

  1. Adaptive control

    1. aircraft control

    2. F-16 model

    3. GPS

    4. longitudinal control of aircraft

      1. demonstrate controller, nonlinear simulation

      2. differential equations, longitudinal motion

      3. enumerate all sets of inputs

      4. general neural net function

      5. implement and demonstrate PID control

      6. learning control, neural net

      7. limiting and scaling function, neural net problem

      8. numerically finding equilibrium

      9. numerical simulation

      10. pitch dynamics, neural net

    5. model reference

      1. demonstrate MRAC for rotor

      2. generating square wave input

      3. implement

    6. self-tuning

    7. ship steering

    8. sigma-pi neutral net

    9. taxonomy

  2. AI

SeeArtificial intelligence (AI)
  1. Aircraft control

  2. Aircraft Dynamics Symbols

  3. Aircraft pitch angle

  4. Artificial intelligence (AI)

    1. autonomous driving and target tracking

    2. Blocks World

    3. data mining

    4. expert systems

    5. knowledge-based systems

    6. limitations

    7. Lisp

    8. Logic Theorist (LT)

    9. machine learning

    10. military organizations

    11. neural networks

    12. Perceptrons

    13. technologies

    14. time sharing

    15. Towers of Hanoi

  5. Automobile autonomous passing control

  6. Automobile demo, final tree

  7. Automobile dynamics

  8. Automobile radar modeling

  9. Automobile simulation and Kalman filter

  10. Autonomous driving

    1. automobile autonomous passing control

    2. automobile dynamics

    3. automobile radar modeling

    4. automobile simulation and Kalman filter

    5. perform MHT on radar data

    6. planar automobile dynamical model

    7. RHSAutomobile function

    8. simulation

    9. track pruning

  11. Autonomous learning

    1. AI

See(Artificial intelligence (AI))
  1. decision trees

  2. development

  3. expert systems

  4. learning control

  5. machine learning

  6. neural nets

  7. regression

  8. SVMs

  9. technologies

  1. AutoRadar function

  2. AutoRadarUKF


  1. Bayesian network formalism

  2. Bayes’ theorem

  3. Built-in radar demo


  1. Chapman–Kolmogorov equation

  2. Commercial MATLAB software

    1. MathWorks products

    2. Princeton Satellite Systems Products

  3. Computer Vision System Toolbox

  4. Control systems

    1. adaptive

    2. Kalman filters

  5. Conventional Kalman Filter

  6. Core Control Toolbox


  1. Damped oscillator

  2. Data classification

  3. Decision trees

    1. ClassifierSets

    2. demo

    3. description

    4. DrawBinaryTree

    5. generate data

    6. hand-made

    7. implementation

      1. classification error

      2. entropy

      3. Gini impurity

      4. homogeneity measure

      5. information gain (IG)

      6. parameters

      7. parent/child nodes

      8. testing function

    8. training and testing

  4. Drag polar


  1. Expert systems

  2. Extended Kalman filter


  1. Face recognition, deep learning neural net

    1. activation functions

    2. convolutional layers

      1. activation function

      2. Convolve.m

      3. grayscale cat images

      4. inputs and outputs

      5. mask

    3. description

    4. fully connected layers

    5. grayscale photographs

    6. ImageNet

    7. image recognition

    8. layer types

    9. pooling

    10. probability

    11. sigmoid functions

    12. testing

  2. Fast Fourier transform (FFT)

  3. FFTEnergy function


  1. Gaussian or Normal distribution

  2. General Problem Solver (GPS)

  3. GNU Linear Programming Kit (GLPK)

  4. Graphical user interface (GUI)

    1. controls

    2. description

    3. editing window

    4. functions

    5. inspector

    6. neural networks

See(Neural networks)
  1. second-order system simulation

  2. simdata

  3. template

  1. GUI

SeeGraphical user interface (GUI)


