactory, which in the browser, is the window.indexedDB object. Deleting a database is also done through the indexedDB object, as we'll see soon.

In order to open a database (or create one if it doesn't exist yet), we simply call the method, passing in a database name, along with a version number. If no version number is supplied, the default version number of one will be used as shown in the following code snippet:

var dbName = "myDatabase";
var dbVersion = 1;
var request =, dbVersion);

As you'll soon notice, every method for asynchronous requests in IndexedDB (such as, for example), will return a request object of type IDBRequest, or an implementation of it. Once we have that request object, we can set up callback functions on its properties, which get executed as the various events related to them are fired, as shown in the following code snippet:

var dbName = "myDatabase";
var dbVersion = 1;
var db = null;
var request =, dbVersion);
request.onerror = function(event) {
   console.log("Error:", event);
request.onsuccess = function(event) {
   db =;


As mentioned in the previous section, once we make an asynchronous request to the IndexedDB API, the immediately returned object will be of type IDBRequest. In the particular case of an open request, the object that is returned to us is of type IDBOpenDBRequest. Two events that we might want to listen to on this object were shown in the preceding code snippet (onerror and onsuccess). There is also a very important event, wherein we can create an object store, which is the foundation of this storage system. This event is the onupgradeneeded (that is, on upgrade needed) event. This will be fired when the database is first created and, as you might expect, whenever the version number used to open the database is higher than the last value used when the database was opened, as shown in the following code:

var dbName = "myDatabase";
var dbVersion = 1;
var db = null;
var store = null;
var request =, dbVersion);
request.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
   db =;
   store = db.createObjectStore("myDataStore", {keyPath: "myKey"});

The call to createObjectStore made on the database object takes two parameters. The first is a string representing the name of the object store. This store can be thought of as a table in the world of relational databases. Of course, instead of inserting records into columns from a table, we insert whole objects into the data store. The second parameter is an object defining properties of the data store. One important attribute that this object must define is the keyPath object, which is what makes each object we store unique. The value assigned to this property can be anything we choose.

Now, any objects that we persist in this data store must have an attribute with the same name as the one assigned to keyPath. In this example, our objects will need to have an attribute of myKey. If a new object is persisted, it will be indexed by the value of this property.

Any additional objects stored that have the same value for myKey will replace any old objects with that same key. Thus, we must provide a unique value for this object every time we want a unique object persisted.

Alternatively, we can let the browser provide a unique value for this key for us. Again, comparing this concept to a relational database, we can think of the keyPath object as being the same thing as a unique ID for a particular element. Just as most relational database systems will support some sort of auto increment, so does IndexedDB. To specify that we want auto-incremented values, we simply add the flag to the object store properties object when the data store is first created (or upgraded) as shown in the following code snippet:

request.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
  var settings = {
    keyPath: "myKey",
    autoIncrement: true
  db =;
  store = db.createObjectStore("myDataStore", settings);

Now we can persist an object without having to provide a unique value for the property myKey. As a matter of fact, we don't even need to provide this attribute at all as part of any objects we store here. IndexedDB will handle that for us. Take a look at the following diagram:


Using Google Chrome's developer tools, we can see all of the databases and data stores we have created for our domain. Note that the primary object key, which has whatever name we give it during the creation of our data store, has IndexedDB-generated values, which, as we have specified, are incremented over the last value.

With this simple, yet verbose boilerplate code in place, we can now start using our databases and data stores. From this point on, the actions we take on the database will be done on the individual data store objects, which are accessed through the database objects that created them.


The last general thing we need to remember when dealing with IndexDB, is that every interaction we have with the data store is done inside transactions. If something goes wrong during a transaction, the entire transaction is rolled back, and nothing takes effect. Similarly, if the transaction is successful, IndexedDB will automatically commit the transaction for us, which is a pretty handy bonus.

