Controlling the Population

Linux is a multiuser operating system, which means that many users are allowed to access the system at the same time. In real life, you barely find a Linux server with just one user. On the contrary, you see a lot of users on one server. So let's get real and populate our system with various users and groups. In this chapter, you will learn how to add users and groups to your Linux system. You will also learn how to manage user and group accounts in all sorts of ways. Furthermore, you will also learn how to manage Linux file permissions.

The /etc/passwd file

In Linux, user information is stored in the /etc/passwd file. Every line in /etc/passwd corresponds to exactly one user. When you first open /etc/passwd, you will see a lot of users, and you will wonder, where are all these users coming from? The answer is simple: most of these users are service users, and they are used by your system to start up various applications and services. However, our main focus of this chapter will be system users; those are real people like you and me!

Every line in /etc/passwd consists of 7 fields, each separated by a colon, and each field represents a user attribute. For example, the entry for user elliot will look something like this:

Figure 1: The 7 fields in /etc/passwd

The following table breaks down those seven fields in /etc/passwd and explains each one of them:


What does it store?


This field stores the username.


This field usually has an X in it, which means the user's password is encrypted and stored in the file /etc/shadow.


This field stores the UID (User ID) number.


This field stores the primary GID (Group ID) of the user.


This field stores a comment on the user, which is usually the user's first and last name.


This field stores the path of the user's home directory.


This field stores the user's default shell.

Table 10: Understanding /etc/passwd

Adding users

Before you can add a user on your system, you have to become root:

elliot@ubuntu-linux:~$ su - 

Now, we are ready to add users. We all love Tom & Jerry, so let's begin by adding user tom. To do that, you need to run the command useradd -m tom:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# useradd -m tom

And just like that, the user tom is now added to our system. You will also see a new line added to the end of the /etc/passwd file for the new user tom; let's view it with the lovely tail command:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# tail -n 1 /etc/passwd 

We used the -m option with the useradd command to ensure that a new home directory will be created for user tom. So let's try to change to the /home/tom directory to make sure it's indeed created:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# cd /home/tom 
root@ubuntu-linux:/home/tom# pwd

Awesome! We verified that /home/tom is created.

The first thing you may want to do after creating a new user is to set the user's password. You can set tom's password by running the command passwd tom:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# passwd tom 
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully

Now, let's create user jerry. But this time, we will choose the following attributes for user jerry:




Jerry the Mouse




This is easy to do with the useradd command:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# useradd -m -u 777 -c "Jerry the Mouse" -s /bin/bash jerry

The -u option is used to set the UID for jerry. We also used the -c option to add a comment for user jerry, and finally we used the -s option to set the default shell for jerry.

Now, let's view the last two lines of the /etc/passwd file to make some comparisons:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# tail -n 2 /etc/passwd 
jerry:x:777:1008:Jerry the Mouse:/home/jerry:/bin/bash

Notice how the comment field for user tom is empty as we didn't add any comments while creating user tom, and notice how the UID for user tom was chosen by the system, but we have chosen 777 for user jerry. Also, notice that the default shell for user tom is chosen by the system to be /bin/sh, which is an older version of /bin/bash. However, we chose the newer shell /bin/bash for user jerry.

Now, let's set the password for user jerry:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# passwd jerry 
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully

Amazing! We have now created two users: tom and jerry. Now, let's switch to user tom:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# su - tom
$ whoami tom
$ pwd

We were able to switch to user tom, but as you can see, the shell looks so much different as the command prompt doesn't display the username or the hostname. That's because the default shell for user tom is /bin/sh. You can use the echo $SHELL command to display the user's default shell:

$ echo $SHELL

As you can see, it displayed /bin/sh. Now, let's exit and switch to user jerry:

$ exit
root@ubuntu-linux:~# su - jerry
jerry@ubuntu-linux:~$ whoami

jerry@ubuntu-linux:~$ echo $SHELL

Everything looks better with user jerry as we did set his default shell to be /bin/bash. Alright, now let's switch back to the root user:

jerry@ubuntu-linux:~$ exit 

Modifying user attributes

So we are not happy that the default shell for user tom is /bin/sh, and we want to change it to /bin/bash. We can use the usermod command to modify user attributes.

