Appendix B. Carbon Event Classesand Kinds

In order to handle events, you need to tell the Carbon Event Manager what kinds of events you want to be notified about. You do so by specifying the class and kind of each event you want to handle. Table 2.1 through Table 2.9 list the most common event classes and kinds. After you’ve identified the event class (keyboard, mouse, and so forth) and the event kind (mouse up, mouse down, and so on) appropriate to your application’s needs, you pass these to the Carbon Event Manager when installing your event handler. See Chapter 6 for more information.

Table B-1. Event Kinds in the Application Event Class (kEventClassApplication)

Event KindMeans
kEventAppActivated This application brought to foreground
kEventAppDeactivated This application sent to background
kEventAppFrontSwitched Frontmost (active) application changed
kEventAppLaunched Another application started up
kEventAppTerminated Another application terminated
kEventAppQuit This application about to be terminated

Table B-2. Event Kinds in the Command Event Class (kEventClassCommand)

Event KindMeans
kEventCommandProcess Menu item chosen or a control with a command that has been pressed
kEventCommandUpdateStatus Determine enabled or disabled status of command

Table B-3. Event Kinds in the Control Event Class (kEventClassControl)

Event KindMeans
kEventControlDefInitialize Control created
kEventControlDefDispose Control to be destroyed
kEventControlHit Mouse button pressed in control
kEventControlSimulateHit Sent when the control should simulate a hit in response to some other action (such as when the Return key is pressed to activate a default button)

Table B-4. Event Kinds in the Keyboard Event Class (kEventClassKeyboard)

Event KindMeans
kEventRawKeyDown Key pressed
kEventRawKeyRepeat Keystroke repeated when key held down
kEventRawKeyUp Key released
kEventRawKeyModifiersChanged Modifier key pressed or released

Table B-5. Event Kinds in the Menu Event Class (kEventClassMenu)

Event KindMeans
kEventMenuBeginTracking Mouse button pressed in menu or menu bar
kEventMenuEndTracking Mouse button released after press in menu or menu bar
kEventMenuOpening Menu about to be displayed
kEventMenuClosed Menu has been hidden
kEventMenuTargetItem Cursor dragged over menu item
kEventMenuMatchKey Match menu item with command event
kEventMenuEnableItems Determine enabled or disabled status of menu items

Table B-6. Event Kinds in the Mouse Event Class (kEventClassMouse)

Event KindMeans
kEventMouseDown Mouse button pressed
kEventMouseUp Mouse button released
kEventMouseMoved Mouse position changed
kEventMouseDragged Mouse position changed with button held down
kMouseWheelMoved The mouse scroll wheel moved

Table B-7. Event Kinds in the Tablet Event Class (kEventClassTablet)

Event KindMeans
kEventTabletPointer Pen has touched the tablet
kEventTabletProximity Pen has entered or exited the tablet’s proximity region

Table B-8. Event Kinds in the Text Input Event Class (kEventClassTextInput)

Event KindMeans
kEventUnicodeForKeyEvent Text character typed from keyboard
kEventOffsetToPos Map character index to screen position
kEventPosToOffset Map screen position to character index
kEventGetSelectedText Determine currently selected text
kEventUpdateActiveInputArea Request to update the text input area
kEventShowHideBottomWindow Request to show or hide a text input window

Table B-9. Event Kinds in the Window Event Class (kEventClassWindow)

Event KindMeans
kEventWindowInit Window created
kEventWindowDispose Window to be destroyed
kEventWindowActivated Window activated (brought to front)
kEventWindowDeactivated Window deactivated (sent behind)
kEventWindowShown Window made visible
kEventWindowHidden Window made invisible
kEventWindowDrawContent Draw window’s contents on screen
kEventWindowCursorChange Cursor moved into content region
kEventWindowClickContentRegion Mouse click in content region
kEventWindowHandleContentClick Mouse click occurred in content region, but the click did not occur in a control and it is not a contextual menu click
kEventWindowAcquired Keyboard focus acquired
kEventWindowRelinquish Keyboard focus to be relinquished
kEventWindowOriginChange Window to be moved
kEventWindowOriginChanged Window moved
kEventWindowSizeChange Window to be resized
kEventWindowSizeChanged Window resized
kEventWindowCollapse Window to be minimized
kEventWindowCollapsed Window minimized
kEventWindowCollapseAll All windows to be minimized
kEventWindowExpand Window to be expanded
kEventWindowExpanded Window expanded
kEventWindowExpandAll All windows to be expanded
kEventWindowZoom Window to be zoomed
kEventWindowZoomed Window zoomed
kEventWindowZoomAll All windows to be zoomed
kEventWindowClose Window to be closed
kEventWindowClosed Window closed
kEventWindowCloseAll All windows to be closed
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