Introduction to File Permissions

This section expands on the topic of file permissions, which were briefly mentioned when we discussed the output from the ls command. It's likely that you won't have an immediate use for modifying file permissions, and it's possible that you'll never need to deal with them at all. However, if you want to work with other users on the same system, or decide to start writing your own programs, understanding the permission system will be necessary.


A subset of the Unix file permission system can be accessed from the Mac OS X Finder. These are controlled from the Get Info window's Permissions tab.

Read, Write, and Execute

Permissions are specified as a collection of three flags. These flags (also called bits) control whether data in the file may be read, written, and executed. Unix takes these flags literally. So, if you have a program and you unset its execute flag, you won't be able to run the program—the system simply won't understand that the program is executable. Likewise, if you set the execute flag for a file containing a word processor document, Unix will assume that the file contents are a program and try its best to run the file. This is unlikely to do anything but produce an error message.

In the case of directories, the same bits apply, but the meanings are slightly different. The read and write bits control whether the contents of the directory may be read, and whether the directory can be written to, respectively. The execute bit, however, controls whether the directory can be cded to, or otherwise moved into by a shell or program.

The permissions for whether a directory listing can be read or written to are separate from the permission that controls whether you, or programs, can move into it. Also, the permissions for files contained in the directory do not necessarily need to agree with the permissions of the directory. The significance of this might not be immediately apparent, but the meaning is literal. If you have files that have world read permission turned on, you can put them in a directory and set the bits on the directory so that the files in it can be read, but the files can't be listed. Likewise, you can set the permissions so that the directory allows anyone on the system to write files into it, but nobody can read the files or list the contents.

The execute permission for directories interacts with the read and write permission for files in it, in a slightly nonintuitive fashion. Read permission for the directory allows you to read the directory listing but not the files. Read permission for a file in the directory allows you to read the file but not list the directory. However, to be able to read the file, you—or rather the software you're using to read the file—must be able to go into the directory. Because of this, if you turn on read permission for a directory and not execute permission, you can list the directory but not read the files, no matter what the permissions on the files are. Likewise, you (or software under your control) can't write into a directory with only write permission turned on; execute permission must be enabled as well.

If you know that the file fizbin exists in the directory thozbot, but read permission is turned off for thozbot and execute permission is turned on, you can still read fizbin (assuming that you have read permission on fizbin itself) by using its full or relative path from outside the thozbot directory. If you don't know that fizbin exists in the directory, there's no way for you to find out because you can't enter the directory or list the contents.


Interesting applications for separated directory/file permissions immediately spring to mind. For example, perhaps you want to have a “drop box” directory where people could leave you files, but could not snoop around and see or read what anyone else had written. A directory with permissions set to write and execute only would accomplish this.

Alternatively, a directory set to execute permission only, containing files with read permission enabled, would allow you to distribute files privately from a directory. With this setup, you could use one directory to distribute different files to a number of people privately by giving each person only the filenames of the files he is allowed to read. Nobody can list the contents of the directory, but a person can read files from it, if he knows the correct filenames.

Owner, Group, and World

Adding a layer of complexity to the permission system, the read, write, and execute permissions detailed earlier can be specified separately for three subsets of users. They can be set for each owner of the file, the group owner of the file, and the world.

The owner of a file is, as the name implies, the user who owns the file. Each file on a Unix system has information stored about it that indicates to which user account the file belongs. Files that you create automatically belong to your user ID. Other files on the system belong to other users, or to one of the system accounts that exist to help the operating system keep its processes sorted out and secure.

Files have an additional piece of ownership information: the group ownership of the file. The group ownership specifies, by group name, a collection of users who share the group permissions to the file. This additional information facilitates the sharing of information among more than one user. Interestingly, the group permissions can be less than the permissions that are available to everybody, and when they are, the members of that group of users have restricted access to the file compared to other users of the machine, rather than enhanced access. Creating groups and controlling their membership are covered in Chapter 20, “Configuring Advanced System Features via NetInfo.”