For example, to change the default shell for user tom to be /bin/bash, you can run the command usermod -s /bin/bash tom:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# usermod -s /bin/bash tom

Notice that you can also use the full name for the command option; so you can use --shell instead of -s. Anyways, let's see if we successfully changed the default shell for user tom:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# su - tom 
tom@ubuntu-linux:~$ whoami
tom@ubuntu-linux:~$ echo $SHELL

Great! We successfully did it. You can also change the UID of tom to 444 by running the command usermod -u 444 tom:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# usermod -u 444 tom

And we can indeed check that the UID of tom has changed by taking a peek at the /etc/passwd file:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# tail -n 2 /etc/passwd 
jerry:x:777:1008:Jerry the Mouse:/home/jerry:/bin/bash

We can even modify the comment field of user tom. Right now, it's empty, but you can set the comment field of user tom to "Tom the Cat" by running the command:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# usermod --comment "Tom the Cat" tom

And again, we can verify that the comment is changed by looking at the /etc/passwd file:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# tail -n 2 /etc/passwd 
tom:x:444:1007:Tom the Cat:/home/tom:/bin/bash
jerry:x:777:1008:Jerry the Mouse:/home/jerry:/bin/bash

Defining the skeleton

If you list the contents of /home/jerry and /home/tom, you will see that they are empty:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# ls -l /home/tom 
total 0
root@ubuntu-linux:~# ls -l /home/jerry
total 0

The reason that both /home/jerry and /home/tom are empty is that the skeleton file /etc/skel is also empty:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# ls -l /etc/skel 
total 0
WHAT IS /etc/skel?

This is the skeleton file. Any file or directory you create in /etc/skel will be copied to the home directory of any new user created.

Now, with your favorite text editor, create the file welcome.txt in /etc/skel and insert the line "Hello Friend!" in it:

root@ubuntu-linux:/etc/skel# ls 
root@ubuntu-linux:/etc/skel# cat welcome.txt
Hello Friend!

Alright, so now you have created the file welcome.txt in /etc/skel, which means that any new user created will now have the file welcome.txt in their home directory. To demonstrate, let's create a new user named edward and then we will take a peek at his home directory:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# useradd -m -c "Edward Snowden" -s /bin/bash edward

Now, let's set the password for user edward:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# passwd edward 
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully

Now, the moment of truth comes! Let's switch to user edward and list the contents of his home directory:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# su - edward 
edward@ubuntu-linux:~$ ls
edward@ubuntu-linux:~$ cat welcome.txt
Hello Friend!

You can see that the file welcome.txt is copied to edward's home directory. Every new user created on the system will now have a cool greeting message! Notice that old users like tom and jerry will not have the file welcome.txt in their home directory as they were created before we added the file welcome.txt in /etc/skel.

Changing the defaults

We are too tired of specifying the default shell every time we create a new user. But luckily, there is a file where you can specify the default shell for any new user created. This amazing file is /etc/default/useradd.

Open up the file /etc/default/useradd and look for the following line:


Change it to:


Awesome! Now, any new user created will have /bin/bash as the default shell. Let's test it by creating a new user named spy:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# useradd -m spy

Now, set the password for user spy:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# passwd spy 
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully

Finally, let's switch to user spy and check the default shell:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# su - spy 
spy@ubuntu-linux:~$ echo $SHELL
spy@ubuntu-linux:~$ exit

Hooray! We can see that bash is the default shell for user spy.

Keep in mind that /bin/sh and /bin/bash are not the only two valid shells on your system; there are more! Check out the file /etc/shells to see a complete list of all the valid shells on your system:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# cat /etc/shells 
# /etc/shells: valid login shells

You can change other user defaults in /etc/default/useradd, including:

  • The default home directory (HOME=/home)
  • The default skel directory (SKEL=/etc/skel)

I will leave that for you to do as an exercise.

Removing users

Sometimes a user is no longer needed to be on the system, for example, an employee leaving the company or a user that only needed temporary access to a server. In any case, you need to know how to delete users.

