
Italicized page numbers indicate figures and tables.


academic environments, 111–121

applications in, 112–116, 113

components in, 116–120

faculty development resources blueprint, 139–143

future trends and challenges, 128–129

life-long learning goals and, 120–121

access methods, in learning environment design process, 56–57, 72

Adams, Abigail, 131

adaptive learning, 125

Adler, Richard, 95

analytics, future focus on, 127

assembling, in learning environment design process, 27, 28, 55–60

determining learner access methods, 56–57, 72

envisioning look and feel, 58–59

incorporating learner-friendly functionality, 57–58

launching environment, 59–60

self-directed learning and, 90

attention, in self-directed learning, 79, 81

assessing strength of, 86

design tools for, 89, 90

tactics for strengthening, 87


badging strategy, 14, 126, 128

Bersin, Josh, vii

blended learning hub

in academic environment, 112, 113

as learning environment strategy, 10–11, 16

blueprints, for learning environments, 133

for carving collaboratory, 144–147

creating in design process, 42

drafting of, 28–30

for faculty development resources, 139–143

for sales team onboarding resources, 134–138

business environment, future learning trends and challenges in, 123–127

business goals, in learning environment design process, 30, 36, 38


call and response. See social learning

Campbell, Gartner, 114

carving collaboratory, blueprint for, 144–147

case studies. See blueprints, for learning environments

categorizing and tagging, in curating process, 53–54

certification programs, in academic environment, 129

collaboratories in academic environment, 112, 113

carving blueprint, 144–147

future learning and, 124–125

as learning environment strategy, 13–15, 16

communities of practice, 23

community of learners

managing of, 103–106

nurturing of, 64

components, of learning environments, 2–9

development practices, 4, 7

experiential learning practices, 4, 8

in learning environment design process, 29

people, 4, 6

resources, 4, 5

in sample blueprints, 135–137, 140–142, 145–146

self-direction and motivation and, 4, 8–9

training and education, 4, 6–7


in academic environment, 113–114

in curating process, 55

in self-directed learning, 89

constructivist courses, in academic environment, 113

context. See performance context


in curating process, 54–55

in academic environment, 129

for self-directed learning, 89

copyright, checking of, 50, 52

cultivating, in learning environment design process, 27, 28, 61–67

establishing leadership, 62–63

evaluation measures, 65–68, 67

improving environment over time, 63–64

keeping environment fresh, 64–65

nurturing community, 64

curating, of learning environment, 15–16, 16, 17, 27, 27, 48–49, 72

in academic environment, 114, 115, 118

categorizing and tagging, 53–54

contextualizing and highlighting, 54–55

environment pruning and refreshment and, 64–65

filtering, 49–52

making connections and generating discussion, 55

for self-directed learning, 89

custom context, in learning environment design process, 54


Davison, Lang, 75–76

developer readiness, in social learning, 107

development practices

in academic environment, 119

as components of learning environments, 4, 7

in learning design framework, 20

in learning environment design process, 34, 51

in sales team onboarding resources blueprint, 137

developmental relationships. See social learning

discussion, generating in curating process, 55

discussions boards, quality check of, 51


ecosystems, for learning, 21–22

Emelo, Randy, 91

emotional engagement, self-directed learning and, 82

employee development, future focus on, 127

engagement, in self-directed learning, 79, 82–83

assessing strength of, 86

design tools for, 89

future focus on, 126

tactics for strengthening, 87

“environment conducive to learning,” 23–24. See also learning environment

envisioning, in learning environment design process, 27, 27, 30–42

crafting blueprint, 42

defining purpose and performance context, 34–39, 36

determining needs, 31–34

getting to know learners, 39–40

solidifying topic and scope, 40–42

e-portfolios, 119

experiential learning practices

in academic environment, 119–120

as components of learning environments, 4, 8

in learning design framework, 20

in learning environment design process, 34, 51

in sales team onboarding resources blueprint, 137


faculty development resources, blueprint for, 139–143

filtering, in curating process, 49–52

finding, in learning environment design process, 27, 27, 43–47

Fink, Dee, 111

focus groups, used in learning environment design process, 44

“folksonomies,” 54

Foreman, Steve, 22

framework, for learning environment, 17–19, 20

future trends and challenges

in academic environments, 128–129

in business environments, 123–127

implications of, 129–130


gamification, self-directed learning and, 83

goal-setting approaches to instruction, learning environment design contrasted, 35–36, 36

Gottfredson, Conrad, 53–54, 70


Hagel, John, 75–76

Hart, Jane, vii, 92

higher education. See academic environments


individual factors, in social learning, 98

program design for, 99–100

informal learning, 75–76.

See also self-direction and motivation intention, in self-directed learning, 79, 80–81

