About the Authors

Ken Blanchard


Few people have impacted the day-to-day management of people and companies more than Dr. Ken Blanchard. A prominent, gregarious, sought-after author, speaker, and business consultant, Dr. Blanchard is universally characterized by his friends, colleagues, and clients as one of the most insightful, powerful, and compassionate individuals in business today.

From his phenomenal best-selling book The One Minute Manager®, coauthored with Spencer Johnson (which has sold more than 15 million copies and has remained on best-seller lists for more than 25 years), to the library of books he has coauthored with Sheldon Bowles (including the blockbuster best sellers Raving Fans and Gung Ho!), Ken’s impact as a writer is far-reaching. In July 2005, he was inducted into the Amazon Hall of Fame as one of the top 25 best-selling authors of all time.

Dr. Blanchard is the chief spiritual officer of The Ken Blanchard Companies, an international management training and consulting firm that he and his wife, Dr. Marjorie Blanchard, founded in 1979 in San Diego. He is also a visiting lecturer at his alma mater, Cornell University, where he is a trustee emeritus of the Board of Trustees. Along with his wife, he teaches a course in leadership for the Master of Science in Executive Leadership program at the University of San Diego. He is also cofounder of Lead Like Jesus, a nonprofit organization.

The National Speakers Association awarded Dr. Blanchard its highest honor, the Council of Peers Award of Excellence, and the College of Business at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona bears his name.

Marjorie Blanchard


Dr. Marjorie Blanchard has earned a reputation worldwide as a compelling motivational speaker, an accomplished management consultant and trainer, a best-selling author, and an entrepreneur. She was the corecipient with her husband, Dr. Ken Blanchard, of the Entrepreneur of the Year award from Cornell University.

Coauthor of The One Minute Manager Gets Fit and Working Well: Managing for Health and High Performance, Dr. Blanchard is well versed in a variety of topics and often speaks on leadership, balance, managing change, and life planning. As cofounder of The Ken Blanchard Companies, she works diligently with Ken, developing the company into one of the world’s premier management consulting and training companies.

Dr. Blanchard now heads the firm’s Office of the Future, a think tank charged with shaping the future of both the training industry and the company.

Dr. Blanchard received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Cornell University and her doctorate from the University of Massachusetts. Along with Ken, she teaches a course in leadership for the Master of Science in Executive Leadership program at the University of San Diego.

Scott Blanchard


Mr. Scott Blanchard is a stimulating author, motivational speaker, accomplished corporate trainer, and passionate champion of coaching in the work place. He founded Coaching.com, a Web-enabled corporate coaching and personal development service. Under his leadership, his organization is revolutionizing corporate coaching by offering the most advanced, accessible, and research-driven services in the industry. His personal philosophy is based on a fundamental shift occurring in the discipline of leadership: Great leaders do not succeed by doing what they are good at; instead, they succeed by getting things done with and through others.

Mr. Blanchard is senior vice president of The Ken Blanchard Companies. As a Blanchard family member and part owner, he represents the “next generation” charged with leading the business into the future. In addition, he is the principal architect of Blanchard’s strategic alliance with Ninth House® Network.

Mr. Blanchard is the coauthor of Leverage Your Best, Ditch the Rest, a book on corporate coaching. As a senior consulting partner for more than six years, he has led major training interventions at numerous Fortune 500 companies.

Mr. Blanchard was educated at Cornell University and received his master’s degree in organizational development from American University in Washington, D.C.

Madeleine Homan Blanchard


Madeleine Homan Blanchard is vice president of Coaching Services for The Ken Blanchard Companies. She is a founder of Coaching.com, which was acquired by the Ken Blanchard Companies in 2002, and coauthor of the Internet platform (the Coaching Management System) used to support large coaching initiatives. With more than 19 years of experience, Madeleine was instrumental in developing the core curriculum for Coach University, where she was a founding advisory board member and senior trainer.

