The code

The two upgrades we added to this second version of the game are simple, yet they add a lot of value to the game. We added a persistent high score engine, so users can actually keep track of their latest record, and have a sticky record of past successes. We also added a pretty nifty feature that takes a snapshot of the game board each time the player scores, as well as whenever the player ultimately dies out. Once the player dies, we display all of the snapshots we had collected throughout the game, allowing the player to save those images, and possibly share it with his or her friends.

Saving the high score

The first thing you probably noticed about the previous version of this game was that we had a placeholder for a high score, but that number never changed. Now that we know how to persist data, we can very easily take advantage of this, and persist a player's high score through various games. In a more realistic scenario, we'd probably send the high score data to a backend server, where every time the game is served, we can keep track of the overall high score, and every user playing the game would know about this global score. However, in our situation, the high score is local to a browser only, since none of the persistence APIs (local and session storage, as well as IndexedDB) share data across other browsers, or natively to a remote server.

Since we want the high score to still exist in a player's browser even a month from now, after the computer has been powered off (along with the browser, of course) multiple times, storing this high score data on sessionStorage would be silly. We could store this single number either in IndexedDB or in localStorage. Since we don't care about any other information associated with this score (such as the date when the score was achieved, and so on), all we're storing really is just the one number. For this reason, I think localStorage is a much better choice, because it can all be done in as few as 5 lines of code. Using IndexedDB would work, but would be like using a cannon to kill a mosquito:

function setHighScore(newScore, el) {
  var element = document.querySelector(el);
  // Multiply by 1 to cast the value from a string to a number
  var score = localStorage.getItem("high-score") * 1;
  // Check if there is a numerical score saved
  if (score && !isNaN(score)) {
    // Check if new score is higher than current high score
    if (newScore > element.textContent * 1) {
      localStorage.setItem("high-score", newScore);
      element.textContent = newScore;
    } else {
        element.textContent = score;
  } else {
    localStorage.setItem("high-score", newScore);
    element.textContent = newScore;

This function is pretty straight forward. The two values we pass it are the actual score to set as the new high score (this value will be both saved to localStorage, as well as displayed to the user), and the HTML element where the value will be shown.

First, we retrieve the existing value saved under the key high-score, and convert it to a number. We could have used the function parseInt(), but multiplying a string by a number does the same thing, but with a slightly faster execution.

Next, we check if that value evaluated to something real. In other words, if there was no high-score value saved in local storage, then the variable score would have been evaluated to undefined multiplied by one, which is not a number. If there is a value saved with the key high-score, but that value is not something that can be converted into a number (such as a string of letters and such), we know that it is not a valid value. In this case, we set the incoming score as the new high score. This would work out in the case where the current persisted value is invalid, or not there (which would be the case the very first time the game loads).

Next, once we have a valid score retried from local storage, we check if the new value is higher than the old, persisted value. If we have a higher score, we persist that value, and display it to the screen. If the new value is not higher than the existing value, we don't persist anything, but display the saved value, since that is the real high score at the time.

Taking screenshots of the game

This feature is not as trivial as saving the user's high score, but is nonetheless very straightforward to implement. Since we don't care about snapshots that we captured more than one game ago, we'll use sessionStorage to save data from the game, in real time as the player progresses.

Behind the scenes, all we do to take these snapshots is save the game state into sessionStorage, then at the end of the game we retrieve all of the pieces that we'd been saving, and reconstruct the game at those points in time into an invisible canvas. We then use the canvas.toDataURL() function to extract that data as an image:

function saveEvent(event, snake, fruit) {
  var eventObj = sessionStorage.getItem(event);
  // If this is the first time the event is set, create its structure
  if (!eventObj)  {
    eventObj = {
      snake: new Array(),
      fruit: new Array()
    eventObj = JSON.stringify(eventObj);
    sessionStorage.setItem(event, eventObj);
  } else {
    eventObj = JSON.parse(eventObj);
    eventObj = JSON.stringify(eventObj);
    sessionStorage.setItem(event, eventObj);
  return JSON.parse(eventObj);

Each time the player eats a fruit, we call this function, passing it a reference to the snake (our hero in this game), and the fruit (the goal of this game) objects. What we do is really quite simple: we create an array representing the state of the snake and of the fruit at each event that we capture. Each element in this array is a string representing the serialized array that keeps track of where the fruit was, and where each body part of the snake was located as well.

First, we check if this object currently exists in sessionStorage. For the first time we start the game, this object will not yet exist. Thus, we create an object that references those two objects, namely the snake and the fruit object. Next, we stringify the buffers keeping track of the locations of the elements we want to track. Each time we add a new event, we simply append to those two buffers.

Of course, if the user closes down the browser, that data will be erased by the browser itself, since that's how sessionStorage works. However, we probably don't want to hold on to data from a previous game, so we also need a way to clear out our own data after each game.

function clearEvent(event) {
  return sessionStorage.removeItem(event);

Easy enough. All we need is to know the name of the key that we use to hold each element. For our purposes, we simply call the snapshots of the snake eating "eat", and the buffer with the snapshot of the snake dying "die". So before each game starts, we can simply call clearEvent() with those two global key values, and the cache will be cleared a new each time.

Next, as each event takes place, we simply call the first function we defined, sending it the appropriate data as shown in the following code snippet:

if (fruit.isAt(head.x, head.y)) {
  // Save current game state
  saveEvent("eat", snake.getBody(), fruit.position);
  // Save high score if needed
  setHighScore(document.querySelector("#scores h3:first-child span").textContent);
// …
if (!snake.isAlive()) {
  saveEvent("die", snake.getBody(), fruit.position);

Finally, whenever we wish to display all of these snapshots, we just need to create a separate canvas with the same dimensions as the one used in the game (so that the buffers we saved don't go out of bounds), and draw the buffers to that canvas. The reason we need a separate canvas element is because we don't want to draw on the same canvas that the player can see. This way, the process of producing these snapshots is more seamless and natural. Once each state is drawn, we can extract each image, resize it, and display it back to the user as shown in the following code:

// Use each cached buffer to generate each screen shot
function getEventPictures(event, canvas) {
  // Take the buffer from session storage
  var obj = sessionStorage.getItem(event);
  // Create an array to hold the generated images
  var screenShots = new Array();
  if (!obj)
    return screenShots
  obj = JSON.parse(obj);
  var canvas = canvas.cloneNode();
  var renderer = new Renderer(canvas);
  // Go through each game state, and simply draw the data as though it
  // was being drawn for the actual game in action
  for (var i = 0, len = obj.snake.length; i < len; i++) {
    renderer.draw(obj.snake[i], snake.getSkin());
    renderer.draw(obj.fruit[i], fruit.img);
    var screenShot = renderer.toImg();
  return screenShots;
// Display a list of images to the user
function drawScreenShots(imgs) {
  var panel = document.querySelector("#screenShots");
  for (var i = 0, len = imgs.length; i < len; i++) {
    var a = document.createElement("a"); = "_blank";
    a.href = imgs[i].src;

Observe that we simply draw the points representing the snake and the fruit into that canvas. All of the other points in the canvas are ignored, meaning that we generate a transparent image. If we want the image to have an actual background color (even if it is just white), we can either call fillRect() over the entire canvas surface before drawing the snake and the fruit, or we can traverse each pixel in the pixelData array from the rendering context, and set the alpha channel to 100 percent opaque. Even if we set a color to each pixel by hand, but leave off the alpha channel, we'd have colorful pixels, but 100 percent transparent.

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