Automating Tasks with Shell Scripts

With as many times as we've mentioned how powerful shell scripting can be and how much time and effort it can save you, you might be expecting that writing shell scripts is going to require dealing with some additional level of complexity on top of what you've already learned. Shell scripts are simple programs that you write in the language of the shell, and if you've made it this far in the book, you've been learning and working in the language of the shell for a few chapters now. If you consider this fact, and the notion that Unix, by design, attempts to abstract the notion of input and output so that everything looks the same to the operating system, you might have a good guess at what we'll say next: That's right—you already know how to write shell scripts. There are a few more shell techniques that you can learn to enhance your ability to program the shell, but Unix itself doesn't care whether it's you typing at a command prompt or commands being read out of a file on disk. Everything you've typed so far in working with the shell could have been put in a file, and the computer could have typed it to itself—voilá, a shell script.

At its most trivial, a shell script can be exactly what you type at a prompt to accomplish some set of tasks. If you find that you have a need to repeatedly execute the same commands, you can type them once into a file, make that file executable, and forever after execute them all just by typing the name of the file.

It really is as simple as it sounds, but just in case it's not quite clear yet, an example should help. Consider the following situation: Let's say that every day when you log in to your computer, you like to check the time (with date), check to see who's online (using the who command), check to see how much space is left on the drive with your home directory (with df), and finally check who's most recently sent you mail (with from - this command might not work for you on a default install, because it relies on my particular mail setup).

You could type each of these things to a command prompt when you log in to your machine, or you could put them in a file, make it executable, and let the file “type” them for you.

brezup:ray Documents 165 $ date
Mon Jun 18 23:35:55 EDT 2003
brezup:ray Documents 166 $ who
joray    ttyp0   Jun 14 18:22   (
ray      ttyp1   Jun 18 21:49   (
ray      ttyp2   Jun 15 10:00   (rodan.chi.ohio-s)
radman   ttyp3   Jun 18 23:33   (
brezup:ray Documents 167 $ df .
Filesystem    512-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/disk0s11   12581856 12224784   357072    97%    /Volumes/Wills_Data
brezup:ray Documents 168 $ from | tail -10
From [email protected]  Mon Jun 18 16:20:23 2003
From [email protected]  Mon Jun 18 17:28:33 2003
From [email protected]  Mon Jun 18 18:34:28 2003
From [email protected]  Mon Jun 18 19:23:42 2003
From [email protected]  Mon Jun 18 20:42:53 2003
From [email protected]  Mon Jun 18 21:24:00 2003
From [email protected]  Mon Jun 18 22:02:15 2003
From [email protected]  Mon Jun 18 22:28:56 2003
From [email protected]  Mon Jun 18 23:15:28 2003
From [email protected]  Mon Jun 18 23:34:43 2003
brezup:ray Documents 169 $ cat > imhere
						df .
						from | tail -10

brezup:ray Documents 170 $ chmod 755 imhere
brezup:ray Documents 171 $ ./imhere
Mon Jun 18 23:36:51 EDT 2003
joray    ttyp0   Jun 14 18:22   (
ray      ttyp1   Jun 18 21:49   (
ray      ttyp2   Jun 15 10:00   (rodan.chi.ohio-s)
Filesystem    512-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/disk0s11   12581856 12224784   357072    97%    /Volumes/Wills_Data
From [email protected]  Mon Jun 18 17:28:33 2003
From [email protected]  Mon Jun 18 18:34:28 2003
From [email protected]  Mon Jun 18 19:23:42 2003
From [email protected]  Mon Jun 18 20:42:53 2003
From [email protected]  Mon Jun 18 21:24:00 2003
From [email protected]  Mon Jun 18 22:02:15 2003
From [email protected]  Mon Jun 18 22:28:56 2003
From [email protected]  Mon Jun 18 23:15:28 2003
From [email protected]  Mon Jun 18 23:34:43 2003
From [email protected]  Mon Jun 18 23:36:48 2003

As you can see, executing the file imhere, containing my commands, produces essentially the same output with much less typing. (The output has a few changes because one user has left the system, and new mail has arrived between the by-hand runs and the execution of the shell script.)