The last user we created was spy, right? Well, we don't need any spies on our system, so let's delete the user spy; you can delete user spy by running the command userdel spy:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# userdel spy

And just like that, user spy is deleted. However, the home directory of spy still exists:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# ls -ld /home/spy
drwxr-xr-x 2 1008 1010 4096 Apr 17 10:24 /home/spy

We would have to manually delete it:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# rm -r /home/spy

But this is inconvenient. Imagine after every user you delete, you then have to go and manually remove their home directory. Luckily, there is a better solution; you can use the -r option to automatically remove the user's home directory.

Let's give it a try with user edward:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# userdel -r edward

Now, let's check to see if the home directory for user edward still exists:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# ls -ld /home/edward
ls: cannot access '/home/edward': No such file or directory

And as you can see, edward's home directory is removed.

The /etc/group file

In schools, kids are usually grouped into different groups. For example, kids who like dancing will be part of the dance group. The geeky kids will form the science group. In case you are wondering, I used to be part of the sports group because I was pretty damn fast!

We have the same concept in Linux as users who share similar characteristics are placed in the same group.


A group is a collection of users who share the same role or purpose.

All groups have their information stored in the file /etc/group. And just like with the /etc/passwd file, every line in /etc/group corresponds to exactly one group, and each line consists of 4 fields. For example, one of the most famous groups in Linux is the sudo group:

Figure 2: The 4 fields in /etc/group

The following table breaks down those four fields in /etc/group and explains each one of them:


What does it store?


This field stores the group name.


This field usually has an X in it, which means the group password is encrypted and stored in the file /etc/gshadow.


This field stores the GID (Group ID) number.


This field stores the usernames of the group members.

Table 11: Understanding /etc/group

Adding groups

Let's create a group named cartoon. To do that, you need to run the command groupadd cartoon:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# groupadd cartoon

Notice that a new line with the group information will be added to the end of the file /etc/group:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# tail -n 1 /etc/group 

Notice that the group cartoon currently has no members, and that's why the fourth field is currently empty.

Let's create another group named developers, but this time, we will specify a GID of 888:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# groupadd --gid 888 developers

Let's check the developers group entry in /etc/group:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# tail -n 1 /etc/group 

And it looks just like we expect it to be. Cool!

Adding group members

Users tom and jerry are both cartoon characters, so it makes sense to add them both to the cartoon group.

To add tom to the cartoon group, you simply run the command usermod -aG cartoon tom:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# usermod -aG cartoon tom

Likewise, you can add jerry to the cartoon group:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# usermod -aG cartoon jerry

Now, let's have a peek at the /etc/group file:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# tail -n 2 /etc/group 

As you can see, both tom and jerry are now listed as members of the cartoon group.

You can use the id command to view the group memberships of any user on the system. For example, if you want to check which groups tom belongs to, you can run the command id tom:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# id tom
uid=444(tom) gid=1007(tom) groups=1007(tom),1009(cartoon)

Let's do some more practice by creating three new users – sara, peter, and rachel:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# useradd -m sara 
root@ubuntu-linux:~# useradd -m peter

root@ubuntu-linux:~# useradd -m rachel

And remember to set the password for each user:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# passwd sara 
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
root@ubuntu-linux:~# passwd peter
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
root@ubuntu-linux:~# passwd rachel
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully

Now imagine if all the three new users are software developers; this means that they have the same role, and so they should be members of the same group. So let's add all three users to the developers group:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# usermod -aG developers sara 
root@ubuntu-linux:~# usermod -aG developers peter
root@ubuntu-linux:~# usermod -aG developers rachel

Now, let's have a peek at the /etc/group file:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# tail -n 5 /etc/group 

We can see that the group developers now has the three members – sara, peter, and rachel. But there is something strange! It seems like when we have created the users sara, peter, and rachel, it also created them as groups! But why did this happen? Well, let me explain it to you in the next section.

Primary versus secondary groups

Every user in Linux must be a member of a primary group. Primary groups are also referred to as login groups. By default, whenever a new user is created, a group is also created with the same name as the user, and this group becomes the primary group of the new user.

On the other hand, a user may or may not be a member of a secondary group. Secondary groups are also sometimes referred to as supplementary groups. You can think of a secondary group as any group that a user is a member of aside from the user's primary group.

Do not worry if you don't understand the concept of primary and secondary groups just yet; it will become crystal clear by the end of this chapter.

