

" " (quotation marks), writing strings for Localizable.strings file, Localizable Strings Files
.lproj folders (language-specific), Text and Localization
/ (slash) in file pathnames, Open dialog, Save Location
2D graphics, Behind the curtain
3D graphics, 3D graphics
; (semicolon), writing strings for Localizable.strings file, Localizable Strings Files
= (equal sign), writing strings for Localizable.strings file, Localizable Strings Files
{ } (braces), writing strings for Localizable.strings file, Localizable Strings Files
~ (tilde) in file pathnames, Open dialog, Save Location
‘aete’, Create an ‘aete’ resource that describes your scripting support


About menu item, The Menu Bar
About window, The About Window, The About Window
commands for, Add an About command
creating from nib files, Create the About Window from the nib File
event handlers for, Writing an Event Handler for the About Window, Build, run, and test the application
AboutWindowCommandHandler function, Write a Function to Handle the About Command
access paths, File access
Acrobat Reader, viewing Developer Guides, Onscreen Documentation
activate event in Receives option window, Receives
AddEventTypesToHandler function, Installing an Event Handler
additions (scripting), How Scripting Works
Adobe Photoshop, adding PICT Resource files, Add a PICT Resource
advanced topic in Carbon, Beyond Moon Travel: Advanced Topics, Epilogue
AECoerceDesc functon, Create the save file
AECoersceDesc function, Retrieve the file to open
AECountItems function, Write handlers for the Apple events you support
AEDisposeDesc function, Retrieve the file to open, Create the save file
AEGetDescData function, Retrieve the file to open, Create the save file
AEGetNthPtr function, Write handlers for the Apple events you support
AEInstallEventHandler function, Install your Apple event handlers
AHRegisterHilpBook function, Register the Help Book
Alert window class, Window Classes
Alias Manager, The Expansion Pack
referencing files with, Identifying a file
palette, Layout Tools
tools, Align Objects with the Layout Tools
allocation blocks, File size
anchor tags, Anchors
API (application programming interface), Write the Main Window Event Handler
AppDrawPage function, A Sample Printing Session
Appearance Manager, The Toolbox interfaces
Apple Developer
Technical Support, maintaing database of creator codes, Palettes and Layout Tools
webHelp Software Development Kit (SDK), Help Folder
Apple Event Manager, The Expansion Pack
Apple events, How Scripting Works
handlers, installing, Install your Apple event handlers
object models, How Scripting Works
processing, Process incoming Apple events
writing, Write handlers for the Apple events you support, Write handlers for the Apple events you support
Apple Help Indexing Tool, Indexing
Apple Help Viewer, Help Folder
Apple menu, The Menu Bar
Apple System Profiler, How Scripting Works
Apple Type Services for Unicode Imaging (ATSUI), The Expansion Pack, Text and international services
AppleScript scripting language, The Expansion Pack, Scriptable Applications, How Scripting Works
Application element in Menus palette, Menus palette
Application menu, Implementation, Application Menu
application programming interface (API), Write the Main Window Event Handler
Application Setting pane, Viewing and Modifying Property Lists in Project Builder, Viewing and Modifying Property Lists in Project Builder
About windows and, The About Window
building, Building Carbon Applications
bundles, Application Bundles
event classes, Event Types
event loop function, Call the Application Event Loop Function
icons, Application icons
internationalizing, Text and Localization, Recap
menu bars, The Menu Bar, Implementation
printing documents, Printing, Recap
scripting for, Beyond Moon Travel: Advanced Topics, Process incoming Apple events
specifying, Specifying a Carbon Application: Moon Travel Planner, Recap
windows, implementing, The Moon Travel Planner Window, Implementation
application’s signature, assigning a control ID, Palettes and Layout Tools
AppPagesInDoc function, A Sample Printing Session
AppPrintInfo datatype, A Sample Printing Session
Aqua, Carbon and Mac OS X, Aqua
aligning objects with layout tools, Align Objects with the Layout Tools, Align Objects with the Layout Tools
Guidelines, Layout Tools
tab controls, adding to windows, Add a Tab Control to a Window
text fields, adding, Add a Text Field
Arrange in Front command in Window menu, Window Menu
ATS type interfaces, Text and international services
ATSUI (Apple Type Services for Unicode Imaging), The Expansion Pack, Text and international services
Attributes in Info window pane, Info Windows, Attributes


Base Services interface (Core Foundation), The Expansion Pack
bevel button, Controls palette
blank element in Menus palette, Menus palette
BlockZero function, Create the save file
braces ({ }), writing strings for Localizable.strings file, Localizable Strings Files
Bring to Front command in Alignment submenu, Layout Tools
browser (Data Views palette), Data views palette
Build button in Project Builder, Building and Running a Project
build folder, in Project Builder, Things May Not Be Where You Think They Are
bundles (applications), Project Builder Projects, Application Bundles