The only part of the imhere script that might be confusing is the first line: #!/bin/bash. The shell interprets the first line of a shell script in a special manner. If a pattern such as #!<path to an executable file> is found, the executable file named in that line is used as the shell for executing the contents of the script.


The C shell, csh, and the Bourne shell, sh, are probably the best shells for you to write shell scripts in if you think you might be trying to use those scripts on other machines (especially if they might have different versions of Unix), or giving them to other people. Some shells offer somewhat more power in their scripting capability, but csh and sh are the only shells that can be considered ubiquitous. This might not be a concern if you never intend your scripts to run anywhere but on your own personal machine or on other identically configured Mac OS X boxes. But if you think you might ever use another machine, or are interested in distributing your scripts to other people, you can't rely on any specialty shells being available.

In the world of real programmers and writers of fancy shell scripts, we'd be considered heretical for including csh (or tcsh) as a potential shell you might want to script in. The Bourne shell is the shell of choice for tasks that truly must be able to be run anywhere, but it's not a particularly friendly shell language to live in for day-to-day shell use. Some might say it's downright horrific. Because Apple has changed the default user shell to bash, many users will want to use it for scripting anyway. If you have the patience to use its complicated variable substitution syntax and function definitions for your work, you'll definitely have quite powerful scripting capabilities at your disposal. If on the other hand you prefer tcsh's less powerful, but considerably more user-friendly style, you're not alone. Despite its Bourne-shell heredity, many long-time Unix users are now calling bash the “least-standard” shell because of the sometimes dramatic changes in behavior that occur between versions.

In the end, it all boils down to user preference—don't let anyone tell you that you shouldn't use bash because it's too complicated or that you shouldn't use tcsh because it isn't complicated enough. If it works for you, and you're comfortable with it, use it.


In many scripting languages—tcsh/csh/bash shell scripting being no exception—anywhere a # appears indicates that the rest of the line is a comment. A #! on the first line of a file being executed by the shell is a special comment to the system, indicating which program is the intended interpreter for the script contained in the file.

Single-Line Automation: Combining Commands on the Command Line

Before we go too far with the notion of storing collections of commands in files, however, let's look at what can be done at just the command-line level. You already know about using pipes and variables. These concepts can be combined to produce very powerful expressions directly at the command line, without any need to store the collection of commands in a file.

Consider for a moment the netpbm collection of graphics manipulation programs that was installed in Chapter 14, “Command-Line Software Installation and Troubleshooting.” Included in the capabilities of the suite are a number of conversions among various file formats, as well as a range of manipulations of the image content itself. With Mac OS, if you want to convert a GIF file into a PICT file, and convert it to four-color grayscale along the way, you have a number of options. You could fire up PhotoShop or GraphicConverter, perform the changes there, and save the file. Alternatively, you could program a conversion filter in DeBabelizer to perform this manipulation for you. With netpbm, you can perform the manipulation from the command line as shown in the code following the note.


In the following examples, we're using tcsh syntax in the running text because it's much easier to read, and considerably easier to translate from tcsh into the bash version than it is to go the other direction. bash equivalents of the code will be called out only in notes.

brezup Documents 277> ppmtogif < sage.ppm > sage.gif
ppmtogif: computing colormap...
ppmtogif: 192 colors found
brezup Documents 278> giftopnm  < sage.gif > sage.pnm
brezup Documents 279> ppmtopgm  < sage.pnm > sage.pgm
brezup Documents 280> ppmquant 4 < sage.pgm > sage.pgm2
ppmquant: making histogram...
ppmquant: 120 colors found
ppmquant: choosing 4 colors...
ppmquant: mapping image to new colors...
brezup Documents 281> ppmtopict < sage.pgm2 > sage.pict
ppmtopict: computing colormap...
ppmtopict: 4 colors found

Figure 15.1 shows a comparison of the original image sage.gif, and the four-color grayscale image, sage.pict.

Figure 15.1. A comparison of an original file and the result of processing it through one of a number of different netpbm filters.