Let's create a new user named dummy:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# useradd -m dummy

Now, if you look at the last line of the /etc/group file, you will see that a group named dummy is also created:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# tail -n 1 /etc/group 

This dummy group is the primary group of user dummy; and if you run the id command on user dummy:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# id dummy
uid=1004(dummy) gid=1004(dummy) groups=1004(dummy)

You will see that user dummy is indeed a member of the dummy group. Now, let's add user dummy to the cartoon group:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# usermod -aG cartoon dummy

Let's run the id command on user dummy again:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# id dummy
uid=1004(dummy) gid=1004(dummy) groups=1004(dummy),1009(cartoon)

You can see that user dummy is a member of two groups: dummy and cartoon. However, dummy is the primary group and cartoon is the secondary group.

The primary group is always preceded by gid= in the output of the id command:

Figure 3: Primary versus secondary group

Now let's add user dummy to the developers group:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# usermod -aG developers dummy

Next, run the id command on user dummy again:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# id dummy
uid=1004(dummy) gid=1004(dummy) groups=1004(dummy),1009(cartoon),888(developers)

As you can see, user dummy is a member of two secondary groups: cartoon and developers.

Alright! Enough with all this dummy stuff. Let's remove the user dummy:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# userdel -r dummy

Every user must be a member of only one primary group; however, there are no restrictions on the choice of the primary group!

To demonstrate, let's create a user named smurf with cartoon being the primary group of user smurf. This can easily be done by using the --gid option with the useradd command:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# useradd -m --gid cartoon smurf

Now, take a peek at the /etc/group file:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# tail -n 1 /etc/group 

You will see that there is no group created with the name smurf. Amazing! That's because we already specified another primary group for user smurf.

Now let's check user smurf's group memberships:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# id smurf
uid=1004(smurf) gid=1009(cartoon) groups=1009(cartoon)

As you can see, smurf is only a member of the group cartoon, which is also his primary group, of course.

You can also change the primary group of existing users. For example, you can set the developers group to be the primary group of user smurf as follows:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# usermod -g developers smurf 
root@ubuntu-linux:~# id smurf
uid=1004(smurf) gid=888(developers) groups=888(developers)

Removing groups

You can remove a group if it is no longer needed. To demonstrate, let's create a group named temp:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# groupadd temp

Now, you can use the groupdel command to remove the temp group:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# groupdel temp

Now, let's try removing the group sara:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# groupdel sara
groupdel: cannot remove the primary group of user 'sara'

We get an error message as we are not allowed to remove primary groups of existing users.

File ownership and permissions

Every file in Linux is owned by a specific user and a specific group. To demonstrate, let's switch to user smurf, and create a file named mysmurf in smurf's home directory:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# su - smurf 
smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ touch mysmurf

Now do a long listing on the file mysmurf:

Figure 4: User and group owners

You will see the name of the user (the user owner) who owns the file in the third column of the output, which is, by default, the user who created the file.

On the fourth column of the output, you will see the name of the group (the group owner) of the file, which is, by default, the primary group of the user owner.

The developers group is the primary group of user smurf, and hence developers became the group owner of the file mysmurf.

If you do a long listing on the sports directory that's inside elliot's home directory:

smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ ls -ld /home/elliot/sports
drwxr-xr-x 2 elliot elliot 4096 Oct 22 12:56 /home/elliot/sports

You will see that user elliot is the user owner, and the group elliot is the group owner; that's because the group elliot is the primary group of user elliot.

Changing file ownership

You can use the chown command to change a file's ownership. In general, the syntax of the chown command is as follows:

chown  user:group file

For example, you can change the ownership of the file mysmurf, so that user elliot is the owner, and group cartoon is the group owner, as follows:

smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ chown elliot:cartoon mysmurf
chown: changing ownership of 'mysmurf': Operation not permitted

Oh! Only the root user can do it; let's switch to the root user and try again:

smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ su - 
root@ubuntu-linux:~# cd /home/smurf
root@ubuntu-linux:/home/smurf# chown elliot:cartoon mysmurf

Success! Now let's view the ownership of the file mysmurf:

root@ubuntu-linux:/home/smurf# ls -l mysmurf
-rw-r--r-- 1 elliot cartoon 0 Oct 22 15:09 mysmurf

As you can see, we have successfully changed the ownership of mysmurf. Also, you can change the user owner without changing the group owner. For example, if you want the user root to be the owner of mysmurf, you can run the following command:

root@ubuntu-linux:/home/smurf# chown root mysmurf 
root@ubuntu-linux:/home/smurf# ls -l mysmurf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root cartoon 0 Oct 22 15:09 mysmurf

As you can see, only the user owner is changed to root, but cartoon remains the group owner.