Madeleine has been a pioneer in the coaching profession. In 1994 she founded Straightline Coaching, a coaching service firm devoted to work satisfaction for creative geniuses. She is the designer and facilitator of The Manager as Coach, which was the core-coaching curriculum for several companies worldwide, including Boston Consulting Group and Capital One. She is also a coauthor of The Ken Blanchard Companies’ coaching skills course, Coaching Essentials for Leaders. Madeleine was a founding board member of the International Coach Federation, where she served on the board for six years, founded the Organizational Coach Committee, and was the VP of Professional Development.

Madeleine’s expertise in coaching has been highlighted on ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox News Channel. Her presence in the marketplace extends into press articles in The New York Times, London Times, Training & Development Magazine, ASTD Publications, and Women’s Media. She is a regular keynote speaker at leadership and corporate conferences around the world. She is the coauthor of two books: Leverage Your Best: Ditch the Rest and Coaching in Organizations.

Donald K. Carew


Dr. Don Carew is a founding associate of The Ken Blanchard Companies and a professor emeritus at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He is an accomplished and respected management consultant, trainer, educator, and author whose primary academic and consulting interests are in the areas of leadership and building high performing teams and organizations.

Dr. Carew met Ken Blanchard when they were young faculty members at Ohio University in 1966. Don moved to the University of Massachusetts in 1969, and Ken joined the faculty in 1970. It was Don Carew’s and Eunice Parisi-Carew’s research on group development that led the Founding Associates of The Ken Blanchard Companies to change the Situational Leadership® II model so that it could be used with groups and teams as well as with individuals.

In addition to being a full-time faculty member at the University of Massachusetts, Dr. Carew has been a faculty member at Trenton State University, Princeton University, and the University of San Diego. He is coauthor of two best-selling books: The One Minute Manager Builds High Performing Teams, with Ken Blanchard and Eunice Parisi-Carew, and High Five, with Ken, Eunice, and Sheldon Bowles. He is also a coauthor of the article “High Performing Organizations: SCORES.”

Dr. Carew holds a bachelor’s degree in business from Ohio University, a master’s degree in human relations from Ohio University, and a doctorate in counseling psychology from the University of Florida. He is an associate of the NTL Institute and a licensed psychologist in Massachusetts.

Eunice Parisi-Carew


Dr. Eunice Parisi-Carew is the coauthor of two best-selling books: The One Minute Manager Builds High Performing Teams, with Ken Blanchard and Don Carew, and High Five, with Ken Blanchard, Don Carew, and Sheldon Bowles. She is also cocreator of the High Performing Teams product line offered by The Ken Blanchard Companies.

An accomplished management consultant and trainer and a sought-after motivational speaker, she has led training and consulting projects for a number of top corporations, including Merrill Lynch; AT&T; Hyatt Hotels; Transco Energy Company; and the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Team building, leadership, organizational change, and life management are among the many topics she addresses in seminars, speeches, and articles.

Dr. Carew has directed a graduate program in group dynamics and leadership at the University of Hartford, and she was a part-time faculty member at American University. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of the NTL Institute. She has also served as vice president of Professional Services at The Ken Blanchard Companies.

She received her doctor of education in behavioral sciences from the University of Massachusetts and is also a licensed psychologist in the state of Massachusetts.

Dr. Carew now serves as a senior researcher with the Office of the Future at The Ken Blanchard Companies, where she studies trends that occur five to ten years out and summarizes their implications for leaders, organizations, and business practices.

Kathleen Riley Cuff


Ms. Kathy Cuff is an energetic motivational speaker, trainer, and consultant for many organizations. The enthusiasm and humor she brings to every presentation are complemented by her positive attitude and sincere commitment to meeting the specific needs of each client.

For twenty-two years Ms. Cuff has been with the Ken Blanchard Companies, where she now serves as a senior consulting partner. Drawing from her broad base of experience in leadership, management, and customer service, she has designed and implemented training and consulting projects for a client list that includes Charles Schwab, Medtronic, TaylorMade-Adidas Golf, and W.L. Gore.

She is coauthor of The Ken Blanchard Companies’ Legendary Service customer service program, as well as coauthor of the revised Raving Fans® program.