The netpbm suite provides most of its manipulation facilities on an internal format, variably named .ppm, .pgm, or .pnm. It provides a number of filters that can read data into this format, a number of filters that can act upon and modify the contents of files in this format, and a number of filters that can output into other file formats. Together, these facilities enable a wide range of image formats to be read, manipulated, and written. Additionally, the file format is well documented and simple for a programmer to write code to parse. This makes it easy for a programmer to write her own filters to perform any manipulations that the provided software cannot. If you've installed this suite, refer to the netpbm man pages for considerably more information on the use of netpbm.

From the brief discussion at the beginning of this section, you should already have an idea of how you could combine all that into a single file, if for some reason you wanted to perform that conversion to the sage.gif file over and over and over.

This does not seem to be a very useful thing to automate, and takes quite a bit of typing to boot (although, frankly, not nearly as much work as starting up Photoshop to do something this simple). Let's see what we can do with pipes and shell variables though to cut down on the amount of typing.

First, observe that all the programs are taking the input files on STDIN and are producing output on STDOUT. Unix command-line programs are frequently like this, and it's a very good thing. Using the power of pipes to connect one program's STDOUT to another program's STDIN, we can shorten that collection of commands to a single command line:

brezup Documents 287> giftopnm < sage.gif | ppmtopgm | ppmquant 4 | ppmtopict > sage.pict
ppmquant: making histogram...
ppmquant: 120 colors found
ppmquant: choosing 4 colors...
ppmquant: mapping image to new colors...
ppmtopict: computing colormap...
ppmtopict: 4 colors found

I'll let you verify that the output is graphically identical on a file of your own.

You might think that it's probably not very likely that you'll want to perform this single manipulation repeatedly to the same image. However, there are many times when you'd like to be able to perform a collection of manipulations like that on a number of different images. With what you know about shell variables, you can come up with several ways to abstract that command line so that it could be reused for any GIF file. You might try something like this:

brezup Documents 288> set infile=sage.gif
brezup Documents 289> giftopnm < $infile | ppmtopgm | ppmquant 4 | ppmtopict > $infile:r.pict
ppmquant: making histogram...
ppmquant: 120 colors found
ppmquant: choosing 4 colors...
ppmquant: mapping image to new colors...
ppmtopict: computing colormap...
ppmtopict: 4 colors found


Note how I used the :r modifier to the shell variable $infile to remove the .gif suffix and added text after it to replace it with my new .pict suffix.


In bash, this looks like

shopt -s extglob
giftopnm < $infile | ppmtopgm | ppmquant 4 | ppmtopict > ${infile%.+([!/])}.pict

Disgusting syntax, yes?

You could simply use new values for $infile, and you'd have a reusable command that could perform the same manipulation on any GIF image. It's still too much work though, right? Well, remember aliases? We can further automate things by using an alias command to compact that large command-line expression into something more manageable.

brezup Documents 290> alias greyconvert 'set infile=!#:* ; giftopnm < $infile | ppmtopgm
 | ppmquant 4 | ppmtopict > $infile:r.pict '
brezup Documents 291> greyconvert sage.gif

ppmquant: making histogram...
ppmquant: 120 colors found
ppmquant: choosing 4 colors...
ppmquant: mapping image to new colors...
ppmtopict: computing colormap...
ppmtopict: 4 colors found


Notice how I've used the history substitution !#:* to get the arguments passed into the alias, and then put those arguments (although I only expect one, a filename) into $infile?


In bash we can't do variable expansion in aliases. We also can't do history substitution in functions. To accomplish the tcsh equivalent, we have to define a function for greyconvert and use the command-line parameters to capture the file to be converted:

								shopt -s extglob
								greyconvert() { infile=$1; giftopnm < $infile | ppmtopgm | ppmquant 4 | ppmtopict >
 ${infile%.+([!/])}.pict; }
								greyconvert sage.gif

That command is getting pretty long, isn't it? The good news is that for almost any task in Unix, you can figure out how to build up to an expression like this, just as shown here. Start by figuring out how to do it one step at a time on the command line, and work your way up to an elegant solution that solves the problem for you with as little repetitive work as necessary.

After you've invented useful aliases or functions such as this one for yourself, remember to store them in your .cshrc, .tcshrc, or .bashrc file in your home directory so that you can use them again whenever you log in to your computer.

