
If you have enjoyed this book, you are in good company.

Nobby Stiles is one of only two Englishmen to have won the World Cup and the European Cup. The other is Sir Bobby Charlton.

I am honoured to be asked to write a few words for this book and I hope that it provides you with some insights and inspiration which will let you go on and achieve your dreams and ambitions, just as I achieved mine by playing for Manchester United, winning the European Cup in 1968 and winning the World Cup with England in 1966.

I grew up in the back streets of Collyhurst, Manchester and my poor eyesight, lack of height and slight frame made me possibly the least likeliest contender to ever achieve footballing fame. I did it, however, through a combination of knowing what my dream was and never losing sight of it, no matter how tough times got, and by having a fierce determination to succeed. Without these attributes, all of the skill in the world wouldn't have helped me and it is for this reason that I'd encourage you to read this book and have a go at the exercises that are at the end of each chapter.

I would have loved the chance to read a book that could have helped me take a step closer towards my ambitions when I was younger and you should also make the most of the chances which are offered to you in this book.

On that famous day in June 1966, just before extra time in the World Cup Final, Sir Alf Ramsey told us that we had the chance to step forward and achieve our ambitions over the next 30 minutes. We met the challenge that day and this book presents you with the same opportunity to understand and achieve your own ambitions. Make sure you take it.

Nobby Stiles MBE

Chris Moon MBE was captured in Cambodia by the Khmer Rouge and is one of the few westerners to have survived. He was then blown up by a landmine and lost an arm and a leg. Less than a year after leaving hospital, he ran the London Marathon. He has since ran 250 km across the Sahara, five back-to-back marathons across Death Valley (twice!) and climbed Mount Kilimanjaro.

Why bother? It's always easier to do nothing.

I can't be bothered, I can't be arsed, it's too much effort, I don't read, I'm just biding my time, so why should I read this book?

This is a great book and the reason this book should be read is because it's an injection of positive energy – pure, prime nutrition for the brain. It'll be good for you . . . You can do more than you think . . . Broaden your horizons.

I've had the good fortune to visit some unusual places, such as countries emerging from civil war, and I was working to clear the debris of war – landmines and unexploded ordnance – in Mozambique, East Africa, when I was blown up losing two limbs. I mention this because it has taught me a great deal.

First, I believe we have so much we take for granted. You shouldn't have to lose something to appreciate its value. Things are changing fast in the modern world. We need to cope with change and recognize we may not be able to stay in the same place if the world is moving on around us. So I had to learn to manage the change and I did this by being open-minded and being prepared to see things from a different perspective.

That's why I believe this book is important. It's all about doing and living life, rather than sitting there and letting life do it to you. In the modern corporate world I find it refreshing that Damian Hughes has written this book, which is a bit like a road atlas for life, so well done for reading it and remember you can do more than you think . . . Everyone can go one step beyond their limits.

Chris Moon MBE

Sir John Jones KBE has been a head teacher of three secondary schools over a period of 17 years, including the worst-performing school in the UK. He was successful in turning around their performance and was awarded a knighthood for his services to education in 2003.

The world is full of heroes and our lives are enriched with stories of heroism and heroic deeds.

We all need our legends. However, true heroism is not confined to such places as battlefields or sports arenas. It is found mostly in the day-to-day deeds of ordinary people performing them extraordinarily well. This book gives tribute to such people.

Look around you at home, in the community, on the shop floor, in the workshop and in the office – they are there, showing courage, passion, resilience and the will never to give up, whatever the challenge.

This book will probably surprise you, definitely move you, but mostly inspire you. Perhaps in reading it you will find the courage to be heroic in your own life.

Read it, enjoy it and be inspired!

Sir John Jones

Daley Thompson claims more decathlon honours than anyone before or after him. He was the first person to hold World, Olympic, Commonwealth and European Championship titles in the same year as well as a world record. Daley was unbeaten in nine years and was the Olympic Champion in 1980 and 1984, World Champion in 1983, European Champion in 1982 and 1986, and Commonwealth Champion in 1978, 1982 and 1986. He held four world records in his career. Daley was awarded a CBE in 2000 and was voted BBC Sports Personality of the Year in 1982.

As a double Olympic decathlon champion, I am fully aware of the demands that are required to be the best and achieve your dreams. I am very familiar with the tips, skills and techniques demonstrated and I recommend that you take some time and sit and read this book. The skills taught can be invaluable and if applied could change your life!

Daley Thompson

Australian sporting legend Wayne Bennett was an international rugby league footballer in the 1970s and has been the coach of the Brisbane Broncos since 1988. Before that, he was co-coach of the Canberra Raiders. He has won five Premiership titles and had outstanding success at State of Origin level, leading Queensland to victory on four occasions. He is also Australia's national team coach. He is the author of the bestselling book Don't Die with the Music in You.

There are two quotes I use a lot and I think they neatly summarize the content of this book.

"If it's to be, it's up to me."


"People don't fail in life, they just give up trying."

Use this book to teach yourself never to accept your second best.

Wayne Bennett

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