Ms. Cuff received her degree from San Diego State University and has participated in numerous educational seminars and programs over the years.

Garry Demarest


Garret Demarest is a highly skilled educator with more than forty years

of experience managing, teaching, counseling, and consulting in a variety of occupational settings. His special areas of expertise are leadership training, human development, interpersonal skills training, values-based organizational culture development, team development, and empowerment. More recently he has become inspired in helping leaders formulate and present their Leadership Point of View®.

With his diverse background, Garry is especially effective in helping individuals combine human values and interpersonal skills with leadership and effective management. He is vitally concerned with raising self-esteem in the workplace, addressing the needs of a diverse workforce, and empowering people toward greater levels of self-responsibility. He is committed to developing the leader within every individual and leading at higher level.

As a consultant and trainer, Garry has worked with a variety of small and medium-sized businesses in building organizational values based cultures, leadership training, team building, customer service, and employee wellness. An associate with The Ken Blanchard Companies® since 1988, he previously served as a dean of students and a college counselor and administrator. He has also managed two hospital-based wellness programs.

His forty years of experience with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® have given Garry a unique understanding of individual differences and the ability to use those differences to create strong working relationships and teams.

Garry received a bachelor’s degree in hotel administration from Cornell University and a master’s degree in education from Michigan State University.

S. Chris Edmonds


Mr. Chris Edmonds is an expert on creating high performing, values-aligned organizational cultures. He serves as an executive coach for senior leaders engaged in culture change initiatives, helping them understand their responsibility to clarify expectations, refine systems, consistently demonstrate desired values, and hold leaders and staff accountable for demonstrating those values. His clients include American Honda, Clorox, Deloitte, Federal Reserve Bank, Genentech, IBM, Merck, New Belgium Brewery, Northwest Airlines, Pfizer, Taylor Corporation, T-Mobile, Toyota Motor Corporation, and YMCA of the USA.

Mr. Edmonds coauthored Blanchard’s culture change process, which is based on Ken Blanchard’s bestselling book Gung Ho!®. The process was recognized as one of the Top Ten Training Programs of 2000 by Human Resource Executive magazine.

A graduate of Whittier College with a degree in education, Mr. Edmonds holds a secondary teaching credential from California Lutheran College. He received his master’s degree in human resource and organizational development from the University of San Francisco. He is a faculty member of the Master of Science in Executive Leadership program at the University of San Diego.

Fred Finch


Dr. Fred Finch is the author of Managing for Organizational Effectiveness: An Experiential Approach. A founding associate of The Ken Blanchard Companies, he has been a consultant and leadership educator at Harvard University, Merrill Lynch, IBM, Shell International, and many other high-profile organizations. He received his doctorate from the Graduate School of Business at the University of Washington. He served as a professor of management and organizational behavior for 14 years in the Graduate School of Management at the University of Massachusetts.

Dr. Finch is coauthor with Ken Blanchard and Jim Ballard of Customer Mania! It’s Never Too Late to Build a Customer-Focused Company. This book grew out of a study of Yum! Brands, the world’s largest quick-service restaurant corporation, with 850,000 employees in more than 100 countries. He is also coauthor with Pat Stewart of Situational Frontline Leadership, a popular training program for frontline leaders.

Susan Fowler


Ms. Susan Fowler is coauthor with Ken Blanchard and Laurence Hawkins of Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager, published in 2005. With Ken Blanchard and Laurence Hawkins she created and is the lead developer of Situational Self Leadership®, a best-of-class self leadership and personal empowerment program.

Ms. Fowler received the Lifetime Achievement Award for creative training designs from the North American Society for Games and Simulations. As a senior consulting partner with The Ken Blanchard Companies, Ms. Fowler has consulted with Pfizer, Harley Davidson, MasterCard, AMF Bowling, Dow Chemical, KPMG, Black & Decker, SC Johnson, TJX Retailers, the National Basketball Association, and dozens of other clients. Prior to that, she gained worldwide seminar presentation experience with CareerTrack.