Multiline Automation: Looping at the Prompt

Creating customized commands that perform special functions such as the greyconvert command built in the previous sections is useful, but it still doesn't address the need to automate tasks. For that, we need some sort of looping command, and bash and tcsh both offer two basic types of loops: the for loop and the while loop. Both commands repeat a block of shell commands. The first executes it “for each” of its arguments, and the second executes it “while” some condition is true.

Looping in tcsh

The foreach and while shell commands are unlike other shell commands in that they require additional information beyond the first command line. For example, the syntax of the foreach command in tcsh is

foreach <variablename> ( <item list> )
  <first command to execute>
								<second command to execute>
  <nth command to execute>

The tcsh while command, on the other hand, has the syntax

while ( <comparison> )
  <first command to execute>
  <second command to execute>
  <nth command to execute>

In the foreach command, the <item list> can be a space-separated list of items, a command that produces a space-separated (or return-separated) list of items, or a command-line wildcard that matches a list of files. As a demonstration, consider a situation in which we want to execute our previous greyconvert command on every GIF file in a directory containing many files. This can be accomplished in several ways by the use of the foreach command.

Looping in bash

The syntax for the for command in bash is

for <variablename> in <words> ; do
  <first command to execute> ;
  <second command to execute> ;
  <nth command to execute> ;

The bash while command, on the other hand, has the syntax

while <commands> ; do
  <first conditional command to execute> ;
  <second conditional command to execute> ;
  <nth conditional command to execute> ;

In the for command, bash steps throught the list of <words> and sets the value of <variablename> sequentially to each. After <variablename> has been set to any given value from <words>, the list of commands is executed. When the final value has been extracted from <words> and the commands have been run the final time, the for loop terminates.

In the while command, bash executes <commands> (which can be a single word command, or a parenthesized, colon-separated list of commands). If the final command in <commands> returns a true (1) value, the while loop executes the conditional commands in the loop. This repeats until the final command in <commands> evaluates to false (0).

Using Looping Constructs at the Command Line

Using looping constructs at the command line is relatively powerful and allows you to execute a collection of commands many times, for many files (again, tcsh examples are somewhat clearer to read). The following example uses a wildcard to match all the files of interest in the current directory, and then runs our greyconvert alias on each of them:

brezup amg 246> ls
AMG_cal-cover.gif         AhMyGoddess-v05.gif       AhMyGoddess-v10-f1.gif
AhMyGoddess-v01-f1.gif    AhMyGoddess-v06-f1.gif    AhMyGoddess-v10-i1.gif
AhMyGoddess-v01.gif       AhMyGoddess-v06.gif       AhMyGoddess-v10-i2.gif
AhMyGoddess-v02-f1.gif    AhMyGoddess-v07-f1.gif    AhMyGoddess-v10-i3.gif
AhMyGoddess-v02.gif       AhMyGoddess-v07.gif       AhMyGoddess-v10.gif
AhMyGoddess-v03-f1.gif    AhMyGoddess-v08-f1.gif    amg-nt0694_cover.gif
AhMyGoddess-v03.gif       AhMyGoddess-v08.gif       amg-nt0694_i1.gif
AhMyGoddess-v04-f1.gif    AhMyGoddess-v09-f1.gif    amg-nt0694_i2.gif
AhMyGoddess-v04.gif       AhMyGoddess-v09.gif
AhMyGoddess-v05-f1.gif    AhMyGoddess-v10-b.gif
brezup amg 247> foreach testfile ( *.gif )
foreach -> greyconvert $testfile
foreach -> end
ppmquant: making histogram...
ppmquant: 165 colors found
ppmquant: choosing 4 colors...
ppmquant: mapping image to new colors...
ppmtopict: computing colormap...
ppmtopict: 4 colors found
ppmquant: making histogram...
ppmquant: 159 colors found
ppmquant: making histogram...
ppmquant: 163 colors found
ppmquant: choosing 4 colors...
ppmquant: mapping image to new colors...
ppmtopict: computing colormap...
ppmtopict: 4 colors found
brezup amg 248> ls
AMG_cal-cover.gif         AhMyGoddess-v05-f1.pict   AhMyGoddess-v10-b.gif
AMG_cal-cover.pict        AhMyGoddess-v05.gif       AhMyGoddess-v10-b.pict
AhMyGoddess-v01-f1.gif    AhMyGoddess-v05.pict      AhMyGoddess-v10-f1.gif
AhMyGoddess-v01-f1.pict   AhMyGoddess-v06-f1.gif    AhMyGoddess-v10-f1.pict
AhMyGoddess-v01.gif       AhMyGoddess-v06-f1.pict   AhMyGoddess-v10-i1.gif
AhMyGoddess-v04-f1.gif    AhMyGoddess-v08.pict      amg-nt0694_i1.gif
AhMyGoddess-v04-f1.pict   AhMyGoddess-v09-f1.gif    amg-nt0694_i1.pict
AhMyGoddess-v04.gif       AhMyGoddess-v09-f1.pict   amg-nt0694_i2.gif
AhMyGoddess-v04.pict      AhMyGoddess-v09.gif       amg-nt0694_i2.pict
AhMyGoddess-v05-f1.gif    AhMyGoddess-v09.pict