call references (event handlers), Defining an Event Handler
callback functions, How does a help tag work?
callback mechanisms, handling events, Carbon Event Handling
callbackParms, The navigation event handler
callbackSelector, The navigation event handler
callbackUD parameter, The navigation event handler
callBackUD parameter, Configure and display a Save dialog
CallNextEventHandler function, Defining an Event Handler
advanced topics in, Beyond Moon Travel: Advanced Topics, Epilogue
Event Manager, Behind the curtain, Carbon Events
introduction to, Introduction to Carbon, Recap
Palettes window, The Carbon Palettes Window, Windows palette
Printing Manager, Behind the curtain
specifying applications, Specifying a Carbon Application: Moon Travel Planner, Recap
Carbon Printing Manager, The Carbon Printing Manager, Where to Go from Here
Carbon-Enhanced Controls Palette, The Default Items in a Nib File
catalogInfo structure, Create the save file
CFBundle.h file, The Information Property List: Info.plist
CFBundleCopyBundleURL functon, Register the Help Book
CFBundleDevelopmentRegion standard key, The Information Property List: Info.plist
CFBundleDocumentTypes finder key, Finder Keys
CFBundleExecutable standard key, The Information Property List: Info.plist
CFBundleGetInfoHTML finder key, Finder Keys
CFBundleGetInfoString finder key, The Information Property List: Info.plist
CFBundleGetMainBundle function, Register the Help Book
CFBundleHelpBookFolder key, Modify the Application’s Property List
CFBundleHelpBookName key, Modify the Application’s Property List
CFBundleIconFile finder key, Finder Keys
CFBundleIdentifier standard key, The Information Property List: Info.plist, Moon Travel Planner: Modifying and Using Properties
CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion standard key, The Information Property List: Info.plist
CFBundleName finder key, The Information Property List: Info.plist
CFBundlePackageType finder key, Finder Keys
CFBundleShortVersionString finder key, The Information Property List: Info.plist
CFBundleSignature finder key, The Information Property List: Info.plist, Moon Travel Planner: Modifying and Using Properties
CFBundleTypeIconFile finder key, Finder Keys
CFBundleTypeName finder key, Finder Keys
CFBundleTypeOSTypes finder key, Finder Keys
CFBundleTypeRole finder key, Finder Keys
CFBundleURLIconFile finder key, Finder Keys
CFBundleURLSchemes finder key, Finder Keys
CFBundleURLTypes finder key, Finder Keys
CFBundleVersion standard key, The Information Property List: Info.plist
CFCopyLocalizedString function, Localizable Strings Files, Writing the show moon facts window function, MTPDrawMoonFactsPage
CFRelease function, The compute command handler, Writing the show moon facts window function, MTPDoPrint, Register the Help Book
CFSTR function, Create the menu bar, Create the About Window from the nib File
CFString object, Main.c: A Skeletal Application, Writing the show moon facts window function, Create the About Window from the nib File
CFStringCreateWithCharacters function, Retrieve the file to open, Write handlers for the Apple events you support
CFStringCreateWithFormat function, The compute command handler
CFStringGetCharacters function, Create the save file
CFStringGetLength function, Create the save file
CFStringRef datatype, Localizable Strings Files, MTPDoPrint, Retrieve the file to open
CGURLGetFSRef function, Register the Help Book
CHBundleTypeExtensions key, Add a Document Type
checkboxes, Controls palette
circular progress, Enhanced controls palette
events, Event Types
for creating windows, Window Classes
Classic compatibility enviroment, Carbon and Mac OS X
Clear command in Edit menu, Edit Menu
Clipboard, Edit Menu
button, coping code from Help Viewer, Onscreen Documentation
Scrap Manager, using, The Expansion Pack
Close AppleScript command, How Scripting Works
Close button controls for windows, Controls, Write a Handler for the Moon Facts Window
Close command in File menu, File Menu
Close menu, Implementation
adding commands for, Add Commands for Close and Save As
Cocoa (object-oriented interface), Carbon and Mac OS X
Code Fragment Manager, Legacy Interfaces
collapsed state of Save Location dialog, Save Location
Collection Manager, Legacy Interfaces
Collection Services interface (Core Foundation), The Expansion Pack
color interfaces, Color, images, and print production
Color Picker Manager, Color, images, and print production
ColorSync, Color, images, and print production
column view browsers, The column view browser
Command event classes, Event Types
command handlers, The compute command handler, The compute command handler
aligning objects, Layout Tools
AppleScript, How Scripting Works, Write handlers for the Apple events you support
assigning to menu items, Set Up the Items You Know You’ll Need
coding for menu bars and, Add Code to Your Project
event handling, Event Types
events, Identify events
File menu and, File Menu
handle menu, Handle menu commands
handlers, writing code for, Write the code for the handler
printing, Test the Page Setup and Print Commands
Window menus and, Window Menu
Component Manager, Legacy Interfaces
Components (QuickTime), QuickTime
handling events, Event Types
Itinerary file, defining for, Define Constants and Variables for Creating Itinerary Files
constants for printing, Define Constants for Working with Printing
contextual menus, Menus palette, Contextual Menus
Control event classes, Event Types
control IDs, Palettes and Layout Tools
Control Manager, The Toolbox interfaces
ControlHandle reference, The compute command handler
palettes (Interface Builder), Controls palette, Enhanced controls palette
user panes, adding, Add Controls to a User Pane
Controls in Info window pane, Info Windows, Controls
Controls palette
adding items from, Add Items from the Controls Palette, Add a PICT Resource
test fields, adding, Add a Text Field
ControlsXS event model, Behind the curtain
Copy AppleScript command, How Scripting Works
Copy command in Edit menu, Edit Menu
CopyWindowTitleAsCFString function, MTPDoPrint
Core Foundation, The Expansion Pack
Count AppleScript command, How Scripting Works
CPM (see Carbon Printing Manager)
crashes, in programs, Debugging a Project
CreateEvent function, Multiprocessing Services in a Peanut Shell
CreateNibReference function, Main.c: A Skeletal Application, Create the menu bar, Create a new itinerary window
CreateWindowFromNib function, Main.c: A Skeletal Application, Create a new itinerary window
About windows, creating, Create the About Window from the nib File
CreateWindowFromNib function, setting up menu bars/windows, Main.c: A Skeletal Application
creator codes, Palettes and Layout Tools
custom file type, Custom file types
Cut command in Edit menu, Edit Menu
cut-and-paste operations, using Scrap Manager, The Expansion Pack


Darwin operating system, Carbon and Mac OS X
Data Views palette, Data views palette
defining for printing sessions, Data Types for Working with Printing Sessions, Define Data Types for Working with Printing, Define Prototypes for Printing Functions
Date Utilities, Text and international services
debuggers, in Project Builder, Building and Running a Project, Debugging a Project
event handlers, Default Event Handlers, Default Event Handlers
in Project Builder, Targets
items in nib files, The Default Items in a Nib File
property lists, modifying, Viewing and Modifying Property Lists in Project Builder
Delete AppleScript command, How Scripting Works
descriptions in help content, Descriptions
desktop icons (see icons)
Developer Guides in Project Builder Help menu, Onscreen Documentation
Device Manager, Legacy Interfaces
Dialog Manager, The Toolbox interfaces
dialogs, Window Classes
Navigation Services, The Navigation Services dialogs, Save Location
dictionaries (key value pairs), The Information Property List: Info.plist
Dictionary Manager, Text and international services
direct memory access (DMA), Low-level tweaking
directories, The organization of the file system
identifying files and, Identifying a file
disclosure triangles, Enhanced controls palette
Discovering QuickTime (Morgan-Kaufmann), QuickTime
DisposeNibReference function, Main.c: A Skeletal Application, Create a new itinerary window
DisposePtr function, MTPCreatePrintInfoForWindow, Create the save file
DMA (direct memory access), Low-level tweaking
Dock feature, Behavior
document icons, Document icons
document types, Adding a Document Type to a Project
adding, Add the Icon Files
Document window class, Window Classes
documentPrintInfoPtr function, MTPCreatePrintInfoForWindow, MTPSetupPageFormatForPrinting
drag and drop
applications for, The Expansion Pack
menu bars, modifying, Moon Travel Planner: Modifying the Menu Bar
menu palette and, Add an Application-Specific Menu to the Menu Bar
Drag Manager, The Expansion Pack
drawDocPageProc parameter, MTPCreatePrintInfoForWindow
DrawOneControl function, The compute command handler, Writing the show moon facts window function
Duplicate AppleScript command, How Scripting Works
dynamic objects, Palettes and Layout Tools
dynamic resource allocation, Carbon and Mac OS X