Technically, the members of the group don't own the file in the same way that the file's individual owner owns it. Only the individual owner has the ability to change the file's permissions, and can change the group to any group he chooses. For this reason, some documentation (Apple's included) tends to term the group that currently is specified for the file, as the Group ID of the file. This nomenclature is slightly confusing because Group ID is more commonly used for other purposes related to groups, and doesn't apply in quite the same way to files. Regardless, if you see Group Ownership of a file or Group ID of a file, remember that both mean the group of users whose access privileges are affected by the read/write/execute flags for the group to which the file belongs.

Finally, there is a set of permission bits that control the access level enjoyed by the world, or at least all the other users on the system. If you provide any sort of guest access to your machine, it's best to assume that the file's world permissions do in fact apply to just about everyone, independent of location.


Remember that the permissions allowed each type of user, owner, group, and world do not need to be the same. If you want to allow your friends to look at the data in your daily calendar file and the correlated data in your address/contacts file, you can set permissions on these files so that you (the user) can read and write them, but the group to which your friends belong can only read them. You might even want to let the world read the contents of your schedule, so you could turn on read access for the world for it. However, you probably don't want the world picking through your personal address book, so you could shut off all access from the world by turning off all three flags for the world on that file.

Extended Bits

In addition to the read, write, and execute bits for each file and directory, a few additional bits exist as well. These bits are typically used by system administrators, but they occasionally come in handy for other users.

The complete set of bits, including the extended bits, that control the permissions and properties of a file or directory are called the mode bits for the file.

Special Flags

Further extending the classical set of mode bits is a set of special flags. These are definitely not for use by anyone but the administrator, but are mentioned here because one particular bit can sneak up and bite you.

The most important of these for you to watch out for is the immutable flag. This flag is set by Finder's locked status for a file. It's not currently clear why Apple chose this particular flag to map to Finder's locked status, but it causes a few problems on the Unix side. Specifically, if you set a file's immutable flag, it becomes almost impossible to change that file in any way. It can't be modified, it can't be overwritten, it can't be deleted—it becomes, as the name implies, immutable. Although Apple's tech notes indicate that there is a way to override the immutable flag and remove the file, this appears to only work for user-level immutable flags. If the system-level immutable flag (schg) becomes set, the only way we've found to remove it is to use ResEdit under Classic.

Checking File Permissions: ls -l

Remember that the ls -l command shows you the permissions associated with files. To find out the permissions associated with a single file, give it a filename to list:

brezup:ray testing $ ls -l /etc/passwd
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  1374 29 Jul 14:15 /etc/passwd

Controlling File Permissions: chmod

After you are comfortable examining the permissions of files, you'll probably want to be able to change them. This is accomplished with the chmod (change mode) command. This command operates in either a “fully specified mode bits” manner, or in a “change this specific mode bit” manner, depending on the arguments you give it on the command line.

The “change this specific mode bit” form is the friendlier of the two, and works by allowing you to specify a bit to change, how to change it, and which type of user to change it for. The complete syntax for this form of the command is

chmod <u|g|o|a><+|-><r|w|x> <filename> ...

To use it, simply do the following:

Choose whether you want to change the permissions for the user (yourself), the group, or the world. If you want to change the user, the first argument is u; g is for group; and o is for other (world).

Choose whether you want to add, delete, or absolutely specify a permission. If you want to add a permission, follow your first argument with a + sign; if you want to remove a permission, follow it with a - sign; otherwise, to set the permissions to an absolute value, use an = sign.

Indicate the permission or permissions you want to add, delete, or set, using r for read, w for write, and x for execute. Follow these by the names of the files or directories for which you want to change the permissions.

You might also use an a to indicate all, in place of the u, g, or o argument, if you want to make the change for the file to all three user types.