To use transaction, we need to get a reference to our database, then request a transaction for a particular data store. Once we have a reference to a data store, we can perform the various functions related to the data store, such as putting data into it, reading data from it, updating data, and finally, deleting data from a data store.

var TodoItem = function(task) {
  this.task = task;
  this.completed = false;
try {
  var trans = db.transaction(storeName, "readwrite");
  var store = trans.objectStore(storeName);
  var task1 = new TodoItem("Buy more pizza");
  var task2 = new TodoItem("Finish writing the book");
  var task3 = new TodoItem("Shave before going to work");
  var request = store.put(task1);
  // We can reuse this request object to store multiple objects
  request = store.put(task2);
  request = store.put(task3);
  request.onsuccess = function(e) {
    log("Success!" + value.key);
  request.onerror = function(e) {
} catch (e) {

To store an item in our data store we need to follow a couple of steps. Note that if anything goes wrong during this transaction, we simply catch whatever error is thrown by the browser, and execution continues uninterrupted because of the try/catch block.

The first step to persisting objects in IndexedDB is to start a transaction. This is done by requesting a transaction object from the database we have opened earlier. A transaction is always related to a particular data store. Also, when requesting a transaction, we can specify what type of transaction we'd like to start. The possible types of transactions in IndexedDB are as follows:


This transaction mode allows for objects to be stored into the data store, retrieved from it, updated, and deleted. In other words, readwrite mode allows for full CRUD functionality.


This transaction mode is similar to readwrite, but clearly restricts the interactions with the data store to only reading. Anything that would modify the data store is not allowed, so any attempt to create a new record (in other words, persisting a new object into the data store), update an existing object (in other words, trying to save an object that was already in the data store), or delete an object from the data store will result in the transaction failing, and an exception being raised.


This transaction mode allows us to create or modify an object store or indexes used in the data store. Within a transaction of this mode, we can perform any action or operation, including modifying the structure of the database.

Getting elements

Simply storing data into a black box is not at all useful if we're not able to retrieve that data at a later point in time. With IndexedDB, this can be done in several different ways. More commonly, the data store where we persist the data is set up with one or more indexes, which keep the objects organized by a particular field. Again, for those accustomed to relational databases, this would be similar to indexing/applying a key to a particular table column. If we want to get to an object, we can query it by its unique ID, or we can search the data store for objects that fit particular characteristics, which we can do through indexed values of that object.

To create an index on a data store, we must specify our intentions during the creation of the data store (inside the onupgradeneeded callback when the store is first created, or inside a transaction mode versionchange). The code for this is as follows:

request.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
  var settings = {
    keyPath: "myKey",
    autoIncrement: true
  db =;
  store = db.createObjectStore("myDataStore", settings);
  var indexSettings = {
    unique: true
  store.createIndex("taskIndex", "task", indexSettings);

In the preceding example, we create an index for the task attribute of our objects. The name of this index can be anything we want, and commonly is the same name as the object property to which it applies. In our case, we simply named it taskIndex. The possible settings we can configure are as follows:

  • unique – if true, an object being stored with a duplicate value for the same attribute is rejected
  • multiEntry – if true, and the indexed attribute is an array, each element will be indexed


    Note that zero or more indexes can be created for a data store. Just like any other database system, indexing your database/data store can really boost the performance of the storage container. However, just adding indexes for the fun it provides is not a good idea, as the size of your data store will grow accordingly. A good data store design is one where the specific context of the data store with respect to the application is taken into account, and each indexed field is carefully considered. The phrase to keep in mind when designing your data stores is the following: measure it twice, cut it once.

    Although any object can be saved in a data store (as opposed to a relational database, where the data stored must carefully follow the table structure, as defined by the table's schema), in order to optimize the performance of your application, try to build your data stores with the data that it will store in mind. It is true that any data can be smacked into any data store, but a wise developer considers the data being stored very carefully before committing it to a database.

Once the data store is set up, and we have at least one meaningful index, we can start to pull data out of the data store. The easiest way to retrieve objects from a data store is to use an index, and query for a specific object, as shown in the following code:

var TodoItem = function(task) {
  this.task = task;
  this.completed = false;
function getTask(taskName, callback) {
  // 1. Open a transaction. Since we don't need to write anything to
  // the data store, a simple readonly transaction will sufice.
  var trans = db.transaction(storeName, "readonly");
  var store = trans.objectStore(storeName);
  // 2. specify an index to use, and the data to get from it
  var req = store.index("taskIndex").get(taskName);
  req.onsuccess = function(e) {
    var todoItem =;
    // todoItem.task => "Buy more pizza"
    // todoItem.completed => false
  req.onerror = function(e) {
    // Handle error
// Search for a TodoItem object with a task property of "Buy more pizza"
getTask("Buy more pizza", function(taskItem) {
  console.log("TaskItem object: " + taskItem.task);