assessing strength of, 86

design tools for, 89

tactics for strengthening, 87

interactions. See social learning

Interface Design for Learning (Peters), 59

Internet of things, 125–126

Internet resources

checking accuracy of, 47

confirming of links, 50

finding of, 45–46

see also curating, of learning environment


job role context, in learning environment design process, 54


knowledge exchange in academic environment, 112, 113

as learning environment strategy, 11–12, 16

knowledge resource sites, in academic environment, 115


launch methods, for environment, 59–63

leader development, in future, 127

leadership, establishing for learning environment, 62–63


characteristics of, 32–34

characteristics of, in sample blueprints, 134–135, 140, 144–145

empowering and trusting of, 71

learner-friendly environments and, 57–59

in learning environment design process, 28–29, 39–40

readiness and social learning, 106

resource location and, 46–47

learning and development (L&D) evolution of, vi–ix, viii

future academic trends and challenges, 128–129

future business trends and challenges, 123–129

futures roles, 129–131

learning coaches, in future, 130

learning ecosystems, 21–23

learning environment, 1–2, 23–24

components of, 2–9, 4

curating of, 15–16, 16, 17

defined, 2

future trends and challenges, 123–131

related ideas, 21–22

learning environment design, ix–x

benefits of, xviii–xix

challenges of, x–xiii

framework for, 17–21, 20

resources for, xix, 131

learning environment design process, 21–22, 25–73

assembling, 27, 28, 55–60

cultivating, 27, 28, 61–67

curating, 27, 27, 48–49, 72

drafting of blueprint, 28–30

envisioning, 27, 27, 30–42

finding, 27, 27, 43–47

principles of, 71–73

project management, 68–69

learning environment strategies, xiii–xiv, 9–15

blended learning hub, 10–11, 16

collaboratories, 13–15, 16

example for salespeople, xiv–xv, xvi

knowledge exchange, 11–12, 16

resources portal, 12–13, 16

loose ties, of people, 101, 105


Malamed, Connie, 59

mapping, for self-directed learning, 89–90

mobile learning, 125

“moments of need,” 70

MOOCs (massive open online courses), 111–112, 113, 119

Mosher, Bob, 53–54, 70

motivation. See self-direction and motivation


open education resources, 128–129

open wikis, in academic environment, 115–116

organizational factors, in social learning, 98

program design for, 100

readiness and, 108

outcome measurement, in future, 126


people in academic environment, 118–119

as components of learning environments, 4, 6

in learning design framework, 20

in learning environment design process, 33, 51

in sales team onboarding resources blueprint, 136

performance context

focusing on, 71–72

in learning environment design process, 28, 34–39, 37, 41–42

in sample blueprints, 134, 139–140, 144

performance environment, in learning design framework, 18–19

personalized learning, 23, 125

Peters, Dorian, 59

pillars, of self-directed learning, 77–78

assessing and shoring up of, 85, 86, 87–88

attention, 79, 81

engagement, 79, 82–83

intention, 79, 80–81

motivation, 79, 79–80

relationships, 79, 83–84

self-awareness, 79, 82

space and time, 79, 84–85

portals in academic environment, 112, 113

in learning environment design process, 29, 56–57

as learning environment strategy, 12–13, 16

problem-based learning, in academic environment, 119–120

project management, 68–69

publicity efforts, for learning environment, 60

purpose, of learning environment in learning environment design process, 34–39, 36

in sample blueprints, 134, 139, 144

statements of, 15–16, 17, 38–39


quality checks. See reviews and evaluations


real-world projects, in academic environment, 119–120

relational factors, in social learning, 98

program design for, 100

relational readiness, in social learning, 107

relationships, in self-directed learning, 79, 83–84

assessing strength of, 86

design tools for, 79

tactics for strengthening, 88

see also social learning

resource handbooks, 57


in academic environment, 118

as components of learning environments, 4, 5

finding, in learning environment design process, 27, 27, 43–47

identifying new, 63–64

in learning design framework, 20

in learning environment design process, 33, 51

in sales team onboarding resources blueprint, 135–136

see also curating, of learning environment reviews and evaluations, of environment, 61

in learning environment design process, 65–68, 68

quality checks, 69–71

Rheingold, Harold, 49

Rosenbaum, Steven, 52

Rosenberg, Marc, 21


salespeople, example learning environment for, xiv–xv, xvi, 134–138

saturation, for information validation, 50

scaffolding, for self-directed learning, 89

Seely Brown, John, 75–76, 90, 91, 95

self-awareness, in self-directed learning, 79, 82

assessing strength of, 86

design tools for, 89

tactics for strengthening, 87

self-direction and motivation, 75–91

in academic environment, 116–117

as components of learning environments, 4, 8–9

design tools for, 88–90

in future, 127

in learning design framework, 20

in learning environment design process, 33, 40

pillars of, 77–85, 79

strengthening of pillars of, 85, 86, 87–88

social learning, 40, 93–109

community of learners and, 103–106

described, 95

designing programs for, 99–100

factors enabling, 97–99

future trends and challenges, 124–125

readiness assessment, 99, 106–108

social media’s role in, 101–103

through relationships, 96

social media

quality check of, 51

roles of, 101–103

sources, validating accuracy of, 49–50

space and time, in self-directed learning, 79, 84–85

assessing strength of, 86

design tools for, 89, 90

tactics for strengthening, 88

students. See academic environments

support services, in academic environment, 116


tagging, in curating process, 53–54

task context, in learning environment design process, 54

technology, speed of change of, 124, 125–126

Thomas, Doug, 90, 91

3-D printing, 125–126

time, social learning and, 98. See also space and time, in self-directed learning

topic and scope in learning environment design process, 29, 40–42

in sample blueprints, 135, 140, 145

training and education in academic environment, 129

as components of learning environments, 4, 6–7

in learning design framework, 20

in learning environment design process, 33, 51

in sales team onboarding resources blueprint, 136–137

triangulation, for information validation, 50


variety and depth, of learning environment, 72

visual design, of learning environments, 58–59

Visual Design Solutions (Malamed), 59


wearable technology, 125–126

wiki sites, in academic environment, 115–116

workflow context, in learning environment design process, 53

workforce development sites, 114–115, 128

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