For example, consider a file named fizbin with the current permission set so that the user has full read, write, and execute permission, and the group and world have no permissions at all.

brezup:ray testing $ ls -l
total 0
-rwx------  1 ray  staff  0 Apr 22 23:32 fizbin

Perhaps this file is not actually a program, and to prevent yourself from accidentally trying to run it, you want to remove the execute permission from the user.

brezup:ray testing $ chmod u-x fizbin
brezup:ray testing $ ls -l
total 0
-rw-------  1 ray  staff  0 Apr 22 23:32 fizbin

Now you want to make it readable by both the group and the world.

brezup:ray testing $ chmod g+r fizbin
brezup:ray testing $ chmod o+r fizbin
brezup:ray testing $ ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r--  1 ray  staff  0 Apr 22 23:32 fizbin
brezup:ray testing $ chmod u+x,g=rx,o=rx fizbin
brezup:ray testing $ ls -l
total 0
-rwxr-xr-x  1 ray  staff  0 Apr 22 23:32 fizbin

As you can see, this method of changing file permissions is fairly simple, but it does not lend itself to setting many permissions at once. Although it's possible to say chmod u=rwx,g=xr,o=xr <filename> to set all the permission bits at once to force the file's mode bits into some particular pattern in a single command, doing so is a bit cumbersome. To solve this, the chmod command also includes an “all at once” option, whereby you can specify the full complement of mode bits simultaneously in a more compact form.

This form of the command can appear to be slightly less clear because it requires you to do a little math, but in reality it's no more complicated. In this form, the chmod command considers the mode bits for the file to be binary bits. To use the command, you need to specify which bits to set and which to unset.

Unfortunately, you can't do this in a manner as nice as just giving chmod a set of nine rwxrwxrwx characters or ones and zeros. Instead, you must break up the nine bits of the mode bit set into three sets of three bits (rwx rwx rwx), and calculate the decimal equivalent of the bits that you want set.

Put another way, you could think of the elements in rwx as specifying where, in a binary string, a 1 occurs. This is done as shown here:

100 - read permission.    100 in binary = 4 in decimal.
010 - write permission.   010 in binary = 2 in decimal.
001 - execute permission. 001 in binary = 1 in decimal.

To find the decimal value equivalent of a particular combination of r, w, and x bits, you sum the decimal values that correspond to the bit patterns that represent them. So, if you wanted read and execute permission, with no write permission, you would add 4 + 1 = 5, and for user, group, or world, you would put a 5 in the pattern where needed.

A full example should help to explain this. Let's again consider the fizbin file, which, due to the use of chmod previously, has mode bits of rw-r--r--. That is to say, the user can read and write, and both the group and world can read. If you wanted to change this to mode bits r-xr-x--x, the syntax shown for the friendlier mode of chmod would require several commands. Instead, you could make this change in a single command by using the “all at once” form. To do so, follow these steps:

Split the desired permissions into user, group, and world bits. This results in r-x belonging to the user, r-x belonging to the group, and --x belonging to the world.

Calculate the decimal values for each: r-x is read permission and execute permission, which is 4+1 = 5. r-x for the group is the same. --x for the world is execute permission alone, which is simply 1.

Put these together with the chmod command and the filename to change the mode bits for the file. In this case, chmod 551 fizbin.

Let's see whether it works:

brezup:ray testing $ ls -l
total 0

-rw-r--r--  1 ray  staff  0 Apr 22 23:32 fizbin
brezup:ray testing $ chmod 551 fizbin
brezup:ray testing $ ls -l
total 0
-r-xr-x--x  1 ray  staff  0 Apr 22 23:32 fizbin


Most people simply get the most useful permission numbers stuck in their heads after a few uses: 7 = read/write/execute, 6 = read/write, 5 = read/execute, 4 = read. 755 is “I get to do everything, everyone else can read and execute it, but not modify it.” 700 is “I get to do everything, but nobody else can do anything,” and so on. After a while, these numbers become second nature and are much shorter to type than the letter-specified permissions of the first form shown.

Table 11.1 shows the command syntax and the most interesting options for chmod. The complete documentation is available in the online appendix.

