Project Euler

If you enjoy math, even a little bit, then Project Euler ( is an amazing resource. Project Euler uses math to teach computer programming and, at the same time, uses computer programming to teach math. Project Euler is a series of challenges that require knowledge of both math and computer programming to solve. The challenges build on each other; so you use the skills that you learned in the last challenge to solve the next challenge. The programming portion of the first few challenges is relatively easy if you have a solid understanding of math, but the challenges quickly begin to get quite difficult. You can use whatever programming language you like to solve the problems, but you definitely need to use programming to solve them. If you have an interest in mathematics, you should definitely spend some time solving challenges on Project Euler.

Solve a Math Challenge, Get a Job

In 2004, Google had an interesting idea for recruiting programmers. Google wanted programmers who enjoy solving problems just for the fun of solving problems, so they put up a billboard with an interesting math problem, similar to the Project Euler problems. The problem was to go to “{first 10-digit prime found in consecutive digits of e}.com” (see Figure 14.5). A curiosity for math and computer programming can really pay off, as it did for the programmers who got jobs at Google by solving the billboard challenge.


Figure 14.5 Google’s clever recruiting message

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