Ms. Fowler brings a unique perspective to her programs from her extensive experience in advertising and television and radio broadcasting. She received her degree in marketing from the University of Colorado. As one of the world’s foremost experts on personal empowerment, she has delivered training seminars, workshops, and keynote speeches to more than 50,000 people in over 20 countries and in all 50 states.

Her publications include Overcoming Procrastination, Mentoring, The Team Leader’s Idea-a-Day Guide (coauthored with Drea Zigarmi), and Empowerment (coauthored with Ken Blanchard). Ms. Fowler also serves as an adjunct professor in the University of San Diego’s Master of Science in Executive Leadership program.

Robert Glaser


Mr. Robert Glaser is a regional consulting partner at The Ken Blanchard Companies and has been a member of the consulting partner group for 13 years. He has a 30-year track record of successfully facilitating leadership development, team development, strategic planning, performance consulting, organizational change, and organizational culture change.

Prior to joining Blanchard, Mr. Glaser worked for more than 20 years in a Fortune 500 restaurant chain based in San Diego, where he was the director of management and leadership development.

Mr. Glaser is an adjunct faculty member at the University of San Diego’s Master of Science in Executive Leadership program. He is also coauthor of Blanchard’s Gung Ho!® culture change program and process.

He has extensive international and cross-cultural experience and served for four years in the Peace Corps in Ghana and Uganda.

Mr. Glaser received his bachelor’s degree in social science from California State University at Chico and his master’s degree in leadership studies from the University of San Diego.

Lael W. Good


Ms. Lael Good serves as a lead consultant on many of Blanchard’s largest multinational client initiatives, including Coca-Cola, Diageo, Mars/Masterfoods, MTN South Africa, Nokia, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Royal Dutch Shell, SAP, and Skanska. She is one of the most requested and respected consulting partners because her unique skill set enables her to work with global organizations in places as diverse as Western and Eastern Europe, Central and Latin America, Africa, China, India, and the Middle East.

She is coauthor of two Blanchard programs—Situational Team Leadership, with Don Carew and Eunice Parisi-Carew, and The Leadership Bridge: SLII® and MBTI®, with Tom Hill and Ken Blanchard. She also is an expert on the dynamics of high performing teams.

Working with global clients, Ms. Good provides customized design, delivery, and sustainability solutions. Her capabilities in and knowledge of organizational development and instructional design complement her natural ability to influence and involve people in solving their own problems.

Ms. Good received her bachelor’s degree in counseling from the University of Arizona and her master’s degree in counseling psychology from the University of Wyoming.

Dr. Vicki Halsey


Dr. Vicki Halsey is a spirited speaker, author, coach, and trainer whose lively presentations promote learning and captivate audiences worldwide. Her mission of inspiring others to claim their greatness is achieved through blending solutions that meet the needs of all learners.

As vice president of applied learning for The Ken Blanchard Companies, Dr. Halsey specializes in partnering with organizations to design, deliver, and coach people through interactive workshops, keynotes, webinars, and blended classroom and virtual trainings. She is the coauthor of Blanchard’s Legendary Customer Service program as well as the award-winning blended Situational Leadership® II training. Her clients include Fortune 100 companies such as Nike, Gap, Wells Fargo, Oracle, and Procter & Gamble. In addition, Dr. Halsey is cocreator of the highly acclaimed Master of Science in Executive Leadership and EMBA degree programs for the University of San Diego and Grand Canyon University, respectively.

She is coauthor of the best-selling book The Hamster Revolution: How to Manage Your Email Before It Manages You. It contains strategies that cut email time in half and improve the quality of the work environment by reducing stress and inspiring clarity. Her forthcoming book, The Hamster Revolution for Meetings: How to Meet Less and Get More Done, offers a simple system that helps keep meetings productive, on track, and engaging.

Laurence Hawkins


Dr. Laurence Hawkins is one of the founding associates of The Ken Blanchard Companies, as well as an internationally renowned management consultant and motivational speaker. With Ken Blanchard and Susan Fowler, he coauthored the Situational Self Leadership program, which focuses on empowerment and taking initiative when you’re not in charge. He is also the coauthor with Ken and Susan of Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager, published in 2005.