Edit menu, Menus palette, Edit Menu
ellipsis characters in pull-down menus, The Menu Bar
English.lproj folder in Project Builder, Things May Not Be Where You Think They Are
Enhanced Controls palette, Enhanced controls palette
adding items from, Add an Item from the Enhanced Controls Palette
environments for Mac OS X, Carbon and Mac OS X
equal sign (=), writing strings for Localizable.strings file, Localizable Strings Files
EraseRect function, Display the itinerary text
error handling, when printing, Error handling
event classes, Event Types
event handler reference, Installing an Event Handler
event handlers
About window, writing, Writing an Event Handler for the About Window, Build, run, and test the application
Apple events, writing, Write handlers for the Apple events you support, Write handlers for the Apple events you support
call references, Defining an Event Handler
defining, Defining an Event Handler, Defining an Event Handler
installing, Installing an Event Handler, Install your Apple event handlers
Itinerary window, writing for, Write the Itinerary Window Event Handler, Write the Itinerary Window Event Handler
navigation, The navigation event handler, The navigation event handler
Save Changes dialog and, Save Changes
window, modifying, Modify the Main Window Event Handler
printing, adjusting code for, Adjust Code in the Moon FactsWindow Event Handler
writing for, Write the Main Window Event Handler, The compute command handler
writing, MoonTravel Planner: Writing an Event Handler, Recap
event kind, Event Types
event loop function, calling, Call the Application Event Loop Function
Event Manager, Behind the curtain, Legacy Interfaces
event object models, How Scripting Works
event types, Event Types
eventNotHandledErr event, Write the code for the handler
eventNotHandleErr event, Defining an Event Handler
events, Carbon Events, Recap, Event Targets
Apple, How Scripting Works
identifying, Identify Events, Identify events
installing main window event handlers, Install the Main Window Event Handler
parameters name/types, Event References
references, Event References
events (targers)
default event handlers and, Default Event Handlers
EventTargetRef parameter, Write a Handler for the Tab Controls and Panes
EventTypeSpec, specifing an event, Event Types
Exists AppleScript command, How Scripting Works
expanded state of Save Location dialog, Save Location
expansion pack, The Expansion Pack, The Expansion Pack
Expert view in Application Setting pane, Viewing and Modifying Property Lists in Project Builder, Viewing and Modifying Property Lists in Project Builder
Extensible Markup Language (XML), A Carbon Nib File
information property lists and, The Information Property List: Info.plist
external framework, in file references, External frameworks and libraries


Favorite Places (Where pop-up menu), The Where pop-up menu
File Manager, Behind the curtain, The File Manager, Reading and writing data
Finder and, The Finder and the file system
organizing files, The organization of the file system
tasks of, The typical tasks of file management
file marks, File access
File menu, The Menu Bar, Implementation, File Menu
in Menus palette, Menus palette
file references, File References
numbers, File access
FileInfo structure, Create the save file
fileList parameter, Write handlers for the Apple events you support
files, Files, Recap
accessing, File access
creating new, Creating a new file
icons for, Icons for plug-ins and other support files
identifying, Identifying a file
Itinerary window, creating, Create a Window to Display the Itinerary, Create a Window to Display the Itinerary
managing, Managing Files on the Mac, Save Location
opening, Opening a file
retrieving to open, Retrieve the file to open
sizes of, File size
Finder application, The Menu Bar, Property Lists
desktop icons and, Desktop Icons
file systems and, The Finder and the file system
finder keys in application properties, The Information Property List: Info.plist, Finder Keys
finderInfo field, Create the save file
Floating window class, Window Classes
Folder Manager, The Expansion Pack
Font Manager, The Expansion Pack
FontSync, Text and international services
forks, Opening a file
frameworks, Project Builder Projects
fsAtMark constant, Reading and writing data
FSCatalogInfo structure, Create the save file
FSCloseFork function, Write the save data
FSCreateFileUnicode function, Creating a new file, Create the save file
FSDeleteObject function, Create the save file
FSGetCatalogInfo function, Identifying a file, Retrieve the file to open, Write handlers for the Apple events you support
FSGetDataForkName function, Write the save data
FSGetForkSize function, File size
FSMakeFSRefUnicode function, Create the save file
FSMakeFSRefUnicode function, creating a FSRef structure, Identifying a file
FSOpenFork function, Write the save data
FSOpenFork function, opening files, Opening a file
FSpMakeFSRef function, Identifying a file
fsRdWrPerm constant, Opening a file, Write the save data
FSReadFork function, Reading and writing data
FSRef datatype, Register the Help Book
creating new files, Creating a new file
opening files and, Opening a file
representing files with, Identifying a file
save file, creating, Create the save file
FSSpec datatype, Identifying a file
FSWriteFork function, Reading and writing data , Write the save data
About command, handling, Write a Function to Handle the About Command, Write a Function to Handle the About Command
callback, How does a help tag work?
defining prototypes for, Define Prototypes for Printing Functions
for printing sessions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions, Where to Go from Here
printing sessions, Write Printing Functions, MTPDoPrintLoop
writing to display windows, Write a Function to Display the Window, Writing the show moon facts window function


generic file types, Generic file types
Gestalt Manager, The Expansion Pack
Get AppleScript command, How Scripting Works
GetApplicationEventTarget function, Installing an Event Handler
GetContorlByID function, Write a Handler for the Tab Controls and Panes
GetControl32BitValue function, The compute command handler
GetControlByID function, The compute command handler, Writing the show moon facts window function
GetControlEventTarget function, Installing an Event Handler
writing handlers for tab controls, Write a Handler for the Tab Controls and Panes
GetEventClass function, Event References, Defining an Event Handler, Write the Itinerary Window Event Handler
GetEventKind function, Event References, Defining an Event Handler, Write the code for the handler, Write the Itinerary Window Event Handler
GetEventParameter function, Defining an Event Handler, The main window event handler, Write the code for the handler, Write the Itinerary Window Event Handler
accessing event parameter with, Event References
GetEventTime function, returning event times, Event References
GetMainEventQueue function, Multiprocessing Services in a Peanut Shell
GetMenuEventTarget function, Installing an Event Handler
GetPort function, MTPDoPrintLoop, Display the itinerary text
GetWindowEventTarget function, Installing an Event Handler
GetWindowPortBounds function, Display the itinerary text
GetWindowProperty function, MTPPageSetupDoneProc, MTPDoPageSetup, MTPPrintDialogDoneProc, MTPDoPrint, Write the save data
global controls, Tab Controls
global declarations, adding to windows, Adding function and global declarations
graphics, calling functions for printing, MTPDoPrintLoop
group box, Enhanced controls palette
Group in command in Alignment submenu, Layout Tools
Groups and Files list, in Project Builder, File References
Guides submenu (Aqua), Layout Tools


handlerProc parameter, Installing an Event Handler
handlerRef parameter, Installing an Event Handler
functions for event handling, Carbon Event Handling
references, Installing an Event Handler
windows, writing, Write a Handler for the Moon Facts Window, Recap
hardware, low-level tweaking of, Low-level tweaking
for applications, Providing Help, Recap, Moon Travel Planner: Adding Help, Recap
help books, Help Content for Help Books
adding to projects, Add the Help Book to the Project
registering, Register the Help Book
indexing tools, Indexing
tags, Help Tags, Guidelines for writing help tags
adding, Add a Help Tag
guidelines for, Guidelines for writing help tags
testing in applications, Make Sure Help Works Properly
Viewer, Help on Mac OS X
help folder, Help Folder
Help menu, The Menu Bar, Implementation, Help Menu
in Project Builder, Onscreen Documentation
Info window pane and, Info Windows
Help window class, Window Classes
HFS Plus (Hierarchical File System), The volume format
HFSUniStr255 datatype, Retrieve the file to open
representing file names, Identifying a file
HideWindow function, Write the code for the handler
hierarchical file system, The organization of the file system, The volume format
hierarchical menus, The Menu Bar, Hierarchical Menus
HMSetControlHelpContent functon, How does a help tag work?
HMSetMenuItemHelpContent function, How does a help tag work?
HMSetWindowHelpContent function, How does a help tag work?
Horizonal Zoom button control option, Controls
HTML (Hyertext Markup Language)
formats, viewing Developer Guides in, Onscreen Documentation
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language
help books and, Help Content for Help Books
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), The Information Property List: Info.plist
help books and, Providing Help, The mechanics of creating help book content
Rendering Library, HTML