In this example, the foreach testfile ( *.gif ) line could have been replaced with the following variants to achieve identical results:

foreach testfile ( `ls *.gif` )
foreach testfile ( AMG_cal-cover.gif AhMyGoddess-v01-f1.gif ... amg-nt0694_i2.gif )


The second variant should be understood to contain a list of all GIF files in the directory, not just the three shown. The presence and direction of the single back quotes in the first line are also critical. Single back quotes around a command on the command line cause that command to be executed and its results to be substituted into the current command line in the place of the quoted command.


In bash, the for command looks much the same:

									for testfile in *.gif ; do
									greyconvert $testfile

In bash, other equivalent expressions are

									for testfile in `ls *.gif` ; do greyconvert $testfile; done
									for testfile in AMG_cal-cover.gif AhMyGoddess-v01-f1.gif ... amg-nt0694_i2.gif ; do
 greyconvert $testfile ; done

The while command works similarly, executing its code block while some <condition> holds:

brezup Documents 249> set x = 10
brezup Documents 250> while ( $x > 0 )
while -> echo $x
while -> @ x = ( $x - 1 )
while -> end
brezup Documents 251> echo $x


In bash, this would be written as follows:

									while (( $x > 0 )) ; do
									echo $x ;
									let x=$x-1 ;

The double parentheses are required around the comparison portion of the while statement to cause $x > 0 to be evaluated arithmetically and a true or false value to be returned. One or more commands could also be embedded in the while condition as well—for example, the following while command produces identical results to the preceding code:

									while ( echo $x ; (( $x > 0 )) ) ; do let x=$x-1; done

This example obviously doesn't have much day-to-day applicability. Most while expressions that are actually useful do things like watch for particular events to occur, such as the existence of temporary files or disk space usage of more or less than some value. None of these is particularly easy to demonstrate in a text-only format such as a book, but we expect that you'll get the idea fairly quickly. Table 15.11 shows the conditional operators that can be used to construct the <condition> part of while loops and if conditional statements.

Table 15.11. Logical, Arithmetical, and Comparison Operators
Operator or SymbolFunction
||Boolean OR arguments.
&&Boolean AND arguments.
|Bitwise Boolean OR.
^Bitwise Exclusive OR.
&Bitwise Boolean AND.
==Equality comparison of arguments ($x == $y is true if the value in $x equals the value in $y). Compares arguments as strings.
!=Negated equality comparison of arguments ($x != $y is true if the value in $x is not equal to the value in $y). Compares arguments as strings.
=~tcsh-only: pattern-matching equality comparison (matches shell wildcards). Compares arguments as strings.
!~tcsh-only: pattern-matching negated equality comparison. Compares arguments as strings.
<=Less than or equal to.
>=Greater than or equal to.
<Less than.
>Greater than.
<<Bitwise shift left. To avoid the shell interpreting this as redirection, it must be in a parenthesized subexpression.

For example,

set y = 32;

@ x = ( $y << 2 )
>>Bitwise shift right. See preceding comment.
+Adds arguments.
-Subtracts arguments.
*Multiplies arguments.
/Divides arguments.
%Modulus operator (divides and reports remainder).
!Negates argument.
~Ones complement (bitwise negation) of argument.
(Opens parenthesized subexpression for higher-order evaluation.
)Closes parenthesized subexpression for higher-order evaluation.

