
First and foremost, I have to give thanks to my family—my wife, Pavlina, and my two sons, Sebastian and Samuel. Without their support and encouragement, it would have been nearly impossible for me to devote the time to this book that I did. All of my professional efforts are to ensure our success together.

Second, I want to thank the staff at Prentice Hall who first took interest in this book and their professional approach to making it become a reality. I want to acknowledge my editor, Bernard Goodwin, for his passion for lean manufacturing and for taking on my project. I also have to thank Betsy Hardinger for her support in helping shape the manuscript.

The final name to mention is Debra Riffin. Debra was critical to the completion of this manuscript. I want to thank her for editing and proofreading the manuscript and helping me better convey my thoughts. Debra, you were a valuable asset.

It is important also to recognize the countless number of manufacturing professionals I have had the luxury of working with over the years. My clients are the true experts. I learn from them, and the relationships I have developed with them are critical to my company’s success.

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