Dr. Hawkins has concentrated much of his work on aerospace, particularly Lockheed Martin and McDonnell Douglas, and pharmaceutical giants such as Pfizer, Merck, and GlaxoSmithKline. He has focused his career on applying the Blanchard standards of Situational Leadership® II, Situational Team Leadership, and Situational Self Leadership in the international arena, concentrating on Europe, South America, and Saudi Arabia. More recently, he has been teaching the tools, concepts, and philosophy of self leadership to clients in China and Korea—countries where obedience is rapidly shifting to a culture of entrepreneurship and taking initiative.

Dr. Hawkins received his bachelor’s degree in American history and literature from Williams College and his master’s and doctorate degrees in leadership and organizational behavior from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Judd Hoekstra


Mr. Hoekstra is one of Blanchard’s experts in organizational change and is coauthor of its Managing a Change consulting methodology and training program. His approach to change is based on a shared commitment to Dr. Don Carew’s principle that people have a right to be involved in decisions that affect their lives and the concept that those who plan the battle rarely battle the plan.

Mr. Hoekstra’s positive attitude, ability to work well with all people, and passion for “doing the right things right” help those he works with make great things happen.

Prior to joining Blanchard in 2001, Mr. Hoekstra served as a strategy execution consultant with Fourth Floor Consulting. Before that, he was a change management consultant with Accenture. He was primarily responsible for helping client executives lead their organizations through large-scale changes. His experience crosses a number of industries; his clients have included The Dow Chemical Company, Allstate Insurance Company, Anheuser-Busch, and Commonwealth Edison.

Mr. Hoekstra received his bachelor’s in business management and marketing from Cornell University and graduated from the Advanced Business Management Program at Kellogg Graduate School of Management. He and his wife, Sherry, live in the Chicago area and are the proud parents of Julia and Cole.

Fay Kandarian


Dr. Fay Kandarian has worked as both an internal and independent organizational change consultant over the past 20 years. She has been a consulting partner with The Ken Blanchard Companies since 1998.

Her extensive line, staff, and executive experiences provide constant reference points that inform her consulting. Her areas of expertise include whole systems change, executive coaching, strategic planning, intervention design, leadership and team development, communications skills, and process consultation.

While doing doctoral research at Columbia University’s Department of Organization and Leadership, Dr. Kandarian studied and developed proficiency in using large-group interventions as a new paradigm for organization development and large-scale change. She researched Polarity Management (B. Johnson, 1996) as a training intervention to help teach systems thinking skills. She later introduced Polarity Management’s “both/and” thinking to The Ken Blanchard Companies.

Working with fellow HPO team members Jesse Stoner, Eunice Parisi-Carew, and Don Carew, she helped create the HPO SCORES model and coauthored the article “High Performing Organizations: SCORES.”

She holds a bachelor’s from George Washington University, a master’s in business from the University of New Haven, and a master’s and doctorate in education from Columbia University.

Linda Miller


Ms. Linda J. Miller is an executive coach, trainer, and keynote speaker who has a passion for people taking effective, intentional action. She helped launch Corporate Coach U, a leader in organizational coach training. Since 2000, she has served as global liaison for coaching with The Ken Blanchard Companies. In 2002, Ms. Miller coauthored Coaching Essentials for Leaders, a coach training program that encourages leaders to use coaching skills to create strong business alliances.

Ms. Miller also coaches executives and helps organizations establish internal coaching cultures. Her client list includes leaders and their teams from Adobe, Alltel, Boeing, Deloitte, Duke Energy, Franklin Templeton, KPMG, Nissan, Pfizer, SAP, Scotia Bank Wells Fargo, and the University of Washington. She co-led a team that moderated 13 of the Arizona state legislative debates in collaboration with the Arizona Clean Elections Commission during the 2008 election cycle.

