Layout strengths and weaknesses

We've walked through an overview of many layouts in this chapter and provided a number of external links for those who wish to learn the full technical details of a specific algorithm. What we have not done to this point is compare these approaches to give you a bit of guidance in how and when to use various layouts, and what their relative strengths and weaknesses are. The following table will attempt to remedy this, giving you a fairly high level overview across a few broad categories. Remember, there are few absolutes in this space, and there are no substitutes for trial and error and visual evaluation, but it is hoped that the following will provide some guidance as you evaluate various layouts:

Algorithm name




When to use




Circular layout


This is simple, easy to interpret, and easy to set parameters

This is limited to small networks for easy viewing; it has potential for excessive edge crossing

This layout can be used in cases where you have a particular order in mind for the data—by clusters, size, and so on

Concentric layout


This is good for focusing on a single node within a network

This is not ideal for large diameter networks as graph size increases geometrically

This is useful for featuring a single node at the center and displaying their neighbors in descending order from direct to distant

DAG layout


Ordering hierarchical data

This is impractical for very large networks

This can be used in cases where you wish to see levels of data in a top to bottom order

Dual Circle layout


This has the ability to focus on a group of nodes within the larger network

This layout results in very large networks that might create viewing issues

This layout can be used in instances where a second circle is desirable to focus on a limited group of nodes

Force Atlas


This includes many options and has a high level of accuracy

This can be very slow and is not suited to large networks

This layout is useful for network analysis and discovery, and for measuring network behavior

Force Atlas 2


This is faster than original Force Atlas and handles very large networks

This suffers slightly on overall accuracy

This is used as a good tool for network analysis and discovery, and for detecting behavioral patterns



This is accurate, and tends to be easy for viewers

This is very slow and not suited for large networks

This is good for a generalized view of small-to medium-sized networks

Geo layout


This uses lat/lon data for geo-based networks

This is limited to geographic data, and must have lat/lon attributes

This can be used with any geo-based data

Hiveplot layout


This provides a good solution for network hairballs by spreading connections along radial axes

Can be difficult to see interactions within groups along each axis

This is ideal for viewing cross-group interactions in small-to medium-sized networks

Isometric layout


Adds third (z) dimension to help spread crowded networks

More difficult to determine relative positioning of nodes within the larger network

Useful for cases where the network has natural groupings or layers

Layered layout


This is an easy way to view a network with distinct layering patterns based on clusters or groupings

This has very few options for setting layer behavior and layout

Useful for simple graph creation where layers are a key part of the story

Maps of Countries


This provides a background of countries and regions for use with other networks; this also works with lat/lon overlays

This requires country-level data to be useful

This is used in cases where national affiliations are part of the story—perhaps author networks or research collaborations

Multipartite layout


Minimizes edge crossings, best suited to multitier network structures

This has few options to customize the graph

This is best used when the network data shows linkages between individuals and organizations or other level of aggregation

Network Splitter 3D


This adds a third (z) dimension to help in viewing crowded networks with natural layers

This separates layers, making it more difficult to perceive the whole network

This is ideal for splitting crowded networks along a specific criteria, such as clusters or groups



This is very fast, and can handle large networks

This is not highly accurate on smaller networks

This is used for a rapid understanding of large network structure

Radial Axis layout


This is flexible, and is a good layout for clustered datasets

This can be challenging with large networks, and is not ideal for viewing intragroup connections

This is ideal for viewing connections across groups

Yifan Hu


This is fast compared to other force-directed algorithms

This lacks separate repulsion and attraction variables

This has an easy to understand approach for rapidly viewing small to medium networks

Yifan Hu Proportional


This handles relatively large networks; and has fast graph creation

This has moderate quality versus other force-based layouts

This has an easy to understand approach for rapidly viewing small-to-medium networks

Yifan Hu Multilevel


This handles very large graphs, fast

Quality is sacrificed as a trade-off for processing speed

Very fast method for viewing large networks

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