I/O Kit, Low-level tweaking
for event handling, Carbon Event Handling
Icon Composer, Importing icons into Icon Composer
images, importing, Import Images to Icon Composer
Icon Services, The Expansion Pack
icons, Desktop Icons, Recap
application and file for, Assigning Icons to Applications and Files
basics, Icon Basics
controllers, Enhanced controls palette
design tips for, Design Tips
document types, adding to, Adding a Document Type to a Project
sizes and masks, Icon Sizes and Masks
IDE (intergrated development environment), Project Builder Projects
Image Compression Manager, QuickTime
adding PICT Resource files, Add a PICT Resource
interfaces, Color, images, and print production
well, Controls palette
Images pane, The Default Items in a Nib File
indexing tools, making content searchable, Indexing
Info window pane, Info Windows, Receives
Attributes, Attributes
Classes, Window Classes
Controls, Controls
menu bars, modifying, Moon Travel Planner: Modifying the Menu Bar
Receives options, Receives
Theme Brush setting, Theme Brush
Info.plist (information property list), Application Bundles, The Information Property List: Info.plist
Project Builder, modifying with, Viewing and Modifying Property Lists in Project Builder
InfoPlist.strings file, InfoPlist.strings File
information property list (see Info.plist)
inName parameter, Create a new itinerary window
input (text) field, Controls palette
InstallApplicationEventHandler macro, Installing an Event Handler
InstallControlEventHandler macro, Installing an Event Handler
InstallEventHandler function, Installing an Event Handler, Multiprocessing Services in a Peanut Shell
writing handlers for tab controls, Write a Handler for the Tab Controls and Panes
InstallMenuEventHandler macro, Installing an Event Handler
InstallWindowEventHandler function, Install the Main Window Event Handler, Install the moon facts window event handler, Write the Itinerary Window Event Handler, Create a new itinerary window
parameters for, Install the Main Window Event Handler
InstallWindowEventHandler macro, Installing an Event Handler
integrated development environment (IDE), Project Builder Projects
Interapplication Communication documentation for scripting support, Process incoming Apple events
Interface Builder, What’s in Carbon?, The Toolbox interfaces
About window, implementing, Implementation
controls for, Interface Builder: Toolsand Controls, Recap
help tags, adding, How does a help tag work?
menu bars, The Menu Bar, Application Menu
implementing, Implementation
modifying, Moon Travel Planner: Modifying the Menu Bar, Recap
menus, Interface Builder: Menus, Recap
nib files, Interface Builder: Nibs and Windows, Recap
opening, Moon Travel Planner: Modifying the Default Window
tools for, Interface Builder: Toolsand Controls, Recap
windows, Interface Builder: Nibs and Windows, Recap
Itinerary, creating, Create a Window to Display the Itinerary
windows, implementing, Implementation
elements in Navigation Services dialogs, Standard user interface elements in Navigation Services dialogs
specialty, Specialty Interfaces
starter kit, The Starter Kit, Behind the curtain
International Resources, Text and international services
international services, Text and international services
internationalizing applications, Text and Localization, Recap
Internet, Internet and networking
Item element in Menus palette, Menus palette
Itinerary window, The Itinerary Window, Create a Window to Display the Itinerary, Recap
closing, Close the Itinerary
creating new, Create a new itinerary window
displaying text in, Display the itinerary text
opening file for, Open an Itinerary File, Display the itinerary text
reading file for, Read the itinerary file
saving, Save the Itinerary


kControlEntireControl, The compute command handler
kDurationImmediate constant, Multiprocessing Services in a Peanut Shell
kernel extensions, Project Builder Projects
kEventClassApplication event, Event Types
kEventClassCommand event, Event Types, Identify Events, Identify events
kEventClassControl event, Event Types
kEventClassKeyboard event, Event Types
kEventClassMenu event, Event Types
kEventClassMouse event, Event Types
kEventClassTablet event, Event Types
kEventClassTextInput event, Event Types
kEventClassWindow event, Event Types, Write a Handler for the Moon Facts Window
kEventDrawContent event, Default Event Handlers
kEventMouseDragged event, Default Event Handlers
kEventMouseUp event, Default Event Handlers
kEventParamClickCount parameter, identifying mouse clicks, Event References
kEventParamKeyModifiers parameter, identifying mouse clicks, Event References
kEventParamMouseButton parameter, identifying mouse clicks, Event References
kEventParamMouseLocation event parameter, identifying mouse clicks, Event References
kEventProcessCommand event, Identify events
kEventWindowBoundsChaging event, Default Event Handlers
kEventWindowBoundsChanged event, Default Event Handlers
kEventWindowClose event, Write a Handler for the Moon Facts Window
kEventWindowDrawFrame event, Default Event Handlers
kEventWindowGetGrowImageRegion event, Default Event Handlers
kEventWindowGetMinimumSize event, Default Event Handlers
kEventWindowHitTest event, Default Event Handlers
kEventWindowUpdate event, Default Event Handlers
keyboard commands
assigning, Add an Application-Specific Menu to the Menu Bar
for menus, The Menu Bar
keyboard equivalent, The Menu Bar
keyboard event classes, Event Types
Keychain Manager, Security
keyDirectObject value, Write handlers for the Apple events you support
keys in application properties, The Information Property List: Info.plist
keywords in help content, Keywords
kind (events), Event Types
kMTPApplicationsSignature constant, MTPPageSetupDoneProc
kMTPDocType constant, Define Constants and Variables for Creating Itinerary Files
kMTPFStringProperty constant, Define Constants and Variables for Creating Itinerary Files
kMTPOpenItineraryCommand constant, Define Constants and Variables for Creating Itinerary Files
kMTPPrintInfoProperty constant, MTPPageSetupDoneProc
kNavCBCustomize event, The navigation event handler
kNavCBTerminate event, The programming model
kNavCBUserAction event, The programming model, The navigation event handler
kNavUserActionCancel event, The navigation event handler
kNavUserActionOpen constant, Respond to the user’s action
kNavUserActionSave event, The programming model
kNavUserActionSaveAs event, The navigation event handler
kPMGeneralError constant, MTPSetupPageFormatForPrinting
kPrintAllPages constant, MTPDoPrintLoop
kWindowModalityAppModal, Configure and display an Open dialog


