Read a Book

I didn’t read a lot of books as I was first learning to program. I figured all the information that I might find in a book was available for free online, so why should I pay for the book? I struggled for more than a year trying to understand how to use Git correctly, until I finally bought a book about Git. When I finished the book a week or two later, I had learned everything I wanted to know about Git and discovered things I didn’t even know I’d wanted to know. That’s when I realized how valuable programming books could be. Although it is true that all the information in a book is freely available online, that information is not organized, and there’s also a lot of bad information online. An author presents all the good information that you might eventually find online in an organized manner with a consistent voice. The author also presents concepts in the right order and teaches you things you would not discover on your own. Now whenever I want to learn about a new technology, I first try to find a book. I recommend that you do the same.

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