As a founding recipient of the Master Certified Coach designation from the International Coach Federation, Ms. Miller has been featured in numerous articles and television news segments on coaching. She is coauthor with Madeleine Homan Blanchard of Coaching in Organizations: Best Coaching Practices from The Ken Blanchard Companies.

Alan Randolph


Dr. Alan Randolph is an internationally respected and highly accomplished management educator, researcher, and consultant. His work focuses on empowerment, leadership, teamwork, and project management issues for both domestic and international organizations in the public and private sectors. He has worked in a variety of countries, including most recently Peru, Brazil, China, Germany, France, and Poland.

Dr. Randolph is a professor of management and international business at the Merrick School of Business at the University of Baltimore. He also is a senior consulting partner with The Ken Blanchard Companies. He has developed a variety of leadership and empowerment educational products. He has also published numerous articles in practitioner and academic journals such as Harvard Business Review and Sloan Management Review.

Dr. Randolph has written and coauthored a number of books, including Go Team!: Take Your Team to the Next Level, Checkered Flag Projects: 10 Rules for Creating and Managing Projects That Win!, Empowerment Takes More Than a Minute, and The 3 Keys to Empowerment: Release the Power Within People for Astonishing Results.

Jesse Stoner


Dr. Jesse Stoner is widely known as one of the foremost experts on vision and leadership. A highly regarded management consultant and author, for more than 20 years Dr. Stoner has helped leaders create organizations where people can thrive and make significant contributions. Her work in vision development has helped individuals, leaders, and companies create compelling visions, identify the strategies to capture them, and ensure that they are lived on a day-by-day basis.

She coauthored with Ken Blanchard the best seller Full Steam Ahead! Unleash the Power of Vision in Your Work and Your Life. She is also coauthor of Creating Your Organization’s Future, a program that helps leadership teams develop a shared vision for their department or organization.

Dr. Stoner was a member of the original research team investigating the characteristics of high performing organizations. She helped create the HPO SCORES model and coauthored the article “High Performing Organizations: SCORES” and the assessment The HPO SCORES Profile.

Additionally, she has contributed to the development of the Building High Performing Teams programs. She coauthored Team Development Stage Analysis (TDSA) and “The Team Member’s Role in Building High Performing Teams.”

Dr. Stoner earned advanced degrees in psychology and a doctorate in organization development from the University of Massachusetts.

Drea Zigarmi


Formerly president of Zigarmi Associates, Inc., Dr. Drea Zigarmi is the director of research and development for The Ken Blanchard Companies. His work has been critical to the company’s success with its clients. Almost every product that has been developed at The Ken Blanchard Companies over the past 20 years has his mark on it. He coauthored with Ken Blanchard the well-known Leader Behavior Analysis instrument and the Development Task Analysis form used in all Situational Leadership seminars.

He has coauthored three books: The Leader Within: Learning Enough About Yourself to Lead Others, The Team Leader’s Idea-a-Day Guide, and Leadership and the One Minute Manager.

He received his bachelor’s in science from Norwich University. He earned a master’s in philosophy and a doctorate in administration and organizational behavior from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Patricia Zigarmi


Dr. Patricia Zigarmi is a founding associate of The Ken Blanchard Companies, where she serves as vice president for business development. She is a speaker, consultant, product designer, business developer, account strategist, trainer, and team builder for many of Blanchard’s clients and is a mentor to many colleagues at Blanchard.

Dr. Zigarmi is coauthor of Leadership and the One Minute Manager. She also designed Blanchard’s premier product line, Situational Leadership® II. With her leadership, ongoing initiatives for Situational Leadership® II training and coaching have been negotiated with many global companies and most of the Fortune 500 companies. She is also the author of Blanchard’s Managing a Change program and a number of performance management products on Giving Feedback and Monitoring and Reviewing Performance.

Dr. Zigarmi teaches Managing a Change for the Masters in Executive Excellence program at the University of San Diego. She is also a member of the San Diego Women’s Foundation.

She received her bachelor’s in sociology from Northwestern University and her doctorate in leadership and organizational behavior from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

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