Language Analysis Manager, Text and international services
language-specific folders, Language-Specific Folders, Localizable Strings Files
Launch AppleScript Command, How Scripting Works
layout tools, Palettes and Layout Tools
for Interface Builder, Layout Tools
aligning objects with, Align Objects with the Layout Tools, Align Objects with the Layout Tools
legacy interfaces, Utility Interfaces
legacy Mac OS Event Manager model, Carbon Events
libraries, Project Builder Projects, External frameworks and libraries
List Manager, Legacy Interfaces
Live Resize window Attribute option, Attributes
Localizable.strings file, Localizable Strings Files
adding print format string to localized, Add a Print Format String to the Localized Strings
context, creating for windows with, Create Content for the Window
localizing applications, Text and Localization, Recap
Low Memory Accessors, Legacy Interfaces
Low-level tweaking, interfaces for, Low-level tweaking


Mac Help, Help on Mac OS X
Mac OS Event Manager model, Carbon Events
Mac OS X
Carbon and, Carbon and Mac OS X, Carbon and Mac OS X
environments for, Carbon and Mac OS X
Mach-O, Building Carbon Applications
MacOS item, in application bundle, Application Bundles
macros, installing event handlers, Installing an Event Handler
main function, Make Sure the Text Displays Properly
modifying, Modify the main function
windows, creating, Creating the window
main title in pull-down menus, The Menu Bar
main window event handlers, The main window event handler
installing, Install the Main Window Event Handler
main.c file, Sources, Main.c: A Skeletal Application, Main.c: A Skeletal Application
declaring command handlers, The compute command handler
main window event handlers, writing, The main window event handler
menu bars, creating, Create the menu bar
windows, creating, Creating the window
main.nib file, The Default Items in a Nib File
About window, creating, Create the About Window from the nib File
menu bars, modifying, Disable the Items You Won’t Need
windows, creating, Create a New Window
mainMenu (nib file), The Default Items in a Nib File
MainWindowEventHandler function, Write the code for the handler
Make AppleScript command, How Scripting Works
Make Centered Column command, center images, Align Objects with the Layout Tools
managers (services), functionality of, What’s in Carbon?
masks, Icon Sizes and Masks
Measurement Utilities, Text and international services
media handler (Quicktime), QuickTime
Media Layer (QuickTime), QuickTime
Memeory Management, Low-level tweaking
MemError function, MTPCreatePrintInfoForWindow
menu bars, The Menu Bar, Implementation, The Menu Bar, Application Menu, Contextual Menus
Application menus and, Application Menu
application-specific menu, adding to, Add an Application-Specific Menu to the Menu Bar
assigning commands to items, Set Up the Items You Know You’ll Need
behavior of, Behavior
code, adding, Add Code to Your Project
contextual menus and, Contextual Menus
creating, Create the menu bar
disabling items when modifying, Disable the Items You Won’t Need
Edit menu and, Edit Menu
File menu and, File Menu
Help menus and, Help Menu
hierarchical menus and, Hierarchical Menus
implementing, Implementation
modifying, Moon Travel Planner: Modifying the Menu Bar, Recap
Window menus and, Window Menu
menu event classes, Event Types
Menu Manager, The Toolbox interfaces
menu objects, Menus palette
Menu Shortcut box, Add an Application-Specific Menu to the Menu Bar
Menus palette, Menus palette
message queues, Multiprocessing Services in a Peanut Shell
button controls for windows, Controls
command in Window menu, Window Menu
item in Window menu, The Menu Bar
Mixed Mode Manager, Legacy Interfaces
MLTE (Multilingual Text Engine), Behind the curtain, Display the itinerary text
modal dialogs, Window Classes
Modal window class, Window Classes
modality field, Configure and display an Open dialog
modeless dialogs, Window Classes
MoreOSL, Write handlers for the Apple events you support
mouse event classes, Event Types
Movable Alert window class, Window Classes
Movable modal window class, Window Classes
Move AppleScript command, How Scripting Works
Movie Toolbox, QuickTime
MPCreateQueue function, Multiprocessing Services in a Peanut Shell
MPCreateTask function, Multiprocessing Services in a Peanut Shell
MPNotifyQueue function, Multiprocessing Services in a Peanut Shell
MpTerminateTask function, Multiprocessing Services in a Peanut Shell
MPTerminatiQueue function, Multiprocessing Services in a Peanut Shell
MPWaitOnQueue function, Multiprocessing Services in a Peanut Shell
MTPDoPageSetup function, MTPCreatePrintInfoForWindow
MTPDoPrintLoop function, MTPCreatePrintInfoForWindow
Multilingual Text Engine (MLTE), Behind the curtain, Display the itinerary text
multimedia programming interfaces, QuickTime
multiprocessing, Threads and Multiprocessing, Multiprocessing Services in a Peanut Shell
services for, Multiprocessing Services in a Peanut Shell, Multiprocessing Services in a Peanut Shell
Multiprocessing Services, The Expansion Pack, Threads and Multiprocessing
Music Architecture (QuickTime), QuickTime
MySwitchItemOfTabControl function, Write a Handler for the Tab Controls and Panes
MyTabEventHandler function, Write a Handler for the Tab Controls and Panes


NavCreateGetFileDialog function, Open dialog, Configure and display an Open dialog
NavCreatePutFileDialog function, Configure and display a Save dialog
NavDialogCreationOptions structure, Configure and display an Open dialog, Configure and display a Save dialog
NavDialogDispose function, Configure and display an Open dialog
NavDialogGetReply function, The programming model
NavDialogGetUserAction function, Respond to the user’s action
NavDialogRun function, The programming model, The navigation event handler, Configure and display an Open dialog, Respond to the user’s action, Configure and display a Save dialog
NavDisposeDialog function, The programming model
NavDisposeReply function, The programming model
NavGetDefaultDialogCreationOptions function, The programming model, Configure and display an Open dialog, Configure and display a Save dialog
NavGetDialogReply function, Respond to the user’s action
NavGetUserAction function, The navigation event handler
navigation event handlers, The navigation event handler, The navigation event handler
Navigation Services, Behind the curtain, Navigation Services, Save Location
dialogs, The Navigation Services dialogs, Save Location
naming files, Creating a new file
persistence, Persistence
NavReplyRecord structure, Respond to the user’s action
Network Service Location Manager, Internet and networking
networking, Internet and networking
New command in File menu, File Menu
NewAEEventHandlerUPP function, Install your Apple event handlers
NewApplication menu
About commands, adding to, Add an About command
NewEventHandlerUPP function, Installing an Event Handler, Install the moon facts window event handler
NewNavEventUpp function, Configure and display an Open dialog
NewNavEventUPP function, Configure and display a Save dialog
NewPMSheetDoneUPP function, Add Printing Code to the Main Function
NewPtr function, MTPCreatePrintInfoForWindow, Create the save file
nextHandler parameter, Defining an Event Handler
nib files, Main.c: A Skeletal Application, Interface Builder: Nibs and Windows, Recap
About windows, creating, Create the About Window from the nib File
adding objects to windows, Open the Nib File
Attributes in Info window pane, Attributes
Classes in Info window pane, Window Classes
Controls in Info window pane, Controls
default items in, The Default Items in a Nib File, Info Windows
Itinerary window, creating, Create a Window to Display the Itinerary
language-specific folders and, Nib Files
menu bars, implementing, Implementation
windows, implementing, Implementation, Implementation
nibRef parameter, Create the About Window from the nib File
noCacheBit bit, Reading and writing data
noErr return value, MTPCreatePrintInfoForWindow
non-Western text, using Text Services Manager, Text and international services
nonsession functions (printing), The Carbon Printing Manager
Notification Manager, Legacy Interfaces
notification methods in multitasking, Multiprocessing Services in a Peanut Shell
numTypes parameter, Installing an Event Handler