  1. Hand-made decision tree

  2. Hidden Markov model (HMM)

I, J

  1. Interactive multiple-model (IMM) systems


  1. Kalman filters

    1. automobile simulation

    2. family tree

    3. higher-model-noise matrix

    4. KFPredict

    5. KFUpdate

    6. lower-model-noise matrix

    7. RHSAutomobileXY

    8. state estimator

      1. conventional Kalman filter

      2. extended Kalman filter

      3. mechanism

      4. problem

      5. solution

    9. system identification

    10. unscented kalman filter

      1. for parameter estimation

      2. results for state estimation

      3. UKFPredict and UKFUpdate

      4. UKFWeight

  2. KFPredict

  3. KFSim.m

  4. KFUpdate


  1. Learning control

  2. Learning machine

  3. Linear regression


  1. Machine learning

    1. autonomous learning methods

    2. capabilities

    3. data

    4. description

    5. LIBSVM

    6. memory

    7. models

    8. R

    9. scikit-learn

    10. spam filtering

    11. taxonomy

    12. training

  2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

  3. MathWorks products

    1. Computer Vision System Toolbox

    2. Neural Network Toolbox

    3. Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

    4. System Identification Toolbox

  4. MATLAB data types

    1. cell arrays

    2. datastores

    3. data structures

    4. images

    5. large MAT-file

    6. matrices

    7. numerics

    8. sparse matrices

    9. tables and categoricals

    10. tall arrays

  5. MATLAB expm function

  6. MATLAB function AutomobileInitialize

  7. MATLAB open-source tools

    1. Deep Learn Toolbox

    2. Deep Neural Network

    3. MatConvNet

  8. Model reference adaptive control (MRAC)

  9. Monte Carlo method

  10. Multiple-hypothesis testing (MHT) system


  1. NASA Dryden Research Center

  2. Neural networks

    1. generate images, defects

    2. multiple-digits, training data

    3. Neural Net tool

      1. GUI

      2. NeuralNetMLFF

      3. NeuralNetTraining

      4. sign, sigmoid mag, step, log, tanh and sum

    4. output node

      1. HSV colormap

      2. imagesc

      3. root-mean-square (RMS) error

      4. sigmoid function

      5. sign and logistic

      6. single-digit training error

      7. training window

      8. visualization

      9. weights and biases evolution

      10. weight values

    5. pattern recognition, images

    6. testing

  3. Neural Network Toolbox

  4. Newton’s law


  1. Online learning

  2. Optimization tools

    1. CVX

    2. GLPK

    3. LOQO

    4. SeDuMi

    5. SNOPT

    6. YALMIP

P, Q

  1. passState variable

  2. Pitch dynamics

  3. Planar automobile dynamical model

  4. Princeton Satellite Systems Products

    1. Core Control Toolbox

    2. target tracking

  5. Proportional–integral–derivative (PID) controller


  1. Recursive learning algorithm

  2. RHSAircraft

  3. RHSAutomobile function

  4. RHSAutomobileXY function

  5. RHSOscillator dynamical model

  6. RotorSim script

  7. RungeKutta


  1. Semisupervised learning

  2. Ship steering simulation

  3. Sigma-pi neutral network

  4. Sigmoid function

  5. Simulation script

  6. Software

    1. autonomous learning

    2. commercial MATLAB

    3. MATLAB open-source tools

    4. optimization tools

  7. Spring-mass-damper system

  8. Square wave

  9. Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

  10. Supervised learning

  11. Support vector machines (SVMs)

  12. System Identification Toolbox


  1. Taxonomy

  2. Three-dimensional (3D) graphics

    1. box

    2. data set

    3. planet

  3. Track pruning

  4. Two-dimensional (2D) graphics

    1. custom diagrams

    2. line plots

    3. plot types

U, V, W, X, Y, Z

  1. Unscented kalman filter (UKF)

    1. for parameter estimation

    2. results for state estimation

    3. UKFPredict and UKFUpdate

    4. UKFWeight

  2. Unsupervised learning

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