Glossary of Terms

Aggregate Function

A function that returns a result based on values of some attributes in multiple rows.


A temporary intra-query substitute for a table name or column name.


A data type that will accept a combination of characters as well as numbers.


An undesirable consequence of a data modification.


Column in a table.

Binary Intersection

An operation on two sets that generates unique values in common between two sets.

Binary Set Difference

An operation on two sets that generates values in one set less those contained in another.

Binary Union

An operation on two sets that generates all unique elements of both sets.


A storage unit consisting of 8 bits.

Candidate Key

A column (attribute, or group of columns) that identifies a unique row in a table. One of the candidate keys is chosen to be the primary key.

Cartesian Product

A binary operation resulting in the combination of all rows of one table with all rows of another table.


Data type that stores fixed-length character data, size characters long.


Vertical slices of a table. Columns are defined to be one data type.

Column Alias

A temporary column name within a query.


Nonexecutable words included in SQL queries for documentation.


An unvarying value used in a query.


A restriction placed on a value in a database used to increase data integrity.

Correlated Subquery

A subquery in which the information in the subquery is referenced by the outer, main query. A correlated subquery cannot stand alone; it depends on the outer query.


Recorded facts pertaining to entities.


A collection of logically associated or related data.

Database Administrator (DBA)

See DBA.

DBA (Database Administrator)

A person who has all system privileges and the ability to grant all privileges to other users. The DBA creates and drops users and space in a database.

DDL (Data Definition Language)

A language used to define the internal schema and conceptual schema in a database.

DML (Data Manipulation Language)

A language used to manipulate data (INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE).


A value assigned to data when no value is supplied.


The set of all possible values that a column value can have.


An object about which data is recorded

Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram

A visual tool to describe how data in a database is arranged.


A join condition with equality comparisons only.


Run a query to get an output of the task requested.


An attribute or column in a table. A field is defined to be of one data type.


A data type that accepts numbers with decimals.

Foreign Key

An attribute that is a primary key of another table. Relationships are implemented with the use of foreign keys in relational databases.

Full Outer Join

Used to designate the union of the left and right outer joins.

Functionally Dependent

A relationship between two attributes in a relation. Attribute Y is functionally dependent on attribute X if attribute X identifies attribute Y.

Global Temporary Table

Temporary tables that can be accessed by anyone signed on while the table exists.

Group Function

A function that returns a result based on multiple rows. Also known as an aggregate function.


An internal table created to speed up queries and searches in database.

Inline View

A view that exists only during the execution of a query.

Inner Query

A subquery.


A data type that accepts only whole numbers and no decimals.


An operation used to combine related rows from two tables into one table based on a logical comparison of column values.


A column value that uniquely identifies a row in a table.

Large Object Data Type (LOB)

LOBs are data types that can store large amounts (up to four gigabytes) of raw data, binary data (such as images) or character text data.

Local Temporary Tables

Temporary tables that are local to the session in which they are created.

Noncorrelated Subquery

A subquery that is independent of the outer query.

Non-Equi Join

Joins that do not test for equality.


A value given to a data item when the result is unknown.

Outer Join

A join condition where all the rows from one table (for example, the left table) are kept in the result set even though those rows do not have matching rows in the other table (the right table).

Outer Query

The part of the query that will return the result set. Outer queries are usually designated when a query has one or more subqueries (inner queries).

Primary Key

A candidate key selected to be the key of a table. The primary key will uniquely identify a row in a table.


A prefix used to identify a column of a particular table. For example, in “Student.sname,” Student is the table qualifier.


A SQL instruction used to retrieve data from one or more tables or views. Queries begin with the SQL keyword SELECT.


A named collection of data items. In a relational model, a record is a physical realization of a row.

Referential Integrity

The property that guarantees that values from one column that depend on values from another column are present in the “other column.”


A two-dimensional table containing single-value entries and no duplicate rows. The data type of the columns is the same in every row. The order of the rows is immaterial as the table is considered a set of rows. Often a relation is defined as a populated table. See also Table.

Relational Database

A database consisting of relations (tables).


An association between two tables.

Result Set

Output of a SQL statement.


A horizontal slice of a table. A row is also known as a “tuple” and at times is called a “record”; however, a “record” usually refers to a physical representation of data and a row refers to a logical representation.

Row Filter

A criterion that is used to select rows based on certain criteria.

Row Function

A function that is performed on a single row of a table.


A design of the database typically using an entity relationship diagram.


A sequence of SQL statements.

Self Join

A join condition where a table is joined with itself.


A data structure that represents a collection of rows with no order and no duplicate rows.

Set Compatibility

For two sets (or tables) to be set compatible, both sets must match in number of items and must have compatible data types. Set compatibility is also referred to as union compatibility.

SQL (Structured Query Language)

A language for defining the structure and processing of a relational database.

SQL Statements

Used to issue commands to a database.


A mixture of letters, numbers, spaces, and other symbols where one byte is assigned to a symbol.

String Function

A row function used to manipulate string data.


The inner query within the outer (main) query; usually one SELECT query within another SELECT query.


Some group of objects taken from a set.


External names of objects in the data that are intended to allow the object to be addressed in more than one way.


Consists of rows of information, each of which contains the same kind of values (columns). It is also referred to as a relation in the relational model.

Table Alias

A temporary name given to a table within a query.

Table Qualifiers

A query mechanism used to define where a column comes from. Qualifiers are often needed when more than one table is being used in a query.

Temporary Table

A table in which the result of a SELECT is temporarily saved and then used in other SELECT statements - see Global Temporary Tables and Local Temporary Tables.


A row in a table.

Union Compatibility

When working with sets (tables), for two sets to have union compatibility, both sets must match in number of items and must have compatible data types.


A query that is stored in the data dictionary and is rerun when called for. A view appears to a user to be a table.


A universal language used to generically identify data that will be shared.

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