Table 11.1. The Command Syntax and Most Interesting Options for chmod
chmodChanges file modes.
 chmod [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fv] <absolute_mode> <file1> <file2> ...
 chmod [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fv] <symbolic_mode> <file1> <file2> ...
-RRecursively descends through directory arguments to change file modes.
-HIf -R is specified, symbolic links on the command line are followed. Symbolic links encountered in tree traversal are not followed.
-LIf -R is specified, all symbolic links are followed.
-PIf -R is specified, no symbolic links are followed.
Unless -H or -L is specified, chmod on a symbolic link always succeeds and has no effect. The -H, -L, and -P options are ignored unless -R is specified. Furthermore, -H, -L, and -P override each other. The last option specified determines the action taken.
Some versions of chmod include a -h flag that allows you to change the permissions of a symbolic link, rather than of the target of the link, but the chmod included with Tiger lacks this option.
Permissions are described by three sequences of letters in the order listed here. Each sequence describes the permissions for user, group, and other. If a certain permission has not been granted, a - (dash) appears in its place.
 User GroupOther
 rwx rwxrwx
The permissions on a file can be viewed using ls -l and changed using chmod.
Absolute Mode
Absolute mode is constructed by ORing any of the following modes:
4000Sets user ID on execution—If this is a program, causes it to run as though the user who owns it is actually running it, regardless of who executes it.
2000Sets group ID on execution—If this is a program, causes it to run with the group ID of the program, regardless of group memberships of the user who executes it.
1000Turns on sticky bit—Has different meanings in different contexts: for directories, protect files from modification by other than owner, even if the user has permissions to write in the directory—overridden by directory ownership.
0400Allows read by owner.
0200Allows write by owner.
0100Allows execute (search in a directory) by owner.
0600Allows read, write by owner.
0500Allows read, execute by owner.
0300Allows write, execute by owner.
0700Allows read, write, execute by owner.
0040Allows read by group.
0020Allows write by group.
0010Allows execute (search in a directory) by group.
0060Allows read, write by group.
0050Allows read, execute by group.
0030Allows write, execute by group.
0070Allows read, write, execute by group.
0004Allows read by other.
0002Allows write by other.
0001Allows execute (search in a directory) by other.
0006Allows read, write by other.
0005Allows read, execute by other.
0003Allows write, execute by other
0007Allows read, write, execute by other.
Symbolic Mode
Symbolic mode is a comma-separated list, with no intervening white space, of the form:
<who> has the following form:
< u | g | o | a>
uUser's permissions.
gGroup's permissions.
oOther's permissions.
aAll permissions (user, group, other); equivalent to ugo.
<operator> has the following form:
< + | - | = >
+Adds <permissions>.
If <permissions> is not specified, no changes occur.
If <who> is not specified, <who> defaults to a, and <permissions> are added as specified, except that chmod does not override the file mode creation mask.
If <who> is specified, <permissions> are added as specified.
-Removes <permissions>.
If <permissions> is not specified, no changes occur.
If <who> is not specified, <who> defaults to a, and <permissions> are removed as specified, except that chmod does not override the file mode creation mask.
If <who> is specified, <permissions> are removed as specified.
=Assigns the absolute <permissions> specified.
<permissions> has the following form:
<r | w | x | X | s | t | u | g | o>
rSets read bits.
wSets write bits.
xSets execute/search bits.
XSets execute/search bits if the file is a directory, or if any execution/search bits are already set in the file before X would act on the file. X is used only with + and is ignored in all other cases.
sSets the set-user-ID-on-execution and set-group-ID-on-execution bits. A process runs as the user or group specified by s.
tSets the sticky bit.
uUser permission bits in the mode of the original file.
gGroup permission bits in the mode of the original file.
oOther permission bits in the mode of the original file.
Operations with <who>=o in combination with <permissions> s or t are ignored.


chmod also controls Tiger's new Access Control Lists (ACLs). ACLs are such an important feature that this functionality is covered separately in a later section of this chapter.

Controlling a File's Permissions Using the Finder

You also have limited access to the permission flags from Finder's Get Info window for a file or directory. Choose the Ownership & Permissions pane of the Get Info window after selecting the file or folder you want to adjust. Your display should look similar to Figure 11.1.