Another common use for the while command is to create infinite loops in the shell. This is a way to do things such as cause a shell command to execute over and over, potentially creating something like a “drop directory” that automatically processes files that are copied to it. For example, if we want to create a directory into which we could copy GIF files, and any file copied into it would have the greyconvert process run on it automatically, and then the GIF files would be deleted, we might try something like the following:

brezup Documents 252> while (1)
while -> foreach testfile (*.gif)
while -> greyconvert $testfile
while -> rm $testfile
while -> end
while -> sleep 60
while -> end


The first four lines, with the while-> prompt, are actually part of the foreach command, but it doesn't display its prompt while the while-> prompt is active.

This while command attempts to loop perpetually (the value of 1 is true for the purposes of a comparison expression) and to internally execute our previous foreach loop to convert any files that match the *.gif pattern in the current directory. An rm command has been added to the foreach loop to remove the GIF file after it has been converted. The sleep 60 command after the foreach command's end causes the while loop to pause for 60 seconds before going on to its end statement and relooping to the top of the while.

Unfortunately, from the command line, this does not quite work properly in all cases; when there are no files that match *.gif, the foreach line fails without creating its loop, and the end on line 4 is mistaken as intended to end the while loop.


In bash, the equivalent while loop looks like this:

									while (( 1 )) ; do
									> for testfile in `ls *.gif` ; do
									> greyconvert $testfile ;
									> rm $testfile ;
									> done
									> sleep 60 ;
									> done

bash doesn't suffer from the same problem creating the inner for loop that tcsh has with the foreach, so this actually turns into a useful piece of command-line code.

Thankfully, even in tcsh you can work around this problem by applying the final topic in our discussion of shell scripts.

Storing Your Automation in Files: Proper Scripts

With all the power available to you directly at the command line, the move to putting shell scripts in files should seem almost anticlimactic in its lack of complexity. As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, anything that you can type on the command line, you can put in a file, and the system will quite happily execute it for you if you make the file executable. It really is that simple. There is really little more to say, except that putting your script in a file allows you to conveniently separate parts of the execution into separate shells, preventing conflicts such as those just demonstrated earlier with the while and foreach loops.

Any script that is put in a file and directly executed (rather than sourced in your current shell) creates its own shell in which to execute. To use this to make the previous example function properly, we can put the foreach section of the command into its own file:

brezup Documents 253> cat > greyconv.csh
							foreach testfile (*.gif)
							greyconvert $testfile
							rm $testfile
brezup Documents 254> chmod 755 greyconv.csh
brezup Documents 255> ls -l greyconv.csh
-rwxr-xr-x  1 ray  staff  75 Jun 23 01:58 greyconv.csh
brezup Documents 256> cat greyconv.csh
foreach testfile (*.gif)
greyconvert $testfile
rm $testfile

Then our perpetual while command can be run as

brezup Documents 257> while (1)
while -> ./greyconv.csh
while -> sleep 60
while -> end


Of course, these examples as written require the previous definition of the greyconvert alias, or function. If you're using bash, you'll additionally need to export greyconvert for the function to be visible in the subshell created when you run the script.

There's nothing to prevent you from embedding the alias in a tcsh version of this script, or the function in the bash version if you don't feel like having it defined in your command-line environment. If you go with the idea of embedding the definition, you can make the script truly portable so that it can be given to other users and executed in other environments.

As a matter of fact, there's no reason to leave the while at the command line either—it might as well be embedded in the script too. In bash, this might look something like this:


greyconvert() {
giftopnm < $infile | ppmtopgm | ppmquant 4 | ppmtopict > ${infile%.+([!/])}.pict; }

while (( 1 )) ; do
for testfile in `ls *.gif` ; do
greyconvert $testfile ;
rm $testfile ;
sleep 60 ;

It's important to note that the $1 used inside the greyconvert function defined in this script refers to the first argument passed to the greyconvert function, not to the first argument passed to the script.