Object Support Library (OSL), Write handlers for the Apple events you support
adding, Moon Travel Planner: Adding Objectsto the Main Window, Recap
aligning with layout tools, Layout Tools, Align Objects with the Layout Tools, Align Objects with the Layout Tools
scripting, Identify the objects and commands you will support
onscreen documentation, using Project Builder, Onscreen Documentation
opaque structures, Event References
Open AppleScript command, How Scripting Works
Open command
handling, Handle the Open Command from the Main Window
Open commands
itinerary, Add an Open Itinerary command
Open dialog, Open dialog, Open dialog
configuring and displaying, Open an Itinerary File
Open Dictonary command in Script Editors, How Scripting Works
Open item in File menu, The Menu Bar, File Menu
Open Scripting Architecture (OSA), The Expansion Pack, How Scripting Works
Open Transport, Internet and networking
OpenGL interface for 3D graphics, 3D graphics
operating features, Carbon and Mac OS X
OSA (Open Scripting Architecture), The Expansion Pack, How Scripting Works
OSL (Object Support Library), Write handlers for the Apple events you support


Page Setup, The Menu Bar, Implementation
constants, defining for printing, Define Constants for Working with Printing
dialog, Printing
functions called when user dismisses, MTPPageSetupDoneProc
item in File menu, File Menu
adding commands to, Add Commands for Page Setup and Print
pageSetupDoneProc parameter, MTPCreatePrintInfoForWindow
Palette Manager, Legacy Interfaces
palettes, Palettes and Layout Tools, The Carbon Palettes Window
menus, adding to default bar, Add an Application-Specific Menu to the Menu Bar
windows, The Carbon Palettes Window, Windows palette
panels (Windows palette), Windows palette
panes, Tab Controls
controls/handlers, adding, Add Controls to a User Pane
parent directories, The organization of the file system
identifying files with, Identifying a file
passwords, using Keychain Manager, Security
Paste command in Edit menu, Edit Menu
pbdevelopment .plist, Application Bundles
PBMadeFSRefSync function, Identifying a file
PDF formats, viewing Developer Guides, Onscreen Documentation
PEF (Preferred Executable Format), Building Carbon Applications
persistence, storing information (Navigation Services), Persistence
Photoshop (Adobe), adding PICT Resource files, Add a PICT Resource
box, Enhanced controls palette
control, Add an Item from the Enhanced Controls Palette
formats, assigning icons to applications, Assigning Icons to Applications and Files
Resource files, adding, Add a PICT Resource
Picture Utilities, Color, images, and print production
creating icons, Icon Sizes and Masks
patterns, using Theme Brush settings, Theme Brush
PkgInfo, Application Bundles
pleaseCacheBit bit, Reading and writing data
Plug-In Services interface (Core Foundation), The Expansion Pack
Plug-ins, Project Builder Projects
icons for, Icons for plug-ins and other support files
PMCreatePageFormat function, A Sample Printing Session, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions, MTPSetupPageFormatForPrinting
PMCreatePrintSettings function, A Sample Printing Session, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions, MTPDoPrint
PMCreateSession function, A Sample Printing Session, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions, MTPSetupPageFormatForPrinting
PMFlattenPageFormat function, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions
PMFlattenPrintSettings function, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions
PMGetAdjustedPageRect function, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions, MTPDrawMoonFactsPage
PMGetAdjustedPaperRect function, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions
PMGetCopies function, Where to Go from Here
PMGetFirstPage function, A Sample Printing Session, Where to Go from Here, MTPDoPrintLoop
PMGetLastPage function, A Sample Printing Session, Where to Go from Here
PMGetOrientation function, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions
PMGetPageFormatExtendedData function, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions
PMGetPageRange function, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Where to Go from Here
PMGetPrintSettingsExtendedData function, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions
PMGetScale function, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions
PMPageFormat datatype, A Sample Printing Session, Data Types for Working with Printing Sessions
adding printing to windows, Define Data Types for Working with Printing
PMPageFormat type, MTPSetupPageFormatForPrinting
PMPrintSession datatype, A Sample Printing Session, Data Types for Working with Printing Sessions
adding printing to windows, Define Data Types for Working with Printing
PMPrintSettings datatype, A Sample Printing Session, Data Types for Working with Printing Sessions
PMRelease function, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions, MTPDoPrint
PMSessionBeginDocument function, A Sample Printing Session, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions, MTPDoPrintLoop
PMSessionBeginPage function, A Sample Printing Session, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions, MTPDoPrintLoop
PMSessionDefaultPageFormat function, A Sample Printing Session, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions, MTPSetupPageFormatForPrinting
PMSessionDefaultPrintSettings function, A Sample Printing Session, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions, MTPDoPrint
PMSessionEndDocument function, A Sample Printing Session, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions, MTPDoPrintLoop
PMSessionEndPage function, A Sample Printing Session, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions
PMSessionError function, MTPDoPrintLoop
PMSessionGetCurrentPrinter function, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions
PMSessionGetDataFromSession function, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions
PMSessionGetGraphicsContext function, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions, MTPDoPrintLoop
PMSessionPageSetupDialog function, A Sample Printing Session, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions, MTPDoPageSetup
PMSessionPrintDialog function, A Sample Printing Session, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions, MTPDoPrint
PMSessionSetDataInSession function, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions
PMSessionUseSheets function, A Sample Printing Session, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions, MTPDoPrint
PMSessionValidatePageFormat function, A Sample Printing Session, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions
PMSessionValidatePrintSettings function, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions
PMSetAdjustedPageRect function, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions
PMSetAdjustedPaperRect function, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions
PMSetCopies function, Where to Go from Here
PMSetFirstPage function, Where to Go from Here
PMSetJobNameCFString function, MTPDoPrint
PMSetLastPage function, Where to Go from Here, MTPDoPrintLoop
PMSetOrientation function, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions
PMSetPageFormatExtendedData function, A Sample Printing Session, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Data Types for Working with Printing Sessions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions
PMSetPageRange function, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Where to Go from Here, MTPDoPrintLoop
PMSetPrintSettingsExtendedData function, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions
PMSetScale function, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions
PMSheetDoneUPP datatype, Add Printing Code to the Main Function
PMUnflattenPageFormat function, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions
PMUnflattenPrintSettings function, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions
pop-up menus, Controls palette
positionMode parameter, Reading and writing data
PostEventToQueue function, Multiprocessing Services in a Peanut Shell
Power Manager, Low-level tweaking
PowerPC, building carbon applications, Building Carbon Applications
preemptive multitasking, Carbon and Mac OS X
Preference Services interface (Core Foundation), The Expansion Pack
Preferred Executable Format (PEF), Building Carbon Applications
Preview applications, viewing Developer Guides, Onscreen Documentation
Print AppleScript command, How Scripting Works
Print command in File menu, Implementation, File Menu
adding command for, Add Commands for Page Setup and Print
Print dialog, Printing
constants, defining for printing, Define Constants for Working with Printing
functions for, MTPPrintDialogDoneProc
print loop, A look at the print loop, A look at the print loop
print production interfaces, Color, images, and print production
printDialogDoneProc parameter, MTPCreatePrintInfoForWindow
printing, Printing, Recap
adding to windows, Moon Travel Planner: Adding Printing to the Moon Facts Window, Recap
code, adding to main function, Add Printing Code to the Main Function
constants, defining for, Define Constants for Working with Printing
datatypes for, Data Types for Working with Printing Sessions, Define Data Types for Working with Printing, Define Prototypes for Printing Functions
format strings, adding to localized strings, Add a Print Format String to the Localized Strings
functions for, Functions for Working with Printing Sessions, Where to Go from Here, Write Printing Functions, MTPDoPrintLoop
sequence and scope requirements for, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions
testing commands for, Test the Page Setup and Print Commands
Printing Manager, Behind the curtain, The Carbon Printing Manager, Where to Go from Here
Process Manager, Legacy Interfaces
products, in file references, Products
programming models, The programming model
progress indicator, Controls palette
Project Builder, What’s in Carbon?, Project Builder Projects, Recap
About window, creating, Create the About Window from the nib File
building and running a project, Building and Running a Project
debugging programs, Building and Running a Project, Debugging a Project
file references, File References
Icon Composer files, registering, Register the Icon Composer file for the application icon
implementing windows, Implementation
InfoPlist.strings file and, Help Folder
information property lists, modifying, The Information Property List: Info.plist, Viewing and Modifying Property Lists in Project Builder, Viewing and Modifying Property Lists in Project Builder
main.c file and, Main.c: A Skeletal Application, Main.c: A Skeletal Application
menu bars, implementing, Implementation
onscreen documentation for, Onscreen Documentation
windows, implementing, Implementation, Implementation
Property List Services interface (Core Foundation), The Expansion Pack
property list, modifing for hilp books, Modify the Application’s Property List
property lists, Property Lists, Recap
language-specific folders and, InfoPlist.strings File
modifying, Modify the Property List
windows, creating, Create a New Window, Create a New Window
protected memory, Carbon and Mac OS X
push buttons, Controls palette
adding from Control palette, Add Items from the Controls Palette