The preceding function attempts to retrieve a single saved object from our data store. The search is made for an object with its task property that matches the task name supplied to the function. If one is found, it will be retrieved from the data store, and passed to the store object's request through the event object passed in to the callback function. If an error occurs in the process (for example, if the index supplied doesn't exist), the onerror event is triggered. Finally, if no objects in the data store match the search criteria, the resulting property passed in through the request parameter object will be null.

Now, to search for multiple items, we can take a similar approach, but instead we request an IndexedDBCursor object. A cursor is basically a pointer to a particular result from a result set of zero or more objects. We can use the cursor to iterate through every object in the result set, until the current cursor points at no object (null), indicating that there are no more objects in the result set.

var TodoItem = function(task) {
  this.task = task;
  this.completed = false;
function getTask(taskName, callback) {
  // 1. Open a transaction. Since we don't need to write anything to
  // the data store, a simple readonly transaction will sufice.
  var trans = db.transaction(storeName, "readonly");
  var store = trans.objectStore(storeName);
  // 2. specify the range in the data store to request data from
  var keyRange = IDBKeyRange.lowerBound(0);
  var req = store.openCursor(keyRange);
  req.onsuccess = function(e) {
    // cursor IDBCursorWithValue
    //   key : int
    //   primaryKey : int
    //   source : IDBObjectStore
    //   value : Object
    var cursor =;
    // Before we continue, we need to make sure that we
    // haven't hit the end of the result set
    if (!cursor) {
    // If there are still results, let's process them
    //    cursor.value === todoItem
    //    cursor.value.task => "Buy more pizza"
    //    cursor.value.completed => false
    // Since results are plain, typeless object literals, we need to rebuild
    // each object from scratch.
    var todoItem = new TodoItem(cursor.value.task);
    todoItem.myKey = cursor.value.myKey;
    todoItem.completed = cursor.value.completed;
     // Tell the cursor to fetch the next result
  req.onerror = function(e) {
    // Handle error
// Retrieve every TodoItem in the data store
var todoItems = new Array();
getTask("Buy more pizza", function() {
  for (var i = 0; i < todoItems.length; i++) {
    console.log("TaskItem object: " + todoItems[i].task);

You will note a few things with the above code snippet. First, any object that goes into our IndexedDB data store is stripped of its DNA, and only a simple hash is stored in its stead. Thus, if the prototype information of each object we retrieve from the data store is important to the application, we will need to manually reconstruct each object from the data that we get back from the data store.

Second, observe that we can filter the subset of the data store that we would like to take out of it. This is done with an IndexedDB Key Range object, which specifies the offset from which to start fetching data. In our case, we specified a lower bound of zero, meaning that the lowest primary key value we want is zero. In other words, this particular query requests all of the records in the data store.

Finally, remember that the result from the request is not a single result or an array of results. Instead, all of the results are returned one at a time in the form of a cursor. We can check for the presence of a cursor altogether, then use the cursor if one is indeed present. Then, the way we request the next cursor is by calling the continue() function on the cursor itself.

Another way to think of cursors is by imagining a spreadsheet application. Pretend that the 10 objects returned from our request each represent a row in this spreadsheet. So IndexedDB will fetch all 10 of those objects to memory, and send a pointer to the first result through the property in the onsuccess callback. By calling cursor.continue(), we simply tell IndexedDB to now give us a reference to the next object in the result set (or, in other words, we ask for the next row in the spreadsheet). This goes on until the tenth object, after which no more objects exist in the result set (again, to go along with the spreadsheet metaphor, after we fetch the last row, the next row after that is null – it doesn't exist). As a result, the data store will call the onsuccess callback, and pass in a null object. If we attempt to read properties in this null reference, as though we were working with a real object returned from the cursor, the browser will throw a null pointer exception.