You can also change the group owner without changing the user owner. For example, if you want the group developers to be the group owner of mysmurf, then you can run:

root@ubuntu-linux:/home/smurf# chown :developers mysmurf 
root@ubuntu-linux:/home/smurf# ls -l mysmurf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root developers 0 Oct 22 15:09 mysmurf

chgrp can also be used to change the group owner of a file. I will leave that for you to do as an exercise!

Understanding file permissions

In Linux, every file is assigned access permissions for three different entities; these entities are:

  • The user owner of the file
  • The group owner of the file
  • Everyone else (also referred to as others/world)

We are already familiar with the user owner and the group owner; everyone else refers to any user on the system who is not the user owner and not the group owner.

You can think of these three entities like you, your friends, and everyone else. There are some things that you don't like to share with anyone, other things you like to share with your friends, and things you may like to share with everyone.

Each file has three types of access permissions:

  • Read
  • Write
  • Execute

The meaning of each of these access permissions is not the same for files and directories. The following diagram explains the differences between access permissions for files versus directories:

Figure 5: File versus directory permissions

You can view the permissions of a file by doing a long listing. For example, to see the current permissions set on the mysmurf file, you can run:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# ls -l /home/smurf/mysmurf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root developers 0 Oct 22 15:09 /home/smurf/mysmurf

Now pay attention to the first column of the output, which is -rw-r--r--. Notice that it consists of ten slots; the first slot determines the type of the file. The remaining nine slots are divided into three sets, each with three slots, just like in the following diagram:

Figure 6: Understanding permissions

Notice the first slot determines the file type; it can be:

  • - for regular files
  • d for directories
  • l for soft links
  • b for block devices
  • c for character devices

The next three slots determine the permissions granted for the owner of the file. The first of these slots determines the read permission; it can either be:

  • r for read access
  • - for no read access

The second of these slots determines the write permission; it can either be:

  • w for write access
  • - for no write access

The third slot determines the execute permission; it can either be:

  • x for execute access
  • - for no execute access

The same logic is applied to the next three slots, which determine the permissions for the group owner, and lastly, the final three slots, which determine the permissions for everyone else.

Now let's get our hands dirty and do some examples to reinforce our understanding of file permissions. Let's first edit the mysmurf file and add the following line Smurfs are blue! so it looks like this:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# cat /home/smurf/mysmurf 
Smurfs are blue!

Now switch to user smurf and try reading the contents of the file mysmurf:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# su - smurf 
smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ cat mysmurf
Smurfs are blue!

Cool! User smurf can read the contents of the file mysmurf. Keep in mind that user smurf is not the owner of the file, but he is a member of the group developers:

smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ id smurf
uid=1004(smurf) gid=888(developers) groups=888(developers)

So smurf can read the file because the group permission of mysmurf is r--. But can he edit the file? Let's see what will happen if user smurf tried to add the line I am smurf! to the file mysmurf:

smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ echo "I am smurf!" >> mysmurf 
bash: mysmurf: Permission denied

Permission denied! Yup, that's because there is no write permission for the group owner (or others). Only the user owner has read and write permissions to the file mysmurf, and the owner happens to be root in this case. Now, if we changed the file ownership and made smurf the owner of the file mysmurf, then he will be able to edit the file; so let's change the file ownership first:

smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ su - 
root@ubuntu-linux:~# chown smurf /home/smurf/mysmurf
root@ubuntu-linux:~# ls -l /home/smurf/mysmurf
-rw-r--r-- 1 smurf developers 17 Oct 23 11:06 /home/smurf/mysmurf

Now let's switch back to user smurf and reattempt to edit the file mysmurf:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# su - smurf
smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ echo "I am smurf!" >> mysmurf
smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ cat mysmurf
Smurfs are blue!
I am smurf!

