How to do it...

Create a React component named MapArray, which will do the job of mapping the items of an array to a React component.

First, create an index.html file where the React application will be rendered:

  1. Create a new file named index.html
  2. Add the following HTML code:
      <!DOCTYPE html> 
      <html lang="en"> 
          <meta charset="UTF-8"> 
          <title>Rendering Lists</title> 
         <div role="main"></div> 
          <script src="./lists.js"></script> 
  1. Save the file

Then, perform the following steps to build the React application:

  1. Create a new file named lists.js.
  2. Import the React and ReactDOM libraries:
      import * as React from 'react' 
      import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom' 
  1. Define a functional component called MapArray that will expect to receive three properties: from, which is expected to be an array of values, mapToProps, which is expected to be a callback function for mapping values to properties, and lastly, children, which is expected to receive a React component where the values of the array will be mapped to:
      const MapArray = ({ 
          children: Child, 
      }) => ( 
              { => ( 
                  <Child {...mapToProps(item)} /> 
  1. Define a TodoItem component that expects to receive two properties, done and label:
      const TodoItem = ({ done, label }) => ( 
              <input type="checkbox" checked={done} readOnly /> 
  1. Define an array that contains a to-do list of object values:
      const list = [ 
          { id: 1, done: true, title: 'Study for Chinese exam' }, 
          { id: 2, done: false, title: 'Take a shower' }, 
          { id: 3, done: false, title: 'Finish chapter 6' }, 
  1. Define a callback function that will map the array's object values to the expected properties of the TodoItem component. Rename the id property as key, and the title property as label:
      const mapToProps = ({ id: key, done, title: label }) => ({ 
  1. Define a TodoListApp component that will make use of the MapArray component to create an instance of TodoItem for every item in the to-do list array:
      const TodoListApp = ({ items }) => ( 
              <MapArray from={list} mapToProps={mapToProps}> 
  1. Render the application:
          <TodoListApp items={list} />, 
  1. Save the file.
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