QuickDraw, Behind the curtain, The Expansion Pack
QuickTime, QuickTime
Quit menu, The Menu Bar, Implementation
quotation marks (” “), writing strings for Localizable.strings file, Localizable Strings Files


radio buttons, Controls palette
adding from controls palette, Add Items from the Controls Palette
command handlers and, The compute command handler
labeling, Add Items from the Controls Palette
Radio Group Info window, Add Items from the Controls Palette
Receives options in Info window pane, Receives
Recent Places (Where pop-up menu), The Where pop-up menu
Redo item in Edit menu, Edit Menu
references (events), Event References
relevance control, Controls palette
RemoveEventTypesFromHandler function, Installing an Event Handler
Reopen AppleScript command, How Scripting Works
reply records, Navigation Services
require_noerr function, Create the menu bar
require_noerr macro, Main.c: A Skeletal Application
Resizable window Attribute option, Attributes
resource compilers/editors, A Carbon Nib File
Resource Manager, Behind the curtain
Resources item, in application bundle, Application Bundles
resources, in file references, Resources
Revert command in File menu, File Menu
RGB color, using Theme Brush settings, Theme Brush
rotate command, Identify the objects and commands you will support
round push buttons, Enhanced controls palette
Run AppleScript command, How Scripting Works
Run button in Project Builder, Building and Running a Project
RunApplicationEventLoop function, Call the Application Event Loop Function, Make Sure the Text Displays Properly, Process incoming Apple events
handling events, Carbon Event Handling
running main event loop, Main.c: A Skeletal Application


Same size command in Alignment submenu, Layout Tools
SampleApplication.pdproj bundle, keeping track of files and targets, Things May Not Be Where You Think They Are
Save AppleScript command, How Scripting Works
Save As
command, File Menu, Configure and display a Save dialog
item, The Menu Bar
adding commands for, Add Commands for Close and Save As
Save Changes dialog, Save Changes
Save command in File menu, File Menu
Save Itinerary As, Implementation
Save Location dialog, Save Location, Save Location
saveFileName field, Configure and display a Save dialog
scope requirements for printing functions, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions
Scrap Manager, The Expansion Pack
Script Editors, How Scripting Works
Script Manager, Text and international services
scriptable applications, Beyond Moon Travel: Advanced Topics, Process incoming Apple events
additions, How Scripting Works
dictonaries, How Scripting Works
scroll bars, Controls palette
SCSI Manager, Legacy Interfaces
SDK (Software Development Kit), Help Folder
Security Services interface, Security
segments, dividing HTML files for help content, Segments
Select All command in Edit menu, Edit Menu
SelectWindow function, Writing the show moon facts window function, Write the Itinerary Window Event Handler
semaphores, Multiprocessing Services in a Peanut Shell
semicolon (;), writing strings for Localizable.strings file, Localizable Strings Files
separator in pull-down menus, The Menu Bar
sequence requirements for printing functions, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions, Sequence and Scope for Printing Functions
services (managers), functionality of, What’s in Carbon?
session functions (printing), The Carbon Printing Manager
Set AppleScript command, How Scripting Works
SetControlData function, The compute command handler, Writing the show moon facts window function
SetMenuBarFromNib function, Main.c: A Skeletal Application, Create the menu bar
SetPort function, MTPDoPrintLoop, Display the itinerary text
SetPortWindowPort function, Display the itinerary text
SetWindowProperty function, MTPCreatePrintInfoForWindow
SetWindowTitleWithCFString function, Create a new itinerary window
SGML (Structured Generalized Markup Language), The Information Property List: Info.plist
Sheet window class, Window Classes
Show Clipboard item, Edit Menu
Show Facts menu, Implementation
Show pop-up menu, Open dialog
ShowWindow function, Main.c: A Skeletal Application, Onscreen Documentation, Writing the show moon facts window function, Retrieve the file to open, Write handlers for the Apple events you support
Side Title window Attribute option, Attributes
signatures in control IDs, Palettes and Layout Tools
Simple mode in Application setting pane, Viewing and Modifying Property Lists in Project Builder
Size menu item in Info window pane, Info Windows
Size to Fit command in Alignment submenu, Layout Tools
sizes of files, File size
slash (/) in file pathnames, Open dialog, Save Location
sliders, Enhanced controls palette
Software Development Kit (SDK), Help Folder
Sound Manager, QuickTime
sources, in file references, Sources
specialty interfaces, Specialty Interfaces
Speech Recognition Manager, Speech
Speech Synthesis Manager, Speech
Standard Handler window Attributes options, Attributes
standard keys in application properties, The Information Property List: Info.plist, Standard Keys
starter kit interfaces, The Starter Kit, Behind the curtain
Starting Points dialog, Create a Window to Display the Itinerary
static objects, Palettes and Layout Tools
static text fields, Controls palette
adding from Controls palette, Add Items from the Controls Palette
adding to radio buttons, Add Items from the Controls Palette
streaming (QuickTime), QuickTime
String Services interface (Core Foundation), The Expansion Pack
Structured Generalized Markup Language (SGML), The Information Property List: Info.plist
submenus (see hierarchical menus)
system profiler, How Scripting Works