Cool! So user smurf has successfully edited the file. Now let's switch to user elliot and attempt to add the line I am not smurf! to the mysmurf file:

smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ su - elliot 
elliot@ubuntu-linux:~$ cd /home/smurf/
elliot@ubuntu-linux:/home/smurf$ echo "I am not smurf!" >> mysmurf
bash: mysmurf: Permission denied

Permission denied! Notice that elliot is not the user owner and is not even a member of the developers group, so he is regarded as everyone else (others). However, he can read the file because others have read permission r--:

elliot@ubuntu-linux:/home/smurf$ cat mysmurf 
Smurfs are blue!
I am smurf!

Changing file permissions

Now, what if we want to give elliot permission to edit the file mysmurf without changing file ownership as we did before? Well! This is very simple; you can use the chmod command to change file permissions.

Let's first switch to the root user:

elliot@ubuntu-linux:/home/smurf$ su - 
root@ubuntu-linux:~# cd /home/smurf

Now you can add the write permission for others (everyone else) by running the command:

root@ubuntu-linux:/home/smurf# chmod o+w mysmurf

Here o+w means others+write, which means adding the write permission to others. Now do a long listing on mysmurf:

root@ubuntu-linux:/home/smurf# ls -l mysmurf
-rw-r--rw- 1 smurf developers 29 Oct 23 11:34 mysmurf

As you can see, others can now read and write rw- to the mysmurf file. Now, switch back to user elliot and try to add the line I am not smurf! again:

root@ubuntu-linux:/home/smurf# su elliot
elliot@ubuntu-linux:/home/smurf$ echo "I am not smurf!" >> mysmurf
elliot@ubuntu-linux:/home/smurf$ cat mysmurf
Smurfs are blue!
I am smurf!
I am not smurf!

Success! User elliot can edit the file mysmurf. Now it's time to discuss the execute permission; let's go to elliot's home directory, and create a file named

elliot@ubuntu-linux:/home/smurf$ cd /home/elliot 
elliot@ubuntu-linux:~$ touch

Now add the following two lines to the file


You can add both lines by running the following two echo commands:

elliot@ubuntu-linux:~$ echo '#!/bin/bash' >> 
elliot@ubuntu-linux:~$ echo date >>

Do not worry about the meaning of the line '#/bin/bash' now; I will explain it in a later chapter. Anyways, let's view the content of the file

elliot@ubuntu-linux:~$ cat 

Now do a long listing on the file

elliot@ubuntu-linux:~$ ls -l
-rw-rw-r-- 1 elliot elliot 17 Oct 23 12:28

Notice the absence of the execute permission here for everyone (the user owner, group owner, and others). Let's add the execute permission to everyone; you can do that by running the following command:

elliot@ubuntu-linux:~$ chmod a+x 
elliot@ubuntu-linux:~$ ls -l
-rwxrwxr-x 1 elliot elliot 17 Oct 23 12:28

Here a+x means all+execute, which means add the execute permission to everyone. Also, notice that we were able to run the chmod command as user elliot only because he is the owner of the file

Finally, just enter the full path of and hit Enter:

elliot@ubuntu-linux:~$ /home/elliot/ 
Wed Oct 23 12:38:51 CST 2019

Wow! The current date is displayed! You have created your first Bash script and have run it! Bash scripting will be covered in detail in a later chapter. But now at least you know what it means for a file to be executable. Now remove the execute permission by running the command:

elliot@ubuntu-linux:~$ chmod a-x 
elliot@ubuntu-linux:~$ ls -l
-rw-rw-r-- 1 elliot elliot 17 Oct 23 12:28

Here a-x means all-execute, which means remove the execute permission from everyone. Now try to run the script again:

elliot@ubuntu-linux:~$ /home/elliot/ 
bash: /home/elliot/ Permission denied

We get a permission denied error! This is because the file is no longer executable. Most Linux commands are executable files. For example, take a look at the date command. First, we run the which command to get the location of the date command:

elliot@ubuntu-linux:~$ which date

Now do a long listing on /bin/date:

elliot@ubuntu-linux:~$ ls -l /bin/date
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 100568 Jan 18 2018 /bin/date

