Getting acquainted with the anatomy of AngularJS

In AngularJS applications, view is the Document Object Model (DOM), controllers are the JavaScript functions, and the model data keeps object properties. We need to understand that MVC is needed for many reasons. First, it offers you a mental model for where to place what; therefore, you do not need to invent it each time. Other people collaborating on your project will take a moment to understand what you've written, as they may perceive that you have victimized the MVC structure because you have added your code. Maybe most significantly, we'll claim that it delivers nice edges in creating your app easier to grow, maintain, and test.

AngularJS is constructed around the belief that declarative programming ought to be used to build user interfaces and wire software package components, whereas imperative programming is great for expressing business logic. The framework adapts and extends ancient HTML to raise and serve dynamic content through two-way data binding that permits the automated synchronization of models and views. As a result, AngularJS de-emphasizes DOM's manipulation and improves its testability and performance.

Separation of the HTML DOM (view) from the application logic (controller) improves the testability of the code in the following way:

  • Regard application testing to be of equal importance to application writing. Testing issue is dramatically laid low with the method with which the code is structured.
  • Decouple the client side of the associate degree application from the server side. This permits development work to progress in parallel and permits recycling of either side.
  • Provides structure for the journey of building associate degree application from planning the UI, through writing the business logic, to testing.

A typical collaboration of the MVC elements is shown in the following figure:

Getting acquainted with the anatomy of AngularJS

The MVC pattern brings modularity to application developers and it enables:

  • Reusable and extendable code
  • Separation of view logic from business logic
  • Allows simultaneous work between developers who are responsible for different components (such as UI layer and core logic)
  • Code that is easier to maintain

When we quote views and controllers, their possession itself explains the separation. The views are simply the presentation type of the associate application; it doesn't have to be compelled to specifically concerning the requests that return from the controller. The model is independent of view and controllers; it solely holds the business entities that will be passed to any view by the controller, as required, for exposing them to the end user. The controller is independent of views and models. Its sole purpose is to handle requests and to pass them on as per the routes outlined and as per the necessity of the rendering views. Therefore, our business entities (model), business logic (controller), and presentation logic (view) layers are independent of every alternative.


The model is where the application's data objects are stored. The model doesn't apprehend anything regarding views and controllers. Once a model changes, usually it will give its observers notice that a modification has occurred. A model contains data that represents this state during the application's lifecycle. The model doesn't have direct access to the view or controller. Any modification within the model gets transmitted to the view through the controller. This allows the model to be separated from the view and controller, which helps reusability and quantifiability of the code. We will use an identical model to transmit data to totally different views throughout an application's data request. Views show this data. Controllers manage the link between your model and your views. Models store data, which is often dynamic data from a database; otherwise, you can even get data from a static JSON file, which is the business entity on which the general application operates. Several applications use a persistent storage mechanism (such as a database) to store data. MVC doesn't specifically mention the data access layer; as a result, it's encapsulated by the model. The following is the code example of the JSON data:

    $scope.meal=  {
        'breakfast'   :   'Orange Juice',
        'Lunch'       :   'Fruit Salad',
        'Dinner'      :   'Vegetable Rice'


A view is what's bestowed on the users and the way users interact with the application. The view is formed with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other templates. Views show a model's information by using double curly brackets to bind expressions to elements, as shown in the following example. A view would get information from the meal variable that holds the JSON data for breakfast. The code example for view is as follows:

<h1> {{meal.breakfast}} </h1>


The controller is the decision maker and also the glue between a model and view. The controller updates the view when the model changes. Additionally, it adds event listeners to the view and updates the model when the user manipulates the view. Controllers can be used to manage a model and data can be retrieved as well as flaunted to the end user. Wrap the model during a controller function, as shown in the following example:

var app = angular.module('myApp'),
app.controller('ctrlFood', function ($scope) {
<div ng-controller = "ctrlFood"></div>

A div tag holds a controller directive. Note that ctrlFood in ng-controller= "ctrlFood" is same as the function name.

The AngularJS design pattern

AngularJS looks like a traditional markup language with some new markup features that are known as templates. Once an AngularJS template starts the application, it parses and processes this new markup from the markup language (template). The markup is named as directives and we'll discuss this in detail in Chapter 2, Learning AngularJS Binding and Directives. Directives apply special behavior to markup language components. As an example, the ng-app attribute is coupled with a directive that mechanically initializes the application. AngularJS additionally defines a directive for the input components that add additional behavior to the element. As an example, the ng-model directive stores or updates the value of the input element.

Another reasonable markup utilized in HTML is the double curly braces filter. Once the page is loaded and it is encountered with this markup, it'll be replaced with the evaluated value of the markup. An expression in HTML may be a JavaScript-like code snippet that permits reading and writing of the variables. These variables don't seem to be global variables. AngularJS provides a scope, which is an object that refers to the application model. It's an execution context for expressions. Scopes are organized in gradable structures that mimic the DOM structure of the application. The markup additionally contains a filter; a filter formats the value of an expression in order to display it for the user. They will be utilized in view templates, controllers, or services, and it's a straightforward task to define your own filter. The vital issue is that AngularJS provides live bindings. Whenever the input values are modified, the values of the expressions are automatically recalculated and the DOM is updated with their values. The construct behind this is often the two-way data binding that we are going to discuss intimately in Chapter 2, Learning AngularJS Binding and Directives.

An example code for a web page that takes your name and favorite car as input and then displays it to the reader with a counter for the car is shown as follows:

<html ng-app="myApp">
<script src="angular.js"></script>
<script src="AngularControllers.js"></script>

<h1><u>Mastering AngularJS for .Net Developer</u></h1>
<div ng-controller="myController">

<inputtype="text"placeholder="Please enter name"ng-model="name">

<h4ng-show="name">Hello! <b>{{name}}</b> select your favorite car 
from dropdown</h4>

<optionvalue="">Please select car</option>

<span style="font-weight:normal">{{name}} your favorite car is 

<spanng-show="countCarSelectionChanged> 0">You change your 
favorite car {{countCarSelectionChanged}} times.