tab controls, Tab Controls, Epilogue
Data Views palette, Data views palette
handlers, writing for, Write a Handler for the Tab Controls and Panes
windows, adding, Add a Tab Control to a Window
table viewer (Data Views palette), Data views palette
tablet event classes, Event Types
tags (help), Help Tags, Guidelines for writing help tags
targets (events), Event Targets
default event handlers and, Default Event Handlers
installing main window event handlers, Install the Main Window Event Handler
targets, organizing project files, Targets
tasks, Threads and Multiprocessing
text, Text and Localization, Recap
adding a field, Add a Text Field
displaying localized, Moon Travel Planner: Displaying Localized Text , Recap
Info.plist (property list) and, The Information Property List: Info.plist
Localizable.string file and, Create Content for the Window
Text Encoding Conversion Manager, Text and international services
TEXT file types, Generic file types
text input field, Controls palette
text services, Text and international services
Text Services Manager, Text and international services
Text Utilities, Text and international services
TextEdit, Legacy Interfaces
theEvent parameter, Defining an Event Handler
Theme Brush, Theme Brush, Create a New Window
Thread Manager, The Expansion Pack, Threads and Multiprocessing
threads, The Expansion Pack, Debugging a Project, Threads and Multiprocessing, Multiprocessing Services in a Peanut Shell
icons, Icon Sizes and Masks
images, importing to Icon Composer file, Moon Travel Planner: Adding Icons
TIFF formats, assigning icons to applications, Assigning Icons to Applications and Files
tilde (~) in file pathnames, Open dialog, Save Location
time indicator, Enhanced controls palette
Time Utilities, Text and international services
title bars, revising window title, Moon Travel Planner: Modifying the Default Window
Toolbar window class, Window Classes
toolbox interfaces, The Toolbox interfaces
Tools menu, accessing Info windows, Info Windows
Transpose command in Alignment submenu, Layout Tools
tRav command, Add Items from the Controls Palette, The main window event handler
menu item and, Add an Application-Specific Menu to the Menu Bar
TXNDrawCFStringTextBox function, Display the itinerary text
typeAEList value, Write handlers for the Apple events you support
typeList parameter, Installing an Event Handler, Open dialog
types (events), Event Types


UDF (Universal Disk Format), The volume format
UFS (Universal File System), The volume format
Undo item in Edit menu, Edit Menu
Unicode Utilities, Text and international services
Universal Disk Format (UDF), The volume format
Universal File System (UFS), The volume format
universal functions (printing), The Carbon Printing Manager
universal procedure pointer (UPP), Installing an Event Handler
update event in Reveives option window, Receives
UPP (universal procedure pointer), Installing an Event Handler
URL Services interface (Core Foundation), The Expansion Pack
user panes, Enhanced controls palette
adding controls to, Add Controls to a User Pane
userData parameter, Defining an Event Handler, Installing an Event Handler, Write the Itinerary Window Event Handler
users, responding to actions, Respond to the user’s action, Respond to the user’s action, Respond to the user’s action
Utility Services interface (Core Foundation), The Expansion Pack
Utility window class, Window Classes


variables for creating Itinerary files, Define Constants and Variables for Creating Itinerary Files
Vertical Zoom button control option, Controls
volume format, The volume format
volumes, storing bytes, Files
VR (QuickTime), QuickTime


Where pop-up menu, The Where pop-up menu
while loop when printing, MTPDoPrintLoop
window events, Identify events
classes, Event Types
Window Manager, The Toolbox interfaces
Window menu, The Menu Bar, Implementation, Window Menu
in Menu palette, Menus palette
windows, The Moon Travel Planner Window, Implementation, The Facts for the Traveler Window, Recap, Interface Builder: Nibs and Windows, Recap
About windows, The About Window
Attributes, Attributes
setting, Moon Travel Planner: Modifying the Default Window
behavior of, Behavior, Behavior
Classes, choosing for, Window Classes, Moon Travel Planner: Modifying the Default Window
content, creating for, Create Content for the Window
Controls, in Info window, Controls, Moon Travel Planner: Modifying the Default Window
creating new, Create a New Window
default event handlers and, Default Event Handlers
event handlers, writing for, Write the Main Window Event Handler, The compute command handler
Itinerary, Write the Itinerary Window Event Handler, Write the Itinerary Window Event Handler
functions, writing to display, Write a Function to Display the Window, Writing the show moon facts window function
handlers, writing for, Write a Handler for the Moon Facts Window, Recap
implementing, Implementation, Implementation
Info, Info Windows, Receives
Itinerary, displaying in, Create a Window to Display the Itinerary, Create a Window to Display the Itinerary
nib files and, The Default Items in a Nib File
objects adding to, Moon Travel Planner: Adding Objectsto the Main Window, Recap
palettes, The Carbon Palettes Window, Windows palette
printing adding to, Moon Travel Planner: Adding Printing to the Moon Facts Window, Recap
property lists and, Create a New Window, Create a New Window
size, setting, Moon Travel Planner: Modifying the Default Window
tab controls, adding, Add a Tab Control to a Window
Theme Brush setting, Theme Brush
titles, revising, Moon Travel Planner: Modifying the Default Window
Windows computers, converting text from, Text and international services
Windows palette, Windows palette
windows servers, handling events, Carbon Event Handling
WYSIWYG tools, Building Carbon Applications
creating old MacOS resources with, A Carbon Nib File


XML (Extensible Markup Language), A Carbon Nib File
information property lists and, The Information Property List: Info.plist
Services interface (Core Foundation), The Expansion Pack


Zoom button controls for windows, Controls
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