An Introduction to Create ML

The intention of this book has been to explore ways to apply machine learning on the iPhone, specifically focusing on computer vision tasks. Even with this narrow focus, we have only scratched the surface of what is currently possible. But, hopefully, we've covered enough to spark your curiosity and provided enough intuition behind the details of machine learning models to help you on your journey to build intelligent apps. 

This chapter is intended as a primer into continuing that journey by introducing Create ML, a tool released with Core ML 2 that provides an easy way to create some common models using custom data. Even though we only provide a high-level introduction, specifically around computer vision, it still should be enough to help you make use of it in your own applications. 

By the end of this chapter, you will have:

  • Revised the machine learning workflow 
  • Appreciated the importance of splitting your data into sets for training and validation
  • Used Create ML to create a custom image classifier 
  • Seen other tools and frameworks to continue your journey 

Let's begin by reviewing a typical machine learning workflow. 

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