Volume 09

Make: technology on your time


Shock and Awe Journey to the outer limits of belief in our special fringe technology section.

ON THE COVER: Kirlian Photo of a Coin

Jasper Nance, who took the cover photo, writes that “the light you see during a Kirlian discharge comes from an electric field ionizing the air and parts of your Kirlian subject. The charged air gives off intense heat and ultraviolet radiation as well as visible light.” (See page 66.)

Special Fringe Section

Patently Curious

Physicist Tom Valone looks at technologies most scientists consider junk. By Charles Platt

In Search of Psi

A boy and his Hieronymus Machine. By Charles Platt

The Music of Chance

Roger Nelson’s Global Consciousness Project searches for meaning in random numbers. By Bob Parks

Digital Kirlian Photography

Shooting auras without film. By John Iovine

Reinventing the Square Wheel

Unlimited allure: the perennial search for perpetual motion. By Donald E. Simanek

Masonic Conspiracy Revealed!

When engineering culture detaches from reality. By Paul Spinrad


KIRCHER’S CLOCK As if by magic, a floating fish points at the current hour on a rotating globe of the Earth.

The Essential Strangeness of Time

Reconstructing Athanasius Kircher’s magnetic clock. By Jonah Peretti



Why it sometimes pays to look beyond the limits. By Mark Frauenfelder

News From the Future

The future of media is the future of thinking. By Tim O’Reilly

Make Free

In order to “protect intellectual property,” bandits are willing to take away your rights to your property. By Cory Doctorow

Hands On

How Mark Twain couldn’t make it as a venture angel. By Bruce Sterling

Art Work

The joy of YDKEWYGUYGI. By Douglas Repetto

Heirloom Technology

Make your own hammock in less time than it takes to read this article. By Tim Anderson

Making Trouble

Don’t worry, no one is going to steal your secrets. By Saul Griffith

Citizen Scientist

Detect cosmic rays in a basketball case. By Dr. Shawn


Emulate an Apple II on a Palm device. By Tom Owad


High-tensile fastenings stand the test of time. By George Dyson

Vol. 09, March 2007. MAKE (ISSN 1556-2336) is published quarterly by O’Reilly Media, Inc. in the months of March, May, August, and November. O’Reilly Media is located at 1005 Gravenstein Hwy. North, Sebastopol, CA 95472, (707) 827-7000. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Send all subscription requests to MAKE, P.O. Box 17046, North Hollywood, CA 91615-9588 or subscribe online at makezine.com/offer or via phone at (866) 289-8847 (U.S. and Canada), all other countries call (818) 487-2037. Subscriptions are available for $34.95 for 1 year (4 quarterly issues) in the United States; in Canada: $39.95 USD; all other countries: $49.95 USD. Periodicals Postage Paid at Sebastopol, CA, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to MAKE, P.O. Box 17046, North Hollywood, CA 91615-9588.

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