Remember to chmod the script file so that it's executable. The shell won't let you run the script if it's not set to be executable.

This command will loop perpetually in the current directory, executing the greyconv.csh shell script every 60 seconds. Any file with a .gif extension that is placed in the directory will be discovered and passed through the greyconvert alias that we created earlier, and then the original file will be deleted. This will run perpetually in the directory, enabling any file dropped in to be converted (within 60 seconds) automatically. Because the end of the foreach is in a completely separate shell, it can't accidentally end the while, and everything will work as expected. Of course, if there were a reason to do this on a regular basis, you could put that while loop into its own shell script file. It could be stored and executed as a single command from the command line just like any other command.


Particularly astute readers will observe that the script does not attempt to make sure that the entire GIF file actually exists in the directory before the script executes upon it. You might also expect that the behavior of the script could be rather unpredictable if the greyconv.csh script takes longer than a minute to execute. Shell scripts are generally an exercise in successive refinement to eliminate potential problems such as these, and these examples should be considered nothing more than the first step to a final application. You can get quite a bit of functionality out of simple scripts such as this. But if you're inclined to tackle the more complicated “correct” solutions, we can't recommend strongly enough that you read the man pages and check out some books specifically on shell scripting.

Using Shell Parameters and Conditional Execution in the Shell

Two final things to note now that we've introduced independent shells invoked as the result of placing scripts in files: the $argv[1]...$argv[n] list and the corresponding $1...$n command-line argument variables. (Refer to the table of shell variables and the table of alternative variable addressing methods for a refresher on these.) These parameters that can be passed into a shell script by placing values on the command line after the script name. They also provide a good mechanism for us to introduce the if shell command, allowing conditional execution of code blocks.

If we'd like to make the greyconv.csh script somewhat more general, we can make use of the ability to pass arguments into the script. For example, it would be nice to be able to use greyconv.csh on the GIF files in a directory without actually having to be in the directory when we run the while loop. Simultaneously, we might like to have the ability to convert all the files in the current directory without needing to specify a directory name. There is no need to write two different scripts to do this. One script can perform both actions by using conditional statements and checking to see whether a parameter has been passed on the command line. If there is a shell parameter, it can be taken as the directory name in which to work; if there is no shell parameter, the script can operate in the current working directory. The modified version of greyconv.csh is as follows:


if ( $?1 == 1 ) then
cd $1

foreach testfile (*.gif)
greyconvert $testfile
rm $testfile

This version of greyconv.csh demonstrates both an if conditional expression and the use of a command-line argument. The if statement checks whether the variable $1 is set (using the $?<variablename> alternative variable addressing to check for existence). If it is set, the script assumes that the value in $1 is the name of a directory, and it cds into that directory before executing the foreach loop to convert and delete the GIF files. greyconv.csh can now be called with a directory, to operate in that directory, or without a directory specified, to operate in the current directory.


In bash, we would write a script instead. It might look something like this:


greyconvert() {
giftopnm < $infile | ppmtopgm | ppmquant 4 | ppmtopict > ${infile%.+([!/])}.pict; }

if (( $# == 1 )) ; then
cd $1

while (( 1 )) ; do
for testfile in `ls *.gif` ; do
greyconvert $testfile ;
rm $testfile ;
sleep 60 ;

Here, it's even more important to keep the use of $1 straight in your head because it's used twice with two different meanings. The $1 that means the first command-line argument passed to the command is used inside the if conditional to cd into the directory named in $1 if it's provided. The $1 that means the first argument passed to the greyconvert function is used inside the greyconvert function to assign the value of infile. The portions of the script in which each definition apply are called the scope of that definition. Functions get their own definition scope and redefine the positional parameter variables $1..$n as the values of their arguments only for the commands contained in the function itself.

We hope that gives you a few ideas for how powerful shell scripts can be, and how you can use them to make your use of Mac OS X much more productive. We've only just scratched the surface in this chapter, and have trivialized some explanations to their simplest case to avoid a chapter that takes half the book. What's here can get you quite a way into shell scripting, and many Unix users with years of experience don't use more than a fraction of what we've covered. Still, if you're looking for more power and more capabilities, don't hesitate to go to the man pages and shell programming–specific reference books.

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