Our logic for AngularControllers.js is as follows:

var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller("myController", function ($scope) {
    $scope.countCarSelectionChanged = 0;

    $scope.onCarSelectionChanged = function () 



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Loading index.html into a browser will then produce what you see in the following screenshot:

The AngularJS design pattern

There are a few interesting things to note here:

  • There are no classes or IDs within the markup language to identify where to connect event listeners.
  • The myController class could be a plain JavaScript class and it doesn't inherit from something that AngularJS provides. It must be registered with AngularJS.
  • The myController class has got the $scope object that it needed without having to create it.
  • We did not have to call the myController class's constructor ourselves or figure out when to call it.
  • When CarSelectionChanged is called using the ng-change directive, it will set the count of your favorite car, which was selected. We didn't have to register any event listeners or write any callbacks.

In the preceding code example, to select your favorite car as input in line 1, AngularJS specifies the distinctive HTML attribute, ng-app. This attribute sets the boundaries of the application and is applied on any HTML element within that boundary. The ng-app attribute within the HTML tag is the AngularJS application root element. AngularJS will parse the markup delimited by the application root element and look for any ng- prefixed elements, attributes, or CSS classes. It will match some regular HTML tags, such as input, and select them if they contain the ng- prefixed attributes or CSS classes. These entities will then be mapped to the instances of special AngularJS directives.

The directives are accustomed to adding dynamic behavior to HTML content and introducing a strong, useful, and declarative user interface definition language. All HTML components in an AngularJS application will be related to at least one instance of a scope. A scope links the view, by HTML elements to the code behind the view and during this example by directives. The scope object is initialized and owned by AngularJS components, and also, the view solely references properties and functions of the scope object. The applying root elements will be related to the initial scope of the application. This primary scope is named the root scope, and any AngularJS application can have a minimum of one scope, which is the instance of the root scope.

In the preceding example, ng-controller introduces a directive that maps an AngularJS object called controller to the HTML section delimited by the current element. The controller is defined in the AngularControllers.js script, which is a globally accessible function. We call this function the controller constructor function. Note that the $scope parameter represents the current scope instance. This parameter gets initialized automatically by AngularJS; so, when the controller constructor function is executed, the scope is available and ready to use. Declaring a parameter in a component definition and expecting AngularJS to automatically provide it is the signature of the dependency injection mechanism. The controller will be discussed in Chapter 2, Learning AngularJS Binding and Directives.

The scope passed to the controller is also attached to the view represented by the HTML element with the ng-controller attribute. The controller and view share data through the model represented by the scope instance. Any property defined on the controller scope will also be visible to the HTML view.

In the preceding example, the <input> HTML element used the ng-model="name" directive, which holds the value of the <input> element. Another directive, ng-show="name" is used in the <h4> HTML element, which will show the <h4> element as soon as the user starts typing in the <input> element. The <h4> element will show the value of the ng-model of the <input> HTML element using {{name}} in <h4>.

The controller name, myController is declared and the $scope parameter is injected in the controller, as shown in AngularControllers.js. We will explain line 1 of the code file later in this book. This example also illustrates the first property, carChangedCount of the controller. The initially assigned value to carChangedCount is zero. The onCarSelectionChanged property is used to declare a function. This function will increment the first property, carChangedCount by 1 when it is called.

The onCarSelectionChanged property will evaluate the expression value of the attribute every time the selection changes. We can see that it is called in the example in the <select> element of HTML. The <select> element also uses the ng-model="selectedCar" directive, which will hold the value of a user's selection from the drop-down list. Another directive, ng-show is also used. This directive will show the {{name}} text your favorite cars, <b>{{selectedCar}}</b>. Here, {{name}} and {{selectedCar}} are the values from the <input> element and the <select> elements of HTML.

The ng-show directive is used with a condition. It will show the value of the countCarSelectionChanged model property if it is greater than 0.

The following figure shows the data flow of the preceding code example:

The AngularJS design pattern

The following is a description of how AngularJS interacts with browsers:

  • The browser loads the HTML and parses it into a DOM
  • The browser loads the angular.js script
  • AngularJS waits for the DOMContentLoaded event
  • AngularJS looks for the ng-app directive, which designates the application boundary
  • The module specified in ng-app (if any) is used to configure $injector
  • The ng-init directive assigns a value to the name property on the scope
  • The {{name}} property interpolates the expression to the application

Notable built-in directives

AngularJS directives enable developers to specify custom and reusable hypertext markup language tags that moderate the behavior of certain elements. Some of the directives are as follows:




This is the root element of the application that allows behaviors to be modified through custom HTML tags.


This changes the text of an element to the value of an expression. The <span ng bind="name"></span> expression will display the value of name inside the span. Any changes to name are reflected instantly in the DOM anywhere that the variable is used.


This is similar to ng-bind, but allows two-way data binding between the view and scope.


This allows you to tune how model updates are done.


This allows class attributes to load dynamically.


This specifies a JavaScript controller class that evaluates HTML expressions.


This instantiates an element once per item from a collection.

ng-show and ng-hide

This conditionally shows or hides an element depending on the value of a Boolean expression. Show and hide is achieved by setting the CSS display style.


This conditionally instantiates one template from a set of choices depending on the value of a selection expression.


This is the base directive responsible for handling routes that resolve JSON before rendering templates driven by specified controllers.


This is the basic if statement directive. When the condition is false, the element is removed from the DOM. When true, a clone of the compiled element is reinserted.

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