Instead of trying to reconstruct an object from a cursor one property at a time, we could abstract this functionality away in a generic form. Since objects being persisted into the object store can't have any functions, we're not allowed to keep such functionality inside the object itself. However, thanks to JavaScript's ability to build an object from a reference to a constructor function, we can create a very generic object builder function as follows:

var TodoItem = function(task) {
  this.task = task;
  this.completed = false;
  this.toHTML = function() {
    var el = document.createElement("li");
    el.textContent = this.task;
    if (this.completed) { = "line-through";
    return el;
function inflatObject(class, object) {
  // 1. Create an instance of whatever class we reference
  var obj = new class();
  // 2. Copy every property from the object returned by the cursor
  // into the newly created object
  for (var property in object) {
    obj[property] = object[property];
  // 3. Return the inflated object
  return obj;
// …
var req = store.openCursor(keyRange);
req.onsuccess = function(e) {
  var cursor =;
  // Before we continue, we need to make sure that we
  // haven't hit the end of the result set
  if (!cursor) {
  var todoItem = inflatObject(TodoItem, cursor.value);
  // We could even call methods on the new inflated object
  var itemElement = todoItem.toHTML();
  todoItem.myKey == cursor.myKey; // True
  todoItem.task == cursor.task; // True
  todoItem.completed == cursor.completed; // True
  // Tell the cursor to fetch the next result

Deleting elements

To remove specific elements from a data store, the same principles involved in retrieving data apply. In fact, the entire process looks fairly identical to retrieving data, only we call the delete function on the object store object. Needless to say, the transaction used in this action must be readwrite, since readonly limits the object so that no changes can be done to it (including deletion).

The first way to delete an object is by passing the object's primary key to the delete function. This is shown as follows:

function deleteTask(taskId, callback) {
  // 1. Open a transaction. Since we definitely need to change the object
  // in the data store, we need proper access and benefits
  var trans = db.transaction(storeName, "readwrite");
  var store = trans.objectStore(storeName);
  // 2. specify an index to use, and the data to get from it
  var req = store.delete(taskId);
  req.onsuccess = function(e) {
    // Do something, then call callback
  req.onerror = function(e) {
    // Handle error

The difficulty with this first approach is that we need to know the ID of the object. In some cases, this would involve a prior transaction request where we'd retrieve the object based on some easier to get data. For example, if we want to delete all tasks with the attribute of complete set to true, we'd need to query the data store for those objects first, then use the IDs associated with each result, and use those values in the transaction where the objects are deleted.

A second way to remove data from the data store is to simply call clear() on the object store object. Again, the transaction must be set to readwrite. Doing this will obliterate every last object in the data store, even if they're all of different types as shown in the following code snippet:

var trans = db.transaction(storeName, "readwrite");
var store = trans.objectStore(storeName);
var req = store.clear();
req.onsuccess = function(e) {
  // Do something, then call callback
req.onerror = function(e) {
  // Handle error

Finally, we can delete multiple records using a cursor. This is similar to the way we retrieve objects. As we iterate through the result set using the cursor, we can simply delete the object at whatever position the cursor is currently on. Upon deletion, the reference from the cursor object is set to null as shown in the following code snippet:

  // 1. Be sure to set the transaction to readwrite. Else, there will be a nice
  // exception raised if we try to delete readonly data.
  var trans = db.transaction(storeName, "readwrite");
  var store = trans.objectStore(storeName);
  // 2. specify the range in the data store to request data from
  var keyRange = IDBKeyRange.lowerBound(0);
  var req = store.openCursor(keyRange);
  req.onsuccess = function(e) {
    var cursor =;
    // Before we continue, we need to make sure that we
    // haven't hit the end of the result set
    if (!cursor) {
    // Here, we could have accessed the object's primary ID through
    // the cursor object in cursor.value.myKey. However, accessing
    // cursor.primaryKey maps to the specific property name that holds
    // the value of the primary key.
    // Tell the cursor to fetch the next result

This is pretty much the same routine as fetching data. The only detail is that we absolutely need to supply an object's key. The key is the value stored in the object's keyPath attribute, which can be user-provided, or auto-generated. Fortunately for us, the cursor object returns at least two references to this key through the cursor.primaryKey property, as well as through the object's own property that references that value (in our case, we chose the keyPath attribute to be named myKey).

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