Figure 11.1. The Permissions section of the Get Info window allows you to specify what you can do what with a file.

The Finder makes it easy to adjust permissions without getting into nitty-gritty details such as file ownership. By default, the pop-up menu labeled You Can allows you to choose what you want to be able to do with a file. Choose from the following:

  • Read & Write— The file or folder can be read, written to, or deleted.

  • Read Only— The file or folder can be read but not modified in any way.

  • Write Only (Drop Box)— Available only as an option for folders, write-only access allows users to add files to a folder but not to read what is inside the folder.

  • No Access— The file or folder may not be read, written to, deleted, or modified in any way.

If this doesn't suit your fancy, you can gain finer-grained control by expanding the Details section of the Ownership & Permissions pane, as shown in Figure 11.2.

Figure 11.2. The Details section of the Get Info window allows you finer-grained control over the permissions.

Here, there are three levels of access you can adjust:

  • Owner— The person who owns a file. Most files on a default Mac OS X installation are owned by a system user. You own files that you create.

  • Group— By default, you are a member of your own group (with the same name as your username). Chapter 20 discusses the creation of additional groups.

  • Others— Users who are not the owner and not part of the default group.

For each of these levels of access, there are multiple user rights. Adjusting these rights controls what the owner, group, and everyone else can do to a file or folder. These don't give quite the range of options available through chmod, but are good for many common uses. When viewing the file information for a folder, the window also shows an Apply to Enclosed Items button that copies all the access rights on the folder to the files underneath. If a folder has read permission turned off, the files inside the folder may still be accessed or modified unless they too have read permission removed.

A final setting exists for nonboot (storage) volumes. If a disk is selected while viewing permission information, an Ignore Ownership on This Volume check box appears. Clicking this box causes the volume to appear as open and unrestricted to the operating system, regardless of what permissions might have previously been applied to a system. Users of your system can modify anything on the drive. Activating this setting is not recommended, but it's sometimes necessary, especially when porting data over from a machine with different users. Keep this in mind when thinking about your files and security—just because you've set your permissions to deny access to other users, are they really secure? Not if potentially nosy users can get their hands on your drive, and attach it to their own system. Your system-level security settings are only as good as your physical security for the device.

Controlling a File's Ownership

Sometimes it's necessary (or useful) to change the users who have control or access to a file. This can be accomplished by changing the file's individual owner or changing the group to which the file belongs. Only root can change a file's ownership, but the owner a file can change its group to any valid group in which she is a member.

Controlling a File's Primary Ownership: chown

Changing the ownership of a file (possible only for the root user) is accomplished using the chown command. The usage is chown <newowner>[:<newgroup>] file. That is, if root wants to change the ownership of a file named test1 so that it is now owned by joray, it might be done like this:

brezup:root testing # ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r--   1 ray  ray  0 Jan  3 20:34 test1
-rw-r--r--   1 ray  ray  0 Jan  3 20:34 test2

brezup:root testing # chown joray test1
brezup:root testing # ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r--   1 joray  ray  0 Jan  3 20:34 test1
-rw-r--r--   1 ray    ray  0 Jan  3 20:34 test2

If root would also like to change test2, and simultaneously change the group associated with the file to the staff group, this could be done like this:

brezup:root testing # chown joray:staff test2
brezup:root testing # ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r--   1 joray  ray    0 Jan  3 20:34 test1
-rw-r--r--   1 joray  staff  0 Jan  3 20:34 test2

chown also takes several optional command-line flags that control its behavior similarly to the chmod flags. That is, optionally causing it to recursively descend directory trees, and controlling its behavior with respect to symbolic links. The command documentation table for chown is shown in Table 11.2.