As you can see, it has execute permissions for everyone. Now watch what happens when you remove the execute permission:

elliot@ubuntu-linux:~$ su - 
root@ubuntu-linux:~# chmod a-x /bin/date

Now try running the date command:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# date
-su: /bin/date: Permission denied

The date command is no longer working! Please let's fix that by adding the execute permission back:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# chmod a+x /bin/date 
root@ubuntu-linux:~# date
Wed Oct 23 12:56:15 CST 2019

Now let's remove the user owner read permission on the file mysmurf:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# cd /home/smurf/ 
root@ubuntu-linux:/home/smurf# chmod u-r mysmurf
root@ubuntu-linux:/home/smurf# ls -l mysmurf
--w-r--rw- 1 smurf developers 45 Oct 23 12:02 mysmurf

Here u-r means user-read, which means remove the read permission from the user owner. Now let's switch to user smurf and try to read the file mysmurf:

root@ubuntu-linux:/home/smurf# su - smurf 
smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ cat mysmurf
cat: mysmurf: Permission denied

Poor smurf. He can't even read his own file. But since he is the file owner; he can get the read permission back:

smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ chmod u+r mysmurf 
smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ cat mysmurf Smurfs are blue!
I am smurf!
I am not smurf!

You have seen how to add (+) and remove (-) permissions with the chmod command. You can also use the equal sign = to set permissions. For example, if you want the group owner (developers) of the file mysmurf to only have write permission, you can run the command:

smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ chmod g=w mysmurf 
smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ ls -l mysmurf
-rw--w-rw- 1 smurf developers 45 Oct 23 12:02 mysmurf

So now, the developers group members only has write permission -w- to the file mysmurf. Here are more examples:

  • chmod ug=rwx mysmurf: This will give the user owner and group owner full permissions.
  • chmod o-rw mysmurf: This will remove read and write permissions from others.
  • chmod a= mysmurf: This will give zero (no) permissions to everyone.
  • chmod go= mysmurf: This will give zero permissions to the group owner and others.
  • chmod u+rx mysmurf: This will add read and execute permissions to the user owner.

Let's give zero permissions to everyone:

smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ chmod a= mysmurf 
smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ ls -l mysmurf
---------- 1 smurf developers 45 Oct 23 12:02 mysmurf

So now user smurf can't read, write, or execute the file:

smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ cat mysmurf 
cat: mysmurf: Permission denied
smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ echo "Hello" >> mysmurf
-su: mysmurf: Permission denied

How about the root user? Well let's switch to root to find out:

smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ su - 
root@ubuntu-linux:~# cd /home/smurf/
root@ubuntu-linux:/home/smurf# cat mysmurf
Smurfs are blue!
I am smurf!
I am not smurf!
root@ubuntu-linux:/home/smurf# echo "I got super powers" >> mysmurf
root@ubuntu-linux:/home/smurf# cat mysmurf
Smurfs are blue!
I am smurf!
I am not smurf!
I got super powers
root@ubuntu-linux:/home/smurf# ls -l mysmurf
---------- 1 smurf developers 64 Oct 23 13:38 mysmurf

As you can see, the root user can do anything! That's because root can bypass file permissions! In other words, file permissions don't apply to the root user.

Directory permissions

Now let's see how read, write, and execute permissions work on a directory. The easiest example will be the root's home directory /root. Let's do a long listing on /root:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# ls -ld /root
drwx------ 5 root root 4096 Oct 22 14:28 /root

As you can see, full permissions are given to the owner root and zero permissions for everyone else. Let's create a file inside /root named gold:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# touch /root/gold

Now let's switch to user smurf and try to list the contents of the /root directory:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# su - smurf 
smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ ls /root
ls: cannot open directory '/root': Permission denied

User smurf gets a permission denied error as he's got no read permissions on the directory /root. Now, can smurf create a file inside /root?

smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ touch /root/silver
touch: cannot touch '/root/silver': Permission denied

He cannot since he has no write permissions on /root. Can he delete a file inside /root?

smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ rm /root/gold
rm: cannot remove '/root/gold': Permission denied

Again, no write permissions, so he can't delete a file in /root. Finally, can user smurf change to the /root directory?

smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ cd /root
-su: cd: /root: Permission denied

He cannot because smurf needs the execute permission to be able to change to the /root directory. Now, let's switch back to the root user and start adding some permissions:

smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ exit 
root@ubuntu-linux:~# chmod o+rx /root

Here, we added the read and execute permissions to others, so user smurf can now list the contents of the /root directory:

root@ubuntu-linux:~# su - smurf 
smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ ls /root

He can even change to the /root directory as we have added the execute permission as well:

smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ cd /root 

But he still has no write permissions, so he can't create or delete files in /root:

smurf@ubuntu-linux:/root$ rm gold
rm: remove write-protected regular empty file 'gold'? y
rm: cannot remove 'gold': Permission denied
smurf@ubuntu-linux:/root$ touch silver
touch: cannot touch 'silver': Permission denied

Let's add the write permission to others:

smurf@ubuntu-linux:/root$ su - 
root@ubuntu-linux:~# chmod o+w /root

Finally, switch to user smurf and try to create or remove a file in /root:

smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ cd /root 
smurf@ubuntu-linux:/root$ rm gold
rm: remove write-protected regular empty file 'gold'? y
smurf@ubuntu-linux:/root$ touch silver
smurf@ubuntu-linux:/root$ ls

So smurf can now create and delete files in /root as he has the write permission.

Using octal notation

Instead of the letters r, w, and x, you can use the numbers 4, 2, and 1 to set file permissions. Take a look at the following image:

Figure 7: Understanding octal notation

Notice that the first number, 7, is basically the addition of the three numbers: 4 (r) + 2 (w) + 1 (x), which sets full permissions to the file owner. The second number, 6, is the addition of the two numbers: 4 (r) + 2(w), which sets the read and write permissions to the group owner. Finally, the third number, 4, which sets the read permission to others.

I know what you are thinking: "Why would I want to do math when I can just use the literal notation rwx?" And trust me, I feel you. A lot of people prefer the literal notation over the numeric notation, but some people just love numbers way too much!

Let's do some practice with the octal notation. There are currently zero permissions on the file mysmurf:

smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ ls -l mysmurf
---------- 1 smurf developers 64 Oct 23 13:38 mysmurf

We can use 777 to give full permissions to everyone:

smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ chmod 777 mysmurf 
smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ ls -l mysmurf
-rwxrwxrwx 1 smurf developers 64 Oct 23 13:38 mysmurf

Cool! Now you can use the triplet 421 to give read permission for the owner, write permission for the group owner, and execute permission for others:

smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ chmod 421 mysmurf 
smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ ls -l mysmurf
-r---w---x 1 smurf developers 64 Oct 23 13:38 mysmurf

Let's do one more example. What if you want to give full permissions to the owner, read permission for the group owner, and zero permissions for others? That's easy; the correct triplet will be 740:

smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ chmod 740 mysmurf 
smurf@ubuntu-linux:~$ ls -l mysmurf
-rwxr----- 1 smurf developers 64 Oct 23 13:38 mysmurf

Numbers are easy to work with once you get the hang of it. Just remember that:

  • 4: Read
  • 2: Write
  • 1: Execute
  • 0: Zero permissions

The following table summarizes all the possible permissions combinations:

Number Meaning Literal Equivalence
0 Zero/No Permissions ---
1 Execute --x
2 Write -w-
3 Write + Execute -wx
4 Read r--
5 Read + Execute r-x
6 Read + Write rw-
7 Read + Write + Execute rwx
Table 12: Octal notation versus literal notation

This chapter was a bit lengthy. Go take a break and then come back and attack the knowledge check exercises!

Knowledge check

For the following exercises, open up your Terminal and try to solve the following tasks:

  1. Create a new user abraham with a user ID of 333.
  2. Create a new group admins.
  3. Add user abraham to the admins group.
  4. Make admins the group owner of the directory /home/abraham.
  5. Members of the admins group can only list the contents of the directory /home/abraham.

True or false

  1. chmod a=rxw facts.txt will have the same result as chmod 777 facts.txt.
  2. chmod a=rw facts.txt will have the same result as chmod 665 facts.txt.
  3. User elliot can have more than one primary group.
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