Tomorrow's Magnetic Business

Here are a few truths that we all need to know about the future of business and what it means to my business and yours:

The Pace of Change Will Increase

This goes into the “duh” category of what we already know, but it's vitally important to you in terms of your ability to make choices and decisions and then be able to move on to the next choices and decisions very quickly.

The speed at which changes will take place is what gives truth to the maxim “fail quickly.” We have to be willing to make a decision quickly, learn from our failures, and move on to the next decision.

Here is what's going to be more challenging for you—to make a decision that succeeds and move on to the next decision instead of basking in the glow of your success. You may understand the market right now, but guess what? The market just changed. Tomorrow it will change again.

Be nimble. Be quick.

Your Customers Just Changed

You think you know your customers. Consider this:

  • Your customers just got smarter. They know more about you, your product or service, and your competition than they did yesterday. It's right there on their smartphones.
  • Your customers' financial situations changed this week.
  • People got married. People got jobs. People graduated. How does that affect you?
  • Some of your customers have talked with your competition since they last talked with you. What does that mean to you?
  • Something at some business just knocked your customers' socks off. It was a business that has nothing to do with what you do, but your customer will now expect that same level of value, service, or attention from you.

If You Make Customers or Potential Customers Wait, You Lose

Period. It has become the unforgivable sin in business. Your customer used to want it now. Then they wanted it yesterday. Now they want it day before yesterday. How fast are you? How quick? Think long and hard about this one. It's a very, very big deal.

Your Customers Are Superconnected

That connection makes them superdemanding. Your support and service systems have to be at least as good as your product or initial service. Your ability to answer customer questions and resolve problems has to evolve continuously. What was considered good service six months ago will get you fired today.

Every Person in Your Organization Must Have a Customer Focus

Let's go straight to the cheesy-sounding truth: Without customers, there is no reason for any job to exist. None. Your organization must become one big customer-focused machine, and all of the parts must function together to make each customer happy. What keeps the positive customer word-of-mouth business growth machine running is quite simply happy customers.

You Have to Change from Talking to the Market to Talking with the Market

Advertising and traditional marketing still have a place. Sometimes it's vitally important. But what's going to become more important is to have meaningful conversations with your customers. We've now got the capability to have real-time conversations with customers anywhere, any time of day. Use it. Your competition's going to.

Sell Me Stuff I Want

Years ago I was working with a group, and we had a discussion about companies that we really liked. One guy said his favorite company was Home Depot. I asked him why, and he said, “Because they sell me stuff I want.” That's a good place to be—selling people stuff they want. Don't make the mistake of having to talk people into wanting what you sell. Sell them what they want. IKEA sends hundreds of their people into the homes of their customers for the express purpose of finding out how they live and what they want. Then they make it and sell it to them. Not physics.

Don't Appeal to a Demographic. Appeal to Me.

Whoever is best at marketing, selling, and communicating one on one with customers will win. Marketing to demographics is a really, really “old thinking” way to compete.

Having the Right Technology Is Great. Having the Right People Is Better.

You can't automate caring about people. No technology can make up for employees whose hearts aren't into their work and their customers. Hire the right people then give them the technology they need to make customers happy.

“Simple and Easy” Is the New Added Value

I'm a broken record about this. If you can make buying a car easier for me than another car dealer selling the exact same car, I will pay you for that added value.

If you've never thought about simplicity and ease of doing business as key elements in your value proposition, think again.

Use Video

People like little movies. They really like them a lot. Use video to tell your story, educate your employees and customers, show them how to solve problems, and sometimes use video just to have fun. Remember to keep your little movies little. Attention spans are almost nonexistent.

Win on the Basics

This is the eternal, everlasting, overriding truth: Whoever wins on the basics wins.

It's very difficult to do. You have to be really smart and really, really good. If you're not really smart and really good, then you're going to have to resort to gimmicks. (It won't work.)

Get really good at what you do. Be better than your competition at it. Make customers happy. They'll talk about you to people who will become your new customers.

You'll be a magnet.

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