Table 11.2. The Command Syntax for chown
chmodChanges file modes.
 chown [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fhv] <owner>[:<group>] <file1> ...
 chmod [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fhv] :group <file1> ...
-RRecursively descends through directory arguments to change file ownership.
-HIf -R is specified, symbolic links on the command line are followed. Symbolic links encountered in tree traversal are not followed.
-LIf -R is specified, all symbolic links are followed.
-PIf -R is specified, no symbolic links are followed.
-hIf a file is a symbolic link, change the ownership of the link, rather than of the target of the link.
The -H, -L and -P options are ignored unless the -R option is specified.
The <owner> and <group> parameters can be either names (as in the short name for the user or the group name), or the corresponding numeric IDs. Matches are attempted on name before ID, so if a name is entirely numeric and overlaps an existing numeric ID, the value is interpreted as the name rather than as the ID value.

Controlling a File's Group Ownership: chgrp

As mentioned in Chapter 8, a user may belong to multiple different groups. How these groups are created and managed will be covered in Chapter 20. Each of the groups that are configured on a system, and that a user might belong to, may have different purposes on the system; for example, allowing groups of individual users to collaborate on projects, and allowing some users to belong to multiple different project groups.

By default in Tiger, a new group is created for each individual user, and each normal user belongs only to that group. This is in contrast to more traditional Unix systems where there are “class of user”–type groups, such as Users, Staff, and Guests, and typical users are all members of a common group (in addition to any other groups they may belong to), allowing their permissions to be managed collectively. The “each user gets a group” philosophy seems to have been dragged in by the recent Linux explosion, where this idea was made popular. It is not a favorite of administrators who like to keep their machines organized and manageable, but it does provide significant flexibility if you have users who each want to have an individualized list of buddies with specialized access to their files.

A user who is a member of a group can access files that have that same group as their group owner. Unlike with some real-life groups of people, each user can simultaneously participate in all groups of which they are a member, no matter how many groups that might be. This makes perfect sense for accessing files—you can access a file that belongs to any group of which you are a member at any time.

Creating new files is a little more confusing. A file has only one group ownership, so there has to be some way of determining which of the many groups you belong to the new file gets created as belonging to. In current BSD-derived versions of Unix, this determination is based on the group ownership of the directory you're in. Whatever group owns the directory you're working in, this is the group to which any files you create in the directory will have their group ownership set. This is true regardless of whether you are actually a member of this group.

In addition to being created as belonging to the group owner of the current directory, group ownership of a file can be further controlled by the file's owner. The owner of a file has the ability to change the group ownership of a file to any group to which the owner belongs. Issuing chgrp <groupname> <filename> switches the group ownership of <filename> to <groupname>, assuming that you are a member of <groupname>. Table 11.3 shows the command syntax and most interesting options for chgrp. The complete documentation is shown in the online Appendix.

Table 11.3. The Command Syntax and Most Interesting Options for chgrp
chgrpChanges group ownership for a file or directory.
chgrp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fhv] <group> <file1> <file2> ...
-RRecursively descends through directory arguments to change the group ID.
-HIf -R is specified, symbolic links on the command line are followed. Symbolic links encountered in tree traversal are not followed.
-LIf -R is specified, all symbolic links are followed.
-PIf -R is specified, no symbolic links are followed.
-hIf the <file> is a symbolic link, change the group ID of the link instead of the target file.
Unless -h, -H, or -L is specified, chgrp on symbolic links exits with no error and has no effect.
The -H, -L, and -P options are ignored unless -R is specified. These options also override each other, so the last one specified on the command line determines the action taken by the command.
The group may be either a numeric group ID or a group name. If a group name exists for a group ID, the associated group name is used for the group.
The user invoking chgrp must belong to the specified group and be the owner of the file, or be the super user.
Unless invoked by the super user, chgrp clears the set-user-id and set-group-id bits.

Controlling the Special Flags: chflags

To modify the special flags, you use the chflags command. It's not at all clear what Apple is using the special flags for at the moment, although we do know that the Finder's locked status of a file sets the immutable bit on the Unix side. To make matters even more confusing than the lack of documentation makes things, the behavior in Tiger is (at least with the developer preview) different than the behavior under earlier versions of Mac OS X. In Tiger, it appears that the system-immutable flag (the immutable flag as set by root) is either disabled or broken. In a sense, this is a good thing. Under earlier versions of Mac OS X (and possibly under Tiger as well, if this turns out to be a bug, rather than a feature), the system immutable flag could create a file that was not changeable by anyone, ever. For example, using Panther

brezup:ray testing 141$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r--  1 ray  staff  -   0 Jun 27 14:22 test
-rw-r--r--  1 ray  staff  -   0 Jun 27 14:22 test2
brezup:ray testing 142$ su


Note the use of the su command here to switch user IDs to become root. By default, the prompt changes to include a trailing # rather than the normal $, %, or > character when you're working as root. Also notice that the history command number switches from the command number in my history, to the command number for root's command history when I'm working as the root user.

Always remember to exit from the root subshell when you're finished working as root. If you prefer, you could use sudo to execute these commands instead of switching user IDs to the root user. There are arguments for and against either method, which are discussed in more detail directly following this section.

brezup:root testing 21# chflags schg test
brezup:root testing 22# ls -ol
total 0
-rw-r--r--  1 ray  staff  schg 0 Jun 27 14:22 test
-rw-r--r--  1 ray  staff  -    0 Jun 27 14:22 test2
brezup:root testing 23# chflags noschg test
chflags: test: Operation not permitted
brezup:root testing 24# rm test
override rw-r--r--  ray/staff for test? y
rm: test: Operation not permitted
brezup:root testing 25# exit
brezup:ray testing 143$ 

The immutable flag is a relatively recent Unix invention and indicates that the file cannot be changed. It's clear from the example that immutable really means just that: Even root can't delete the file, and what's more, root can't even remove the system immutable flag after it has been set. If a user sets a user-immutable flag (uchg instead of schg), under previous version of Mac OS X the user can neither unset nor remove the flag, but root can remove the file using rm, whereas in Tiger, both the user and root can (correctly) use chflags nouchg to remove the user immutable flag.

Under Tiger (developer preview), the chflags schg command has no effect, even though it's documented as having one. On one hand, this prevents the file from landing in this limbo state where even root can't touch it again. On the other, it removes the ability to create truly immutable files. We don't know which is the larger problem. Even if Apple has removed the ability to set system-immutable flags for all future version of Mac OS X, the issue is still one that will have to be dealt with in any heterogeneous environment, or on any system where a previous version of Mac OS X has been installed.

When this bit is successfully set using Mac OS X 10.3 or earlier, even booting back into Mac OS 9.2 and trying to unlock the file from a Get Info dialog in Finder turns out to be insufficient. The only successful route that we've found thus far is to remove the locked flag by using the venerable ResEdit program!

We don't really recommend experimenting with the chflags command much because it has the potential to make a real mess of things, and there's no documentation of what Apple is using the rest of the flags for. We've included the syntax and more interesting options in Table 11.4, in case you should run across command examples using this in the future, as adventurous hackers pry the secrets out of Mac OS X.

Table 11.4. The Command Syntax and Most Interesting Options for chflags
chflagsChanges file flags.
chflags [-R [-H | -L | -P]] <flags> <file1> <file2> ...
-RRecursively descends through directory arguments to change file flags.
-HIf -R is specified, symbolic links on the command line are followed. Symbolic links encountered in tree traversal are not followed.
-LIf -R is specified, all symbolic links are followed.
-PIf -R is specified, no symbolic links are followed.
Symbolic links do not have flags. Unless -H or -L is specified, chflags on a symbolic link always succeeds and has no effect. -H, -L, and -P options are ignored unless -R is specified. Furthermore, -H, -L, and -P override each other. The last option specified determines the action taken.
<flags> is a comma-separated list of keywords. Currently available keywords are as follows:
archSets the archived flag (super user only).
opaqueSets the opaque flag (owner or super user only).
nodumpSets the nodump flag, which tells the dump archiving system to overlook the file when archiving (owner or super user only).
sappndSets the system append-only flag, which allows the file to be added to, but not overwritten (super user only).
schgSets the system immutable flag (super user only).
uappndSets the user append-only flag (owner or super user only).
uchgSets the user immutable flag (owner or super user only).
Prepending the letters